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Asal Mula Putri Duyung
Asal mula putri duyung berdasar legenda masyarakat Sulawesi Tengah, pada mulanya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yang pergi meninggalkan keluarganya karena merasa sedih terus menerus dimarahi oleh suaminya. Konon, dahulu di daerah Sulawesi hidup sepasang suami istri dengan tiga orang anak. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, mereka mencari nafkah dengan mencari ikan di laut dan menanam sayuran di ladang. Sebelum ayahnya pergi ke ladang, biasa mereka sarapan pagi bersama.

Di suatu pagi, seperti biasa sebelum ayahnya pergi ke ladang, mereka makan bersama. Kebetulan persediaan ikan keluarga tersebut cukup banyak sehingga tidak akan habis dalam satu kali makan. Sang Suami meminta istrinya untuk menyisakan ikan untuk makan sepulang ia bekerja nanti. Menjelang siang, si anak bungsu kelaparan karena seharian bermain. Ibunya kemudian memberikan sepiring nasi dengan lauk ikan. Selesai makan, si bungsu masih merasa lapar dan meminta tambah. Sang Ibu melihat cadangan lauk ikan tinggal sedikit, dan ia teringat dengan pesan suaminya untuk menyisakan lauk ikan untuk makan sepulang kerja. Namun Si Bungsu terus merengek minta tambah makan. Akhirnya Sang Ibu memberikan semua lauk ikan kepada anak bungsunya.

Petang harinya, ayah mereka pulang dengan kondisi perut lapar karena seharian berkerja. Ia meminta istrinya untuk menyediakan makan.
“Istriku, mana ikan yang kamu sisihkan tadi. Aku sangat lapar.” tanya suaminya pada istrinya.
“Aduh maaf, tadi Si Bungsu yang habiskan. Dia kelaparan habis berlarian kesana kemari.” jawab istrinya. “Apa? Bukannya sudah aku bilang untuk menyisihkan lauk ikan.” suaminya berteriak marah. Istrinya menjelaskan bahwa ikan itu untuk anaknya sendiri tapi Sang Suami tetap tidak terima dan terus memarahi istrinya. Karena terus-menerus dimarahi, Sang Istri sangat sedih dan menangis. Ia sudah tidak tahan dengan kelakuan suaminya yang sering marah-marah. Ia berpikir untuk pergi saja dari rumah itu.

Pada suatu malam saat semuanya tengah tidur lelap, Sang Istri keluar dari rumah dan pergi menuju laut. Keesokan harinya, Sang Suami dan anak-anak mencari-cari Sang istri. Mereka berteriak-teriak memanggil istri dan ibu mereka tapi tidak ada jawaban. Anak-anak kemudian pergi keluar mencari di pinggir pantai sambil terus memanggil-manggil ibunya.
“Anak-anakku, aku disini.” jawab ibunya. Ternyata ibu mereka berada di laut. Mereka sangat senang karena berhasil menemukan ibunya. Ibu mereka kemudian memberikan kepada mereka banyak ikan untuk dibawa pulang ke rumah sebagai lauk makan mereka. Anak-anak kemudian mengajak ibu mereka untuk pulang ke rumah tapi Sang Ibu menolak karena sudah tidak tahan dengan kelakuan suaminya. Akhirnya anak-anak pulang membawa banyak ikan tanpa berhasil membawa ibunya pulang.

Sesampainya di rumah, anak-anak menyampaikan pada ayahnya bahwa mereka menemukan ibu mereka di laut. Dan juga menyampaikan pada ayahnya bawa mereka membawa banyak ikan pemberian ibunya. Sang ayah menyuruh anak-anak untuk memanggang ikan tersebut untuk lauk makan. Sang ayah nampak sedikitpun tidak perduli dengan Sang Ibu.
“Setelah makan, sisakan ikan-ikan itu untuk lauk makan nanti siang.” kata ayahnya.
Saat siang, sang Ayah pulang dan makan siang bersama anak-anaknya. Anak-anak meminta pada ayahnya untuk menyisakan ikan-ikan tersebut untuk ibunya. Tapi ayahnya menolak dengan alasan ibunya tidak menyisakan ikan buatrnya.

