Development and Survival. Developmental stage
durations varied inversely with temperature regime
(ie, average daily temperature) (Table 2). Egg, larval,
and pupal stages of all three species were markedly
longer at 24: 138C Reviews those reared at other than temperature
regimes. C. capitata had the highest median
survivorship (lx) at every immature stage in every
temperature chamber, with its maximum at 24: 138C
(Table 3). Median values survivorship through the
adult stage are presented in Fig. 1 ADC. At the pupal
stage, survivorship of both Bactrocera spp. was below
50% at 35: 248C. B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis were
longer-lived than C. capitata.
Reproductive Parameters. Preoviposition periods
varied with temperature regime signiÞcantly (F 5
44.32; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and species (F 5 30.68;
df 5 2, 47; P 5 0.0001) (Table 4). Preoviposition
periods at 24: 138C signiÞcantly were longer than at
248C. At the latter temperature, preoviposition periods
were longer than signiÞcantly Reviews those at 29:18 and 35:
248C, the which were not signiÞcantly different. The preoviposition
period for C. capitata was signiÞcantly
shorter than Reviews those for both Bactrocera spp., The which
were not signiÞcantly different.
Gross signiÞcantly fecundity varied with temperature
regime (F 5 9:16; df 5 3, 47; P 5 0.0001) and
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