Nama asli : Katheryn Elizabeth HudsonTanggal lahir : 25 Oktober 1984 L terjemahan - Nama asli : Katheryn Elizabeth HudsonTanggal lahir : 25 Oktober 1984 L Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Nama asli : Katheryn Elizabeth Huds

Nama asli : Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
Tanggal lahir : 25 Oktober 1984
Lahir di : Santa Barbara, California, AS
Zodiac : Scorpio
Terkenal sejak merilis single "I Kissed a Girl" (2008)

Lahir 25 Oktober 1984 di Santa Barbara, California, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson yang akrab disapa Katy Perry merupakan putri pasangan pastor Keith Hudson dan Mary Hudson. Katy memiliki dua saudara yakni Angela Hudson (kakak) dan David Hudson (adik). Sejak berusia sembilan tahun, Katy telah menunjukkan bakat menyanyinya. Dia kerap bernyanyi di gereja binaan Keith dan Mary. Katy dididik dengan keras oleh ibunya dan hanya diperbolehkan mendengarkan lagu rohani. Selain menyanyi, Katy juga piawai menari. Beranjak dewasa, Katy membulatkan tekad untuk berkarir di bidang musik. Katy kemudian keluar dari sekolahnya dan meneruskan pendidikan di Music Academy of the West di Santa Barbara. Katy juga mempelajari opera Italia untuk memperdalam kemampuan menyanyinya.

Di usia 15, Katy telah merilis debut album bertema rohani yang mengusung aliran rock berjudul "Katy Hudson" (2001). Saat itu dia menyandang nama panggung Katy Hudson. Sayangnya, debut album Katy gagal di pasaran. Setelah label rekaman yang menaungi Katy, Red Hill, bangkrut, Katy mulai mempertimbangkan untuk mengganti aliran musik. Menandai perubahan dirinya, Katy juga mengganti nama belakangnya menjadi Perry. Nama tersebut diambil dari nama gadis ibunya. Selain ingin menampilkan sosok yang berbeda, Katy mengganti nama belakangnya agar tidak bernama sama dengan aktris Kate Hudson.

Perjuangan Katy sebagai penyanyi masihlah panjang dan berliku. Ketika anak muda seusianya masih asyik bersenang-senang, Katy harus meninggalkan kampung halamannya ke Los Angeles untuk bekerja keras mewujudkan impiannya. Suatu hari, seorang penyanyi bernama Glen Ballard dari label Island Def Jam Music Group mengajak Katy berkolaborasi di album barunya. Album tersebut seharusnya beredar tahun 2005. Namun, tanpa alasan yang jelas pihak label rekaman batal merilis album tersebut.

Kegagalannya itu tak membuat Katy patah semangat. Dia pun memposting beberapa single kolaborasi dengan Glen seperti "Box", "Diamonds" dan "Long Shot" di halaman MySpace miliknya. Nama Katy baru mulai dikenal ketika salah satu single duetnya dengan Glen, "Simple", berhasil masuk dalam album soundtrack film remaja "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". Di sela-sela perjalanan karirnya, Katy sempat menjajal kemampuan sebagai bintang video musik beberapa band dan grup terkenal seperti video musik single P.O.D., "Goodbye for Now", dan video musik single grup hip hop Gym Class Heroes, "Cupid's Chokehold".

Kerja keras Katy ternyata tak sia-sia, tahun 2007 dia berhasil menandatangani kontrak dengan label rekaman Capitol Music. Setahun kemudian, Katy merilis album pertamanya sebagai penyanyi pop, "One of the Boys" (2008). Keberuntungan Katy tak berhenti sampai disitu. Namanya semakin melejit saat dua single pamungkas dari album pertamanya itu, "I Kissed a Girl" dan "Hot N Cold" berhasil meraih nominasi Grammy untuk kategori Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Single "I Kissed a Girl" bahkan terpilih sebagai single pop terfavorit lewat ajang penghargaan yang tayang di Stasiun TV CBS, People's Choice Awards 2009.

