While the election with proposition 81 and Article 81 of ACT 8/2012 about the election were the presidential election Act. Political education elaborated was considered equal to the delivery of vision, mission, program party and legislative candidate program. Other elections in other elections, article 63 of the second revision of ACT 1/2015 about election districts just mentioned that "campaign as a form of political education". This means that instead of political education as a whole is only a manifestation.Concurrent RevisionsThe author invites us to clear in looking at the problems between political education campaign. If the political pandidikan is analogous to the library while the campaign is one of the books in the library. Then the penggiringan of public opinion that is politic education campaigns must end. General concept and a really different so do political education in different political parties ACT with rules campaign in the presidential election, the election ACT and the election
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