Yellow leaf curl disease / PYLCV (Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus) have typical symptoms include: bone thickened leaves, leaf edges curl upward, and a bright yellow leaf blade. Plants that started developing at a young age become stunted and fruitless. Chili yellow leaf curl disease transmitted by insect vectors, namely kutukebul (Bemisia tabaci Genn.). Maja fruit contain saponins, tannins, marmelosin, essential oils, and pectin which is not favored by plant pests.<br>The study was conducted in the village of the District Sukoreno Kalisat in July and October 2019. The data obtained by the incidence of the disease include every week in every sample of plants, severity of the disease every week on each plant sample, the rate of infection, and analyzed by Duncan range test (Duncan Multiple) with 5% confidence level. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) non factorial with 6 treatments and 4 replicates, so we get 24 experimental units. The treatment used is the control (no treatment), EBM 100 ml / l of water, eUK 100 ml / l of water, EBMUK 100 ml / l of water, EBMUK 150 ml / l of water, and EBMUK 200 ml / l of water.<br>The results showed that a mixture of fruit extracts maja and rabbit urine can inhibit the severity of the disease yellow leaf curl. Treatment EBM 100 ml / l can suppress the disease by 1:59%, eUK 100ml / l water can suppress the disease by 1.82%, EBMUK 100 ml / l of water can suppress the disease by 2:27%, EBMUK 150 ml / l of water can suppress the disease by 2:52% and EBMUK 200 ml / l of water can suppress the disease by 5:42%. In general, the higher the concentration of the mixture of fruit extracts and rabbit urine can provide higher power resistor. It relates to secondary metabolites, compounds and substances produced by microbes AMTI PGPR.
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