Tahun 2010, Katy telah merampungkan album terbarunya "Teenage Dream". Rencananya album tersebut akan dirilis pada 24 Agustus nanti. Terkait album tersebut, Katy menjagokan "California Gurls" sebagai single andalan. Menurut Katy, single tersebut merupakan pembuktian janji Katy untuk membuat single yang mengangkat potensi kota asalnya California. Sebelumnya, Katy mengungkapkan kalau dia ingin membuat single tandingan bagi single Jay-Z dan Alicia Keys, "Empire State of Mind". Dalam single "California Gurls", Katy membawakan lagunya bersama rapper Snoop Dogg. Ini merupakan kerjasama pertama mereka. Untuk irama musiknya, Katy mengusung aliran house musik dan terinspirasi dari karya-karya musisi senior Prince. Sementara penggarapan single dan aransemen musiknya dipercayakan pada duo produser, Max Martin dan Dr Luke, yang juga pernah memproduseri single hits Katy, "I Kissed a Girl".

Untuk video musik single pamungkas "California Gurls", Katy yang selalu kreatif menampilkan sebuah negeri bernuansa permen berwarna-warni. Dalam video musik itu, Katy memerankan karakter putri di negeri Candyfornia yang mencoba menyelamatkan para gadis dari cengkeraman penguasa jahat yang diperankan Snoop. Saat beraksi, Snoop mencoba menggagalkan usaha penyelamatan itu melalui papan permainan yang digunakan Snoop sebagai alat pengendali kehidupan di Candyfornia. Selain aksi petualangan Katy dan para gadis, video musik arahan sutradara Mathew Cullen tersebut juga tak lupa menampilkan ciri khas Katy yang selalu berpenampilan seksi dengan memperlihatkan sosoknya yang mengenakan bikini berbentuk cupcake. Katy bahkan berani tampil telanjang sambil berbaring diantara awan-awan merah muda. Seiring dengan kesuksesannya sebagai penyanyi, Katy pun mulai berambisi menjajal kemampuan akting. Rencananya, Katy akan unjuk kebolehan sebagai pengisi suara karakter Smurfette di film yang akan dirilis pada 2011 mendatang, "The Smurfs".

Hampir mirip dengan perjalanan karirnya, kehidupan pribadi Katy juga sarat dengan cerita. Penyanyi berusia 25 tahun tersebut pernah menjalin kasih dengan personil grup hip hop Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy, pada tahun 2008. Mereka mulai dekat sejak Katy muncul di video musik single "Cupid's Chokehold" dan tampil bersama di Warped Tour. Ironisnya, hubungan yang berjalan beberapa bulan itu akhirnya kandas pada Desember 2008 karena perbedaan visi di antara mereka. Tak butuh waktu lama bagi si seksi Katy untuk mendapatkan pujaan hati. Katy kemudian menjalin kasih dengan Russell Brand pada September 2009 lalu setelah mereka bertemu di acara MTV Video Music Awards. Tiga bulan kemudian, pasangan yang dikenal unik dan kompak ini bertunangan saat mereka berlibur di India. Kala itu, Russell melamar Katy ketika mengendarai seekor gajah India di malam Tahun Baru.

Hubungan asmara yang terbilang singkat ini berlanjut ke jenjang yang lebih serius saat Katy dan Russell mengumumkan pernikahan mereka, 23 Oktober 2010. Mereka menggelar upacara pernikahannya di resort Aman-i-Khas di Rajasthan dengan adat tradisional India yang dipadukan unsur agama Kristen. Upacara pernikahan dipimpin pendeta yang merupakan teman orang tua Katy.

"Russell Brand dan Katy Perry dengan sangat gembira mengumumkan bahwa mereka resmi menjadi Tuan dan Nyonya Brand pada Sabtu 23 Oktober," ungkap jubir Katy. "Upacara pernikahan yang digelar secara spiritual dan sangat privat ini dihadiri keluarga dan teman dekat pasangan dan dipimpin pendeta sekaligus teman keluarga mempelai."

