b. Rendahnya Kualitas Angkutan Umum DaratApabila angkutan umum darat I terjemahan - b. Rendahnya Kualitas Angkutan Umum DaratApabila angkutan umum darat I Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

b. Rendahnya Kualitas Angkutan Umum

b. Rendahnya Kualitas Angkutan Umum Darat
Apabila angkutan umum darat Indonesia dibandingkan dengan angkutan umum di negara-negara tetangga, maka hasilnya akan sangat jauh tertinggal, ketika Jepang sudah menggunakan shinkansen, maka kualitas perkeretaapian di Indonesia masih mengenaskan. Salah satu kemunduran Kereta api Indonesia dibuktikan pada tahun 1939, panjang rel mencapai 6.811 kilometer, tetapi pada tahun 2000, rel warisan Belanda itu susut menjadi tinggal 4.030 km, atau turun 41%. Begitu pula dengan sarana pendukungnya seperti jumlah stasiun pemberhentian kereta. Pada 1955, jumlah stasiun mencapai 1.516 buah. Dalam kurun setengah abad, jumlah itu merosot 62% menjadi tinggal 571 stasiun. Faktor terpenting dari kereta ialah lokomotif, lokomotif kereta api indonesia dari 341 unit lokomotif yang ada pada 2008, hampir seluruhnya, sekitar 82%, sudah tua dengan umur antara 16-30 tahun. sedangkan hal tersebut sangat berbanding terbalik dengan negara maju, seperti Jepang dan negara-negara Eropa, umur ekonomis kereta api guna menjamin keselamatan penumpang maksimal adalah 5-10 tahun
Terminal sebagai unit tempat transit yang berfungsi sebagai pemberhentian kendaraan juga tak luput dari permasalahannya, tingkat keamanan yang rendah, penuh dengan pencemaran udara, panas, adalah gambaran terminal di mata masyarakat Indonesia. Begitu juga kondisi halte Indonesia, yang kotor, tidak terawatt serta sering didatangi pengemis ataupun pengamen untuk mencari uang. Stasium di Indonesia juga tak jauh beda kondisinya, berbeda dengan statsiun di Jepang misalnya, dimana sangat bersih dari sampah, terik matahari maupun pedagang kaki lima, jadwal kereta api pun jelas dan jarang ada keterlambatan, sedangkan kondisi perkeretaapian Indonesia dimana lebih banyak ditemui pedagang asongan daripada penumpang, mudahnya menaiki kereta api tanpa tiket, stasiun kereta api yang kotor, bau kurang sedap, banyaknya pedgang asongan, pengamen, pengemis serta keamanan yang kurang terjamin, banyaknya tindak criminal selalu menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi calon penumpang atau penumpang yang mengakhiri perjalanannya suatu di terminal atau stasiun Indonesia. Pemakaian Kendaraan Pribadi

Lalu lintas di Jakarta didominasi oleh kendaraan pribadi, jumlah angkutan umum (bus) hanya 4%, sepeda motor 67%, mobil pribadi 23% (Polda Metro Jaya, 2006). Pertumbuhan kendaraan dalam lima tahun terakhir mencapai 9.5% per tahun (paparan Dirjen Bina Marga ke KKPPI tanggal 18 Desember 2007). Proporsi volume lalu lintas pada beberapa koridor utama adalah: sepeda motor 60%, sedan 32%. Angkutan umum (mobil penumpang umum-MPU, bus sedang, dan bus besar) 5% (Kedeputian V Menko Perekonomian, 2007).

Dominasi kendaraan pribadi ini tentu menjadi faktor terjadinya permasalahan lain sepeti kemacetan lalu lintas serta peningkatan pembuangan limbah kendaraan ke udara yang bisa mengakibatkan pemanasalan global. Tingginya angka kepemilikan ini didasari permasalahan transportasi yang lain yaitu rendahnya kualitas angkutan umum yang ada di Indonesia. Hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat lebih memilih untuk membeli kendaraan pribadi daripada mengendarai angkutan umum yang dianggak kurang nyaman. Pemakaian Masyarakat yang enggan menggunakan angkutan umum, dikaarenakan kualitasnya yang rendah serta beberapa alasan lainnya, seperti pengeluaran yang yang bisa lebih sedikit bila menggunakan kendaraan pribadi daripada ketika menggunakan angkutan umum.