Keesokan harinya, anak-anak kembali pergi ke laut untuk mencari ibunya. Seharian mereka berjalan-jalan di pinggiran pantai dan memanggil-manggil ibu mereka tapi tidak berhasil menemuinya. Kemudian terdengar suara memanggil mereka.
“Anak-anak kemarilah aku ibumu.” sebuah suara memanggil mereka.
Anak-anak segera mencari sumber suara. Ketika berhasil menemukannya, mereka sangat terkejut karena sekujur tubuh sang Ibu dipenuhi sisik ikan. Mereka segera pergi menjauh karena merasa itu bukan ibu mereka. “Tidak, ibu kami tidak bersisik.” kata si bungsu yang paling dekat dengan ibunya. Melihat kenyataan tersebut, sang Ibu menjadi sangat sedih. Sementara anak-anaknya pergi sambil terus mencari dan memanggil-manggil ibunya, sang Ibu segera kembali ke dalam laut dan memutuskan tidak akan pernah kembali lagi ke rumahnya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Origin Of Mermaids The origin of mermaid legends based society Central Sulawesi, in the beginning was a housewife who left his family because it feels sad continuously being scolded by her husband. It was formerly in the area of Sulawesi live a pair of husband and wife with three children. To meet the needs of the everyday, they earn a living by finding the fish in the sea and planted vegetables in the fields. Before his father went to the fields, their regular breakfast together.In one morning, as usual before his father went to the fields, they eat together. Incidentally the family fish stocks quite a lot so it won't run out in one meal. The husband asked his wife to leave the fish for eating after he worked later. Toward noon, the youngest child of famine because of a day of play. His mother then gave a plate of rice with a side dish of fish. Finished eating, the youngest still feel hungry and ask for Add. The mother saw the reserves side dish fish live a little, and he remembered with her husband's message to leave a side dish of fish for eating after work. But the youngest keep whining ask add eating. Finally the mother gives all fish side dish to her youngest child.Evening, their father come home hungry stomach conditions due to a long day of work. He asked his wife to provide meals."My wife, where fish that you set aside earlier. I'm so hungry. "asked her husband on his wife."Oops sorry, last the youngest who spend. She starved there running around here runs out. "replied his wife. "What is it? Instead I've told to set aside side dish fish. "her husband shouted angry. His wife explained that fish for his own son but her husband still doesn't accept and continue to scold his wife. Due to constantly being scolded, the wife is very sad and cry. He does not put up with her husband's behaviour that is often grumpy. He thought of going away from the House.On a night when everything is central sleep soundly, his wife out of the House and go to the sea. The next day, the husband and children searched for his wife. They shouted calling his wife and their mother but no answer. The children then go out looking on the coast while continuing to calling out to her mother."My children, I'm here." answered his mother. It turns out that their mother was in the sea. They are very happy because it managed to find his mother. Their mother then gave them a lot of fish to be brought back home as a side dish to eat them. The children then invited their mothers to go home but the mother refused because it was not put up with her husband's behaviour. Finally the children went home carrying a lot of fish without managed to bring her mother home.Arriving at the House, the kids convey on his father that they found their mother in the sea. And also deliver on his father bring they bring many fish the giving of his mother. The father told the children to bake the fish for a side dish to eat. The father saw the slightest no matter with the mother."After eating the fish, reserving it for a side dish to eat later in the afternoon." his father said.The time of day, his father came home and had lunch with her children. The kids asked her father for leaving the fish to his mother. But his father refused on the grounds of his mother does not leave fish buatrnya.The next day, the kids go back go to sea to search for his mother. A day they take a walk on the edge of the beach and calling out their mother but did not manage to find it. Then a voice called them."Kids come here I'm your mother." a voice called them.The children immediately find the source of the sound. When managed to find it, they are very surprised because the whole body of the mother was filled with fish scales. They soon went away because it feels it's not their mother. "No, we're not flaky mom." said the youngest was closest to his mother. See the fact is, the mother becomes very sad. While her children go while continuing to seek out and calling out to her mother, the mother immediately back into the sea and decide it will never come back to his home.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Origin Mermaid
origins of the mermaid legend community-based Central Sulawesi, in the beginning was a housewife who left her family because they feel sad constantly scolded by her husband. That said, the first in the Sulawesi region live a married couple with three children. To meet the daily needs, they earn a living by finding fish in the sea and grow vegetables in the fields. Before his father went to the fields, their regular breakfast together.

One morning, as usual before his father went to the fields, they eat together. Incidentally family fish stocks is quite a lot so it will not run out in one meal. The husband asked his wife to leave the fish to eat after he worked later. By noon, the younger son is starving for a day of play. His mother then gave a plate of rice with fish. Finished eating, the youngest still feel hungry and asking for more. Mother look back with fish live a little, and he recalled with her ​​husband to leave a message with fish to eat after work. However, The Youngest continued to whine ask for more meals. Eventually Mother gives all the fish dishes to his youngest son.

In the evening, their father came home with stomach hungry for a day of work. He asked his wife to provide a meal.
"Wife, where fish do you set aside earlier. I'm very hungry. "Asked her husband to his wife.
" Oh sorry, The Youngest who had spent. He starved depleted running to and fro. "Replied his wife. "What? Is not it I told you to put aside with fish. "Her husband shouted angrily. His wife explained that the fish was on his own but the husband still did not accept and continued to scold his wife. Due to constantly scolded, the wife is very sad and cried. He can not stand by her husband's behavior is often angry. He thought to get out of the house.

On a night when everyone was sleeping soundly, the wife out of the house and go to the sea. The next day, the husband and children looking wife. They were screaming for his wife and their mother but no answer. The children then went out looking on the beach while kept calling her mother.
"My children, I am here," the mother replied. It turned out that their mother was at sea. They are very happy because it managed to find his mother. Their mother then give them a lot of fish to take home as a side dish to eat them. The children then took their mother to return home but her mother refused because it can not stand by her husband's behavior. Finally the kids came home with lots of fish without being able to bring her home.

At home, the children tell the father that they found their mother in the sea. And also convey to bring their father to bring her a lot of fish Award. The father sent the children to bake the fish for a side dish meal. The father seemed not in the least concerned with Mother.
"After the meal, leave the fish to eat side dishes later in the day." Said his father.
At noon, the father came home and have lunch with her ​​children. Children asks the father to leave the fish to his mother. But his father refused on the grounds of his mother does not leave buatrnya fish.

The next day, the children went back to sea to look for his mother. All day they take a walk on the seaside and calling their mothers but did not succeed him. Then he heard the voice calling them.
"Children come here, I'm your mother." A voice called them.
The children soon find the source of the sound. When it finds it, they were very surprised because the whole body of the mother filled with fish scales. They immediately went away because he felt it was not their mother. "No, we're flaky mother." Said the youngest closest to his mother. Given this reality, the mother became very upset. While the children went to look for and calling her mother, the mother must come back into the sea and decided never returning home again.
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