Dalam upacara pernikahan itu, pasangan Katy dan Russell mengenakan pakaian adat India. Saat itu Katy mengenakan gaun rancangan Elie Saab warna putih keabu-abuan yang dihiasi dengan lengan berenda. Menurut salah seorang tamu, pernikahan tersebut dihias dengan nuansa ala pernikahan India. Selain itu, penari dan musisi tradisional India, 21 unta, kuda dan gajah juga disiapkan untuk memeriahkan acara pernikahan Katy dan Russell.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Real name: Katheryn Elizabeth HudsonDate of birth: 25 October 1984 Born in: Santa Barbara, California, USA Zodiac: Scorpio Known since the release of the single "I Kissed a Girl" (2008)Born October 25, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Katy Perry addressed a familiar is the daughter of the couple's pastor Keith Hudson and Mary Hudson. Katy has two siblings namely Angela Hudson (older brother) and David Hudson (sister). Since the age of nine years, Katy has shown singing talent. He often sang in church construction Keith and Mary. Katy was educated with a bang by her mother and is only allowed to listen to spiritual songs. In addition to singing, Katy is also good at dancing. Grow up, Katy strengthens for a career in music. Katy then got out of his school and continued education at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara. Katy also studied opera singing ability to deepen Italy. At the age of 15, Katy has released his debut album spiritual themed epitomised rock titled "Katy Hudson" (2001). At that time he bore the stage name Katy Hudson. Unfortunately, the debut album by Katy failed in the market. After the record label home to Katy, Red Hill, bankrupt, Katy began to consider to change the flow of the music. Mark the changes herself, Katy also changed the name back to Perry. The name was taken from his mother's maiden name. In addition to showing a different figure, Katy changed the name back to same name with actress Kate Hudson. As a singer, Katy masihlah struggle is long and winding. When a young child his age still fun fun, Katy had to leave his hometown to Los Angeles to work hard realizing his dream. One day, a singer named Glen Ballard from the label Island Def Jam Music Group invited to collaborate in his new album, Katy. The album was supposed to be launched in 2005. However, for no apparent reason the record label that released the album Cancel. The failure was not making Katy daunted. He did post some single collaboration with Glen as "Box", "Diamonds" and "Long Shot" on his MySpace page. The name Katy recently began to be known as one of the two singles with Glen, "Simple", managed to get the album soundtrack teen movies "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". On the sidelines of his trip, Perry had a chance to try your abilities as a star of the music video for some bands and famous groups like the music video single P.O.D., "Goodbye for Now", and the single's music video hip hop group Gym Class Heroes Cupid's Chokehold, "". Kerja keras Katy ternyata tak sia-sia, tahun 2007 dia berhasil menandatangani kontrak dengan label rekaman Capitol Music. Setahun kemudian, Katy merilis album pertamanya sebagai penyanyi pop, "One of the Boys" (2008). Keberuntungan Katy tak berhenti sampai disitu. Namanya semakin melejit saat dua single pamungkas dari album pertamanya itu, "I Kissed a Girl" dan "Hot N Cold" berhasil meraih nominasi Grammy untuk kategori Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Single "I Kissed a Girl" bahkan terpilih sebagai single pop terfavorit lewat ajang penghargaan yang tayang di Stasiun TV CBS, People's Choice Awards 2009. Tahun 2010, Katy telah merampungkan album terbarunya "Teenage Dream". Rencananya album tersebut akan dirilis pada 24 Agustus nanti. Terkait album tersebut, Katy menjagokan "California Gurls" sebagai single andalan. Menurut Katy, single tersebut merupakan pembuktian janji Katy untuk membuat single yang mengangkat potensi kota asalnya California. Sebelumnya, Katy mengungkapkan kalau dia ingin membuat single tandingan bagi single Jay-Z dan Alicia Keys, "Empire State of Mind". Dalam single "California Gurls", Katy membawakan lagunya bersama rapper Snoop Dogg. Ini merupakan kerjasama pertama mereka. Untuk irama musiknya, Katy mengusung aliran house musik dan terinspirasi dari karya-karya musisi senior Prince. Sementara penggarapan single dan aransemen musiknya dipercayakan pada duo produser, Max Martin dan Dr Luke, yang juga pernah memproduseri single hits Katy, "I Kissed a Girl". The music video for the single "California Gurls" pamungkas, Katy is always a creative country with colorful candy. In the music video playing the character, Katy daughter in the country the Candyfornia trying to save