EducationThe Rector of the UniversityMonument establishments indicating Kopelma Darussalam DarussalamIn terms of education, in fact the province get special status other than the special region of Yogyakarta. But there are no developments demonstrate the suitability between the status given to the reality. Education in Aceh can be said to be derailed. The one that causes it is prolonged conflict and penganaktirian from RI, with umpteen thousands of schools and other educational institutions into the victim. At the 2005 National final exams there are thousands of students who do not pass and was forced to take the test again.Aceh also has a number of colleges including:Country Syiah Kuala University Uinen Ar-Raniry Malikussaleh University Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Aceh Polytechnic STAIN Malikussaleh STAIN Zawiyah Cot KalaPrivate University Abulyatama University Of Almuslim University Of Muhammadiyah Aceh University Of Iskandar Muda University Of Serambi Mekkah University Of Jabal Ghafur
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