the research results showed that L1 interference not being the main source of spelling errors. then, the articulation of several United Kingdom language vocabulary has similarities with each spelling, e.g., hard, fast, continue, Word, can, sofas, see, etc. in this case, the system languages they internalized in Arabic, written carefully articulated way, could help learners to generate the accurate spelling. On the other hand, a large number of words of a language different from United Kingdom articulation and spelling them. In particular substitution errors, for example, learners choose to write ' therteen ' for ' thirteen ' and ' museums for ' museum '. Learners, authors, especially beginners, as in this study, may have the more common spelling of complex rules of the first language, two sources or from inadequate learning, so as to make a mistake like that. Many of these errors can be described as a negative transfer from L1. In addition, the types of errors in favor of the view that the ' L1 is one of the cognitive processes used by learners to extract the rules and principles of target language ' (Alhaysony 2012, p. 63). Finally, the spelling mistakes are found in written texts can be attributed also to the inability of students to remember the words of the correct spelling of previously discovered through reading or elsewhere, so words are misspelled.
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