Menurut saya negara berkembang yang memiliki luas negara yang cukup lu terjemahan - Menurut saya negara berkembang yang memiliki luas negara yang cukup lu Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Menurut saya negara berkembang yang memiliki luas negara yang cukup luas dan memiliki lahan yang sama luasnya, namun tidak memiliki tenaga kerja yang memadai, perlu mengikuti free trade. Karena dengan adanya free trade kita dapat membuka jalur perdangan yang lebih besar. Walaupun memiliki disadvantages tersendiri, menurut saya free trade juga cukup membantu dalam perkembangan sebuah negara. Karena apabila diadakan free trade, sebuah negara berkembang mampu bersaing atau menuju kesetaraan dengan negara maju lainnya.

Selain itu, free trade juga harus dibarengi dengan protection yang kuat. Karena seperti yang kita tahu kalau free trade di terapkan ada banyak barang maupun jasa yang akan di bebas pajak kan. Hal ini lah yang mengharuskan protection di kuatkan agar tidak terjadi penyelundupan barang maupun penyelundupan tenaga kerja.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I think the developing countries have a vast country that is broad enough and have the same breadth of the land, but do not have an adequate workforce, need to follow a free trade. Due to the existence of free trade we can open the first line. Although it has its own disadvantages, I think free trade is also quite helpful in the development of a country. Because of free trade, was held in a developing country are able to compete or to equality with other developed countries. In addition, free trade must also be coupled with a strong protection. Because as we know if free trade in apply there are many goods and service also will be tax free. This is the one that requires protection in order to not be strong going smuggling of goods or labor smuggling.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I think the developing countries have a fairly wide area of the country and has the same broad land, but do not have sufficient manpower, it is necessary to follow free trade. Due to the existence of free trade we can open the lines of greater trade. Although it has its own disadvantages, I think free trade is also quite helpful in the development of a country. Because if held free trade, a developing country is able to compete or to equality with other developed countries. In addition, free trade must also be accompanied by a strong protection. Because as we know that free trade in applied there are many goods and services that will be in the tax-free. This is the one that requires protection in reinforced to prevent smuggling of goods and labor trafficking.

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