the girl from the clutches of an evil ruler who played Snoop. When in action, trying to thwart a rescue effort Snoop through board games that use Snoop as a means of controlling life in Candyfornia. In addition to the action adventure Katy and the girls, music video Director Mathew Cullen leads are also not forget showing typical Katy always look sexy by showing that's wearing a bikini in the shape of a cupcake. Katy even dared to appear nude while lying amongst the clouds pink. Along with his success as a singer, Katy began to try out acting ability. His plan, Katy will show the same ability as the voice of a character in a cartoon film that will be released on the upcoming 2011, "The Smurfs". Almost similar to the journey of his career, personal life, Katy is also loaded with stories. The 25-year-old singer has ever entered into the love of hip hop group personnel with Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy, in 2008. They began near Katy has since appeared in the music video for the single "Cupid's Chokehold" and performed together on the Warped Tour. Ironically, the connection that runs a couple of months it finally ran aground in December 2008 due to differences in vision between them. Did not take long for the sexy Katy to earn the devotion of heart. Katy then weaves the love with Russell Brand in September 2009 after they met at the MTV Video Music Awards. Three months later, the couple is known for unique and this compact engaged while they are on holiday in India. At that time, Russell applied for Katy when riding an elephant in India new year's Eve. The romance is brief it continues into a more serious level, while Katy and Russell announced their marriage, October 23, 2010. They staged wedding ceremony at the resort i-safe-Typical traditional customs in Rajasthan with India which combined elements of Christianity. Wedding ceremony led by pastor who is a friend of Katy's parents. "Russell Brand and Katy Perry with is very excited to announce that they officially became the host and Hostess Brand on Saturday 23 October," says spokesman Katy. "Wedding ceremony held in this spiritual and very private family and close friends attended a couple and a family friend and Pastor led the bride." In the wedding ceremony, the couple Katy and Russell wearing custom suits India. Then Katy is wearing the dress designs white Saab Elie grayish decorated with Lacy sleeves. According to one of the wedding guests, decorated in shades of India wedding style. In addition, traditional dancers and musicians India, 21 camels, elephants and horses were also prepared to enliven weddings Katy and Russell.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Surname: Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
Date of birth: October 25, 1984
Born in: Santa Barbara, California, USA
Zodiac: Scorpio
Famous since the release of the single "I Kissed a Girl" (2008) was born October 25, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson familiarly called Katy Perry is a daughter of the pastor Keith Hudson and Mary Hudson. Katy has two brothers namely Angela Hudson (brother) and David Hudson (sister). From the age of nine years, Katy has demonstrated her singing talent. He often sang in church built Keith and Mary. Katy trained hard by her mother and only allowed to listen to hymns. Besides singing, Katy also good at dancing. Growing up, Katy was determined to pursue a career in music. Katy then out of school and continue their education at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara. Katy also studied Italian opera to deepen his singing abilities. At age 15, Katy has released his debut album spiritual themed rock genre titled "Katy Hudson" (2001). At that time he bears the stage name Katy Hudson. Sadly, Katy's debut album failed in the market. After a record label that houses Katy, Red Hill, bankrupt, Katy began to consider changing the flow of the music. Marking a change herself, Katy also changed the name back into Perry. The name was taken from his mother's maiden name. Besides want to display a different figure, Katy replace her last name so as not named the same as the actress Kate Hudson. The struggle Katy as a singer is still long and winding. When a young man his age still fun to have fun, Katy had to leave his hometown to Los Angeles to work hard to achieve their dreams. One day, a singer named Glen Ballard on the label Island Def Jam Music Group invites Katy collaborate on his new album. The album was supposed to be outstanding in 2005. However, no apparent reason canceled the record label releasing the album. His failure was not to make Katy discouraged. He also posted a few singles collaboration with Glen as "Box", "Diamonds" and "Long