Tingginya kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia tentu akan menimbulkan permasalahan yang jauh lebih kompleks dan jangkauannya luas, seperti polusi udara ang bisa menganggu atau merugikan penduduk tidak hanya yang ada di daerah tersebut namun juga di daerah lain, kemudian dengan banyaknya penduduk yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi, tentu akan menimbulkan kemacetan karena tidak didukung oleh peningkatan kapasitas jaringan jalan.
3.4 Alternatif Penanganan

3.4.1 Transportasi Berkelanjutan

Perencanaan transportasi yang brekelanjutan adalah dimana sebuah perencanaan tersebut tidak hanya memikirkan keuntungan dan kepentingan jangka pendek namun juga mempertimangkan keberlanjutan perencanaan tersebut pada jangka menengah hingga jangka panjang.

Transportasi berkelanjutan merupakan suatu transportasi yang tidak menimbulkan dampak yang membahayakan kesehatan masyarakat atau ekosistem dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mobilitas yang ada secara konsisten dengan memperhatikan: (a) penggunaan sumberdaya terbarukan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah dari tingkat regenerasinya; dan (b) penggunaan sumber daya tidak terbarukan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah dari tingkat pengembangan sumberdaya alternatif yang terbarukan. Sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan mengakomodasikan aksesibilitas semaksimal mungkin dengan dampak negatif yang seminimal mungkin. Sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan harus memperhatikan setidaknya tiga komponen penting, yaitu aksesibilitas, kesetaraan dan dampak lingkungan.

Sistem transportasi berkelanjutan lebih mudah terwujud pada sistem transportasi yang berbasis pada penggunaan angkutan umum dibandingkan dengan sistem yang berbasis pada penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Sistem transportasi berkelanjutan merupakan tatanan baru sistem transportasi di era globalisasi saat ini.

Perencanaan transportasi yang berkelanjutan tidak hanya mempertimbangkan aspek transportasi saja dalam perencanaannya namun aspek-aspek lain seperti ekonomi dan lingkungan. Dengan konsep seperti itu, maka planner dituntut untuk mengerti dan peka terhadap aspek-aspek yang sekiranya menyangkut transportasi yang baik. Dalam hal ini, transportasi yang berkelanjutan memikirkan bagaimana transportasi bisa berjalan dengan baik tanpa harus mengorbankan aspek lingkungan tetapi tetap meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi. Memang tidak mudah merencanakan transportasi berkelanjutan apalagi melihat kondisi transportasi di Indonesia yang sudah cukup kompleks, khususnya transportasi darat dimana tingkat mobilitasnya jauh lebih tinggi daripada transportasi laut ataupun udara.

Beberapa dampak yang bisa timbul akibat penerapan perencanaan transportasi berkelanjutan ini adalah :

-Mengurangi penggunaan BBM dan Mengurang Polusi.
-Mengurangi Kemacetan
-Menjaga Kulalitas Lingkungan Untuk Masa Depan

