After the researchers conducting data collection, the next step is to do an analysis of the data as follows:
1. Data Reduction (reduction of Data) data Reduction means summarize
, choose subject matters, focusing on things that are important, look for themes and pattern and discard unnecessary. In the reduction of data, each researcher will be diapandu by the goal to be achieved. The main objective of qualitative research is on findings.
2. Data Display (Presenting Data) data reduction after making
, then the next step is to do the presentation of data. In qualitative research, the presentation of data can be done in the form of a short blurb, chart, relations between categories, flowchart, and the like.
Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2010: 341) stated that the most frequently used to present data in qualitative research is a narrative with the text.
Verification When data reduction has been made and the presentation of the data, the next step is drawing conclusions and verification. Conclusion in the qualitative research findings are expected before new is indeed unprecedented. The new findings may include a description or representation of an object that was previously still dimly lit or dark so that after investigation it became clear. The Data have been presented when powered with a steady data, then it can become a credible conclusion.
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