Shot" on her MySpace page. Katy name was not recognized as one single duet with Glen, "Simple", made ​​it into the teen movie soundtrack album "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants The". On the sidelines of his career, Katy had tested the ability of a star music video a few bands and groups such famous music video single POD, "Goodbye for Now", and the single music video hip hop group Gym Class Heroes, "Cupid's Chokehold". Working hard Katy was not in vain, in 2007 he managed to sign a contract with Capitol Music record label. A year later, Katy released her first album as a pop singer, "One of the Boys" (2008). Katy luck did not stop there. His name skyrocketed when two singles final of the first album, "I Kissed a Girl" and "Hot N Cold" earned a Grammy nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. The single "I Kissed a Girl" was even chosen as the pop single pass to awards that aired on CBS TV station, People's Choice Awards 2009. In 2010, Katy has completed his latest album "Teenage Dream". The album is planned to be released on 24 August. Related to the album, Katy sponsor "California Gurls" as a single pledge. According to Katy, the single is proof Katy promise to create a single, lifting potential California native city. Previously, Katy revealed that she wants to make a single match for the single Jay-Z and Alicia Keys, "Empire State of Mind". In the single "California Gurls," Katy carry the song along with rapper Snoop Dogg. This is their first collaboration. To the rhythm of the music, Katy genre of house music and inspired by the works of senior musician Prince. While the cultivation of single and musical arranger entrusted to producer duo, Max Martin and Dr. Luke, who also produced the hit singles Katy, "I Kissed a Girl". For the ultimate music video single "California Gurls," Katy who always creative displays a nuanced country colorful candy. In the music video, Katy plays the character of the country Candyfornia daughter who tried to save the girl from the clutches of an evil villain, played by Snoop. When in action, Snoop tried to thwart the efforts of the rescue through the game board that is used as a means of controlling Snoop Candyfornia life. In addition to the action adventure Katy and the girls, the music video is directed by Mathew Cullen also did not forget to show the hallmark of Katy who always dressed sexy with bikini-clad figure shows the shape of a cupcake. Katy even dare to appear naked, lying between the clouds pink. Along with his success as a singer, Katy began ambitious try acting skills. The plan, Katy will show of skill as the voice of Smurfette character in the film which will be released in 2011, "The Smurfs". Almost similar to the course of his career, personal life Katy also loaded with stories. 25-year-old singer is never a love with personnel hip hop group Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy, in 2008. They began to close since Katy appeared in the music video single "Cupid's Chokehold" and performed together at the Warped Tour. Ironically, the relationship that lasted a few months it finally ran aground in December 2008 due to a difference in vision between them. It did not take long for the sexy Katy to get the idol of the heart. Katy then establish love with Russell Brand in September 2009 after they met at the MTV Video Music Awards. Three months later, the couple are known to have unique and compact them engaged while vacationing in India. At that time, Russell proposed to Katy when riding an elephant India on New Year's Eve. The relationship is fairly brief romance continues to pursue more serious when Katy and Russell announced their wedding, October 23, 2010. They held a wedding ceremony at the resort Aman-i Typical in Rajasthan with traditional Indian customs that combined elements of Christianity. Wedding ceremony led by a pastor who is a friend of the parents of Katy. "Russell Brand and Katy Perry are very excited to announce that they officially become Mr. and Mrs. Brand on Saturday, October 23," said spokeswoman Katy. "The wedding ceremony which was held in a very private spiritual and was attended by family and close friends of the couple and led by pastor and friend of the bride's family." In the wedding ceremony, the couple Katy and Russell wearing traditional Indian clothing. When the Katy wore a dress by Elie Saab grayish white color decorated with lace sleeves. According to one of the guests, the wedding was decorated in shades of Indian wedding style. In addition, traditional Indian dancers and musicians, 21 camels, horses and elephants are also prepared to enliven the wedding of Katy and Russell.

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