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
b. low quality Ground public transport public transport In ground
Indonesia compared to public transport in neighboring countries, then the results will be very far behind, while Japan has been using the shinkansen, the quality of the railways in Indonesia are still terrible. One of the setbacks proved Indonesia railway in 1939, the length of the Rails reached 6.811 kilometers, but in 2000, the railway heritage of the Netherlands it was reduced into a living 4,030 km, or fall 41%. So did with support facilities such as number of station stops train. In 1955, the number of stations reaching 1.516 fruit. In the past half-century, that number declined 62% being staying 571 station. The most important factor of the train is the locomotive, Indonesian train locomotive from the locomotive unit there are 341 in 2008, almost entirely, about 82%, are old with age between 16-30 years. Whereas it is inversely proportional to the developed countries, such as Japan and the European countries, the age of the train in order to guarantee the economic safety of passengers the maximum is 5-10 years
The Terminal as a unit that serves as the transit point of discharge of vehicles also could not escape from the problem, the low level of security, full of air pollution, heat, the terminal is a picture in the eyes of society Indonesia. Similarly, the condition that Indonesia stop, dirty, not often visited as well as terawatt beggars or buskers to find money. Stasium in Indonesia is also not far different conditions, different from statsiun in Japan for example, where very clean of debris, blazing sun and street vendors, train schedule was clear and there are rarely any delay, while the condition of the railways Indonesia where more is found hawkers rather than passengers, simply climb the train without a ticket, a dirty train station, the smell of delicious, much less pedgang peddlers, Buskers, beggars, as well as a less-assured security, the number of criminal acts have always been a scourge that is intimidating for prospective passengers or passengers who ended his journey in a terminal or station Indonesia. private vehicle Usage

traffic in Jakarta is dominated by private vehicles, the number of public transport (bus) only 4%, 67% of motorcycles, private cars 23% (Polda Metro Jaya, 2006). The growth of vehicles in the past five years reached 9.5% per annum (exposure to the Directorate General of Bina Marga to KKPPI December 18, 2007). The proportion of the volume of traffic on several main corridors are: motorcycles, sedan 60% 32%. Public transport (public passenger car-MPU, buses are, large buses) and 5% (Kedeputian V Coordinating Minister for the economy, 2007)

domination of private vehicles is certainly a factor in the occurrence of other problems such as traffic congestion and increased waste disposal vehicles into the air that could lead to a global pemanasalan. High numbers of these ownership based on other transportation problems that poor quality of the existing public transport in Indonesia. This causes the community prefer to buy private cars instead of riding public transport regarded less comfortable. The wearing of a Society reluctant to use public transport, dikaarenakan low quality and some other reasons, such as expenses that could be a bit when using the private vehicles than when using public transportation.

High ownership of motor vehicles in Indonesia will certainly give rise to problems that are much more complex and broad scope, as air pollution could interfere with or harm ang population not only in the region but also in other areas, then with the number of residents who have a private vehicle, will certainly give rise to traffic congestion because it was not supported by an increase in the capacity of the road network Alternative Handling 3.4.

3.4.1 sustainable transport

The brekelanjutan is a transportation planning whereby a planning not only thinking short term profits and interests but also the planning sustainability mempertimangkan on the medium to long term

.Sustainable transport is a transport that does not cause the impact that endanger public health or ecosystems and meets the needs of mobility that is consistently having regard to: (a) the use of renewable resources at a level lower than the level of regenerasinya; and (b) the use of renewable resources is not at a level lower than the level of the development of alternative renewable resources. A sustainable transportation system accommodate the accessibility of everything possible with the negative impact that intensity as minimum as possible. A sustainable transport system should pay attention to at least three key components, namely, accessibility, equality and environmental impact.

Sustainable transportation systems more easily manifest on a transportation system that is based on the use of public transport as compared to systems that are based on the use of private vehicles. Sustainable transport system is the new order is the transportation system in the current era of globalization.

Sustainable transport planning not only consider the aspects of transport in the planning but other aspects such as the economy and the environment. With such a concept, then the planner is claimed to understand and be sensitive to aspects that were good transport is concerned. In this regard, sustainable transportation thinking of how transport can run well without sacrificing environmental aspects but keep improving economic revenues. It was not easy to plan sustainable transport let alone see the conditions of transport in Indonesia is quite complex, in particular road transport, where its mobility rate is much higher than the air or sea transport.

Multiple impacts that could arise as a result of the application of sustainable transport planning:

-reduce the use of FUEL and Reducing Pollution-reducing Congestion.

