1. Pantai Pulau Merah BanyuwangiMasyarakat Banyuwangi menyebutnya seba terjemahan - 1. Pantai Pulau Merah BanyuwangiMasyarakat Banyuwangi menyebutnya seba Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Pantai Pulau Merah BanyuwangiMas

1. Pantai Pulau Merah Banyuwangi
Masyarakat Banyuwangi menyebutnya sebagai Pulau Merah, sebab tanahnya berwarna merah. Bentuknya menyerupai sebuah bukit kecil, terletak tak jauh dari bibir pantai yang memiliki pasir putih sepanjang 3 km. Anda dapat menginjakkan kaki di Pulau Merah ini tatkala air sedang surut, jaraknya hanya 100 meter dari bibir pantai. Cukup hanya dengan berjalan kaki saja. Pantai ini dahulu bernama Pantai Ringin Pitu, sekarang disebut sebagai Pantai Pulau Merah.
Ada 2 versi yang beredar tentang penamaan Pulau Merah ini. Pantai ini sekarang sedang dipersiapkan sebagai salah satu tempat surfing di Banyuwangi. Hal ini telah dibuktikan dengan kejuaraan International Surfing Competition pada 2013 yang lalu dengan diikuti para surfer dari 20 negara. Pantai Pulau Merah memiliki ketinggian gelombang hingga 4-5 m, sebuah tempat berselancar di Banyuwangi yang menarik bagi para pemula atau bahkan yang sudah pro.
Pantai Pulau Merah berada di Desa Sumberagung, Kecamatan Pesanggaran. Berjarak sekitar 80 km dari pusat kota Banyuwangi. Harga tiket masuk ke Pantai Pulau Merah adalah Rp 3 ribu per orang, saat weekend menjadi Rp 5 ribu. Untuk ke tempat wisata di Banyuwangi yang satu ini, Anda dapat menggunakan transportasi publik.
Dari kota Banyuwangi di Terminal Brawijaya naik Bus Minto/Ujang Jaya arah ke Kecamatan Pesanggaran, lalu turun di Pasar Pesanggaran, dan dilanjutkan dengan menyewa ojek ke Pantai Pulau Merah. Jika Anda dari arah Jember, turunlah di terminal Jajag, kemudian naik bus ke Pesanggaran, dan turun Pasar Pesanggaran lalu dilanjutkan dengan menyewa ojek ke pulau merah.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1. Red Island Beach, BanyuwangiBanyuwangi community refer to it as the Red Island, because the soil is red. Its shape resembles that of a small hill, located just off shore that has white sand along the 3 km you can set foot on the island when this red water are receding, it is only 100 metres from the beach. Enough to just walk away. This beach is the beach formerly Ringin Pitu, now referred to as the Red Island Beach.There are 2 versions that circulated about the naming of the Red Island. The beach is now being prepared as one spot in Banyuwangi. This has been proved by the International Surfing Championship Competition in 2013 which then followed the surfer from 20 countries. Red Island Beach has a height of waves up to 4-5 m, a place to surf in Banyuwangi of interest to beginners or even pros already.Red Island beach in the village of Sumberagung, district Pesanggaran. It is about 80 km from the Centre of the city of Banyuwangi. The price of admission to the Beach Island red is Rp 3,000 per person, while weekend to Rp 5 thousand. For sights in Banyuwangi on this one, you can use the public transportation.From the city of Banyuwangi in the Terminal Bus Brawijaya Minto/Melissa Jaya Subdistrict directions to Pesanggaran, then down in the market, and continued with Pesanggaran rent a taxi to the beach of the Red Island. If you are from the direction of Jember, get off at the terminal Jajag, then boarded a bus to Pesanggaran, and down Markets and continued with Pesanggaran hired motorcycle taxis to the island red.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1. Red Island Beaches Banyuwangi
Banyuwangi People call it the Red Island, because the soil is red. The shape resembles a small hill, located not far from the beach which has white sand along the 3 km. You can set foot in this Red Island when water is receding, the distance is only 100 meters from the beach. Enough just to walk alone. The beach was once named Beach Ringin Pitu, now referred to as the Red Island Beach.
There are 2 versions circulating about the naming of the Red Island. The beach is now being prepared as one of the surf spots in Banyuwangi. It has been proved by the International Surfing Competition Championship in 2013 and then followed by surfers from 20 countries. Red Island beach have wave heights of up to 4-5 m, a surf spot in Banyuwangi attractive for beginners or even old pros.
Beach Red Island is located in the village of Sumberagung, District Pesanggaran. Located about 80 km from the city center Banyuwangi. The price of admission to the Red Island Beach is $ 3 thousand per person, while weekend to Rp 5 thousand. To all the tourist attractions in Banyuwangi this one, you can use public transport.
From the city of Banyuwangi in UB ride Bus Terminal Minto / Ujang Jaya directions to the District Pesanggaran, then fell in market Pesanggaran, and followed by a motorcycle taxi to the Red Island Beach. If you are from the direction of Jember, fell in Jajag terminal, then take a bus to Pesanggaran, and down Market Pesanggaran then followed by a motorcycle taxi to the red island.
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