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sedangkan untuk pembuatan handuk cepat kering sendiri menggunakan bahan miro fiber. Microfiber merupakan terminologi yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan serat yang sangat halus dan penyebutan untuk teknologi pengembangan serat ini. Kain yang terbuat dari benang extra halus ini menghasilkan sentuhan yang sangat lembut, berupa handuk, mop dan banyak aplikasi lainnya seperti, bath robe, handuk bayi, dll.

Banyak definisi tentang microfiber tetapi kebanyakan mengatakan dalam istilah umum sebagai benang yang mempunyai ukuran kehalusan kurang dari 1 denier per filament. Penyebutan microfiber merujuk ke teknologi pengembangan serat halus yang berdiameter hanya 0.006 mm yang berarti 10 kali lipat lebih halus daripada sutera, 30 kali dari katun, 40 kali dari wol, dan 100 kali dari rambut manusia.
Hanya satu lbs ( sekitar 0,456 kg ) berat benang dapat mengelilingi bumi lebih dari 10 kali lipat. Semakin kecil diameter dan nomor benang maka semakin halus seratnya yang berarti semakin effective untuk membersihkan permukaan.

Ada empat macam microfiber yang di produksi tetapi yang paling baik untuk kain pembersih adalah campuran dua polymer yaitu nylon ( polyamide ) dan polyester.

Polyester sebagai lyophillic memastikan afinitas terhadap butiran kotoran dan minyak sedangkan nylon ( polyamida ) berfungsi dalam hal daya serap air.

Rasio dua campuran polymer biasanya adalah 80% polyester dan 20% nylon, campuran 70/30 akan menyerap air lebih cepat. Oleh karena nylon lebih mahal daripada polyester maka harganya sedikit lebih mahal untuk campuran 70/30 ini.
Memang benar bahwa nylon lebih menyerap air daripada polyester, kain yang terbuat dari campuran 70% polyester dan 30% nylon tidak otomatis kering lebih baik dari campuran 80/20.

Proses knitting dan treatment benang ( splitting ) akan menentukan kualitas kain lebih daripada campuran material.Tanpa proses splitting, tidak ada beda dengan normal polyester.

Proses splitting polyester dan nylon menciptakan jutaan celah pada banyak irisan ( 16 irisan “cross section” / 16 segmen dalam bentuk V / alur berbentuk bintang ). Ini juga disebut dengan proses pengurangan berat karena beberapa bagian polyester terlarut oleh larutan NaOH ( soda costic ).

Melakukan proses splitting dengan kurang sempurna akan mengurangi kualitas kain microfiber. Proses ini harus dilakukan secara sempurna, terlalu banyak “splitting” menyebabkan rusaknya benang terlalu sedikit menyebabkan kehilangan fungsinya dengan baik.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
as for making quick dry towel using miro's own fiber. Microfiber is a term used to describe a very fine fiber and fiber development technology to mention this. Fabrics made from yarn extra smooth produces a very gentle touch, such as a towel, mop and many other applications such as, bath robe, towels, etc.Many definitions of microfiber but most say in general terms as the thread that has the size of a fineness of less than 1 denier per filament. The mention of microfiber refers to the technology development of fine fiber only 0.006 mm in diameter which means 10 times smoother than silk, 30 times of cotton, wool, 40 times and 100 times that of a human hair. Only one lbs (0.456 kg) weight yarn can encircle the Earth more than 10 fold. The smaller the diameter and number of threads then the silky fibers which means the more effective to clean the surface.There are four kinds of microfiber that is in production but most good for cleaning rag is a mixture of two polymer i.e. nylon (polyamide) and polyester.Polyester as lyophillic make sure granules affinity for dirt and oil while the nylon (polyamida) function in terms of water absorption.The ratio of two polymer blends are usually 80% polyester and 20% nylon, mix 70/30 will absorb water faster. Because of more expensive than nylon polyester so it costs a bit more expensive to mix 70/30.It is true that nylon absorbs water more than polyester, fabric made from a mixture of 70% polyester and 30% nylon dry does not automatically better than 80/20 mix.The process of knitting and yarn treatment (splitting) will determine the quality of the fabric is more than a mix of material. Without splitting process, no different from normal polyester.The process of splitting polyester and nylon create millions of crannies on many slices (16 slices "cross section"/16 segment in the form of a V-shaped Groove/stars). It also referred to the process of reduction of the weight because some parts of the polyester dissolved by NaOH (costic soda).In the process of splitting with a less than perfect will reduce the quality of the fabric is microfiber. This process must be done perfectly, too much of "splitting" cause damage to the thread too little causes a loss of functionality as well.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
while for the manufacture of quick-drying towel itself using miro fiber material. Microfiber is the terminology used to describe the very fine fibers and mentions for the technology development of this fiber. Fabrics made of extra fine yarn produces very soft touch, such as towels, mop and many other applications such as, bath robe, baby towels, etc.

Many definition about microfiber but most say in general terms as having a yarn fineness size of less than 1 denier per filament. The mention microfiber technology refers to the development of fine fibers whose diameter is only 0006 mm, which means 10 times finer than silk, cotton 30 times, 40 times out of wool, and 100 times that of a human hair.
Only one lbs (about 0.456 kg) weight yarn can circle the earth more than 10 times. The smaller the diameter and number of threads, the finer the fiber which means more effective to clean the surface.

There are four kinds of microfiber in production but the most good for the cleaning cloth is a mixture of the two polymer is nylon (polyamide) and polyester.

Polyester as lyophillic ensure grain affinity for dirt and oil while the nylon (polyamide) function in terms of water absorption.

The ratio of the two polymer mixture typically is 80% polyester and 20% nylon, 70/30 mixture will absorb water faster. Therefore more expensive than polyester nylon then the price is slightly more expensive for this 70/30 blend.
It is true that more absorbent than nylon polyester, fabrics made from a blend of 70% polyester and 30% nylon is not automatically better than the dry mixture 80/20.

The process of knitting and yarn treatment (splitting) will determine the quality of the fabric is more than a mix material.Tanpa splitting process, there is no difference with the normal polyester.

Polyester and nylon splitting process creates millions of loopholes in many slices (16 slices "cross section" / 16 segments in the form of V / star-shaped groove). It also referred to the weight reduction process because some parts of polyester dissolved by a solution of NaOH (soda costic).

Conducting the process of splitting with less than perfect will reduce the quality microfiber cloth. This process must be done perfectly, too many "splitting" cause damage to the threads too little causes loss of function properly.
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