Pendapat Aborsi Setuju Dan Tidak Setuju Pendapat tidak setuju 1. Kare terjemahan - Pendapat Aborsi Setuju Dan Tidak Setuju Pendapat tidak setuju 1. Kare Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pendapat Aborsi Setuju Dan Tidak Se

Pendapat Aborsi Setuju Dan Tidak Setuju
 Pendapat tidak setuju
1. Karena , anak adalah karunia Tuhan dan tidak ada istilah anak haram yang dilahirkan akibat perkosaan atau di luar pernikahan. "Anak itu semuanya suci. Hanya kelakuan dari laki-laki yang memperkosa itulah yang membuat anak itu terkesan haram. Di mata Allah tidak ada anak haram. Jadi, saya pikir kalau memang anak itu bisa dipertahankan ya harus dipertahankan. Sebaiknya jangan dibunuh atau diaborsi. Karena nyawa, rejeki dan posisi hanya Tuhan yang punya. Jadi, kita jangan berlaku seperti Tuhan, hanya Tuhan yang boleh menyabut nyawa seseorang,"
2. Karena tidak semua korban pemerkosaan boleh di aborsi. Dan aborsii itu hukumnya haram Namun, sesuatu yang haram itu boleh dilakukan dalam kondisi darurat. "Misalnya, ibu yang hamil terancam jiwanya kalau melahirkan. "Harus ada persyaratan yang jelas. Jangan hanya karena tidak menerima calon bayi dan beban moral ibu dan keluarganya, lalu boleh aborsi.
3. Karena perbuatan aborsi hukumnya haram apabila dalam kandungan itu sudah di atas tiga bulan. Sebab mereka usia kandungan di atas itu sudah hidup dan tidak boleh dilakukan aborsi, meskipun bayi itu akibat korban pemerkosaan dan itu bisa menimbulkan kontroversi di masyaratkat .
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Abortion Opinions Agree And Disagree the opinions disagree 1. Because, the child is a gift of God and there is no term bastard child born due to rape or outside of marriage. "It's all sacred. Only the behaviour of men who raped that is what makes the child illegitimate unimpressed. In the eyes of Allah there is no illegitimate children. So, I think if the boy could be maintained it must be maintained. Should not be killed or diaborsi. Because life, fortune and position only God had. So, we do not behave as God, only God can mention someone's life, "2. Because not all rape victims be abortion. And aborsii it is haraam haraam things, however, it can be done in emergency conditions. "For example, a pregnant mother who threatened his soul when giving birth." There should be a clear requirement. Don't just because the candidate did not accept the moral burden of the baby and the mother and her family, and then may be abortion. 3. Because abortion is haraam deeds when in the womb, it's been over three months. Because their content above that age already live and should not be performed an abortion, even though the baby was due to rape victims and that could give rise to controversy in pay.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Abortion Opinion Agree and Disagree
 Opinion disagree
1. Therefore, the child is a gift of God and there is no term illegitimate child born as a result of rape or outside marriage. "The child was all pure. Only the behavior of men who raped that makes the child seem illegitimate. In God's eyes there is no illegitimate children. So, I thought that if indeed the child could be maintained it should be maintained. You should not be killed or aborted. For the life, fortune and position that only God has. So, we do not act like God, only God should menyabut someone's life, "
2. Since not all rape victims should have been aborted. And aborsii it is haraam However, something forbidden it should be done in an emergency. "For example, pregnant women may die when giving birth." There should be clear requirements. Do not just because it does not accept the moral weight of the baby and the mother and her family, and then allowed abortion.
3. Because the act of abortion is haram if the content was already over three months. Because of their pregnancy at the top of that is life and not to do abortions, even though the baby was a result of rape and that could cause controversy in masyaratkat.
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