-Keep Kulalitas the environment for the future of

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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
b. Low Quality Land Public Transport
public transport overland If Indonesia compared with public transport in the neighboring countries, the results will be very far behind, while Japan has been using the shinkansen, the quality of the railways in Indonesia is still pathetic. One of the Indonesian Railway setback proved in 1939, reaching 6,811 kilometers long rail, but in 2000, the Dutch heritage rail shrunk to just 4,030 km, or down 41%. Similarly, with supporting facilities such as the number of stations the train stops. In 1955, the number of stations reached 1,516 units. Within half a century, the number was down 62% to just 571 stations. The most important factor is the locomotive of the train, railway locomotives Indonesia of 341 units of existing locomotives in 2008, almost entirely, about 82%, old age between 16-30 years. while it is highly inversely proportional to the developed countries, such as Japan and European countries, the economic life of the railway to ensure maximum passenger safety is 5-10 years old
terminal as a unit that serves as a transit point for transport stops are also not spared from the problem, the level of security low, filled with air pollution, heat, is a picture of the terminal in the eyes of the people of Indonesia. Once the stop condition is also Indonesian, dirty, not groomed and often visited by beggars or buskers to make money. Stasium in Indonesia is also not much different condition, different from statsiun in Japan, for example, which is very clean of trash, scorching sun and hawkers, the train schedule was clear and rarely there is a delay, while the condition of Indonesian railways where hawkers encountered more than passengers, easy train ride without a ticket, the train station is dirty, unpleasant smells, many pedgang hawkers, buskers, beggars and security are not guaranteed, the number of criminal acts is always a frightening specter for passengers or passengers of a journey that ended in Indonesian terminals. Use of Private Vehicle Traffic in Jakarta is dominated by private vehicle, the number of public transport (bus) is only 4%, 67% motorcycles, private cars 23% (City Police, 2006). Growth vehicle in the past five years reaching 9.5% per year (Directorate General of Highways exposure to KKPPI dated December 18, 2007). The proportion of the volume of traffic on several major corridors are: motorcycle 60%, 32% sedans. Public transport (passenger car common-MPU, bus medium, and large buses) 5% (V Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs, 2007). domination of private vehicles is certainly a factor in the case of other issues of traffic congestion and increased waste disposal vehicles into the air which can resulting global pemanasalan. The high rates of ownership is based on other transportation issues, namely the poor quality of public transport in Indonesia. This causes more people choose to buy private vehicles rather than public transport dianggak driving less convenient. Public consumption is reluctant to use public transport, dikaarenakan of low quality and some other reasons, such expenditure can be much less when using private vehicles than when using public transport. Higher ownership of motor vehicles in Indonesia will certainly lead to a much more complex problem and its scope wide, such as air pollution ang may disrupt or harm the population not only in the area but also in other areas, then the number of residents who have private vehicles, it will cause congestion because it is not supported by the increased capacity of the road network. 3.4 Alternative Treatment 3.4 .1 Sustainable Transportation Planning brekelanjutan transport is where a plan is not only to think about the advantages and short-term interests, but also the planning mempertimangkan sustainability in the medium to long term. sustainable transport is a transport that does not cause harmful effects on public health or ecosystems and can meet the needs of existing mobility consistently with respect to: (a) use of renewable resources at a rate that is lower than the rate of regeneration; and (b) the use of non-renewable resources at a level lower than the level of development of alternative renewable resources. Sustainable transport system to accommodate the accessibility as much as possible with minimal negative impact. Sustainable transport system must consider at least three essential components, namely accessibility, equality and environmental impact. sustainable transport system is more easily realized on a transportation system based on the use of public transport compared to systems based on the use of private vehicles. Sustainable transport system is a new order of the transport system in the current era of globalization. sustainable transport planning not only consider the aspect of transportation planning, but only in other aspects such as the economy and the environment. With such a concept, then the planner is required to understand and be sensitive to those aspects which if good transportation concerns. In this case, sustainable transportation thinking about how transport can run properly without having to sacrifice the environmental aspects but still increase the economic income. It is not easy to plan for sustainable transport especially the condition of transportation in Indonesia, which is quite complex, especially where the ground transportation level of mobility is much higher than sea or air transportation. Several effects that could arise as a result of the implementation of sustainable transportation planning are: -Reduced fuel usage and reduce pollution. Reducing Congestion -Keeping Kulalitas Environment For The Future

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