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18 Jenis Buah Durian Di Indonesia
Posted on 16 September 2014 by sitimayaneli9
Gambar Durian Bubur 1

Durian Ajimah
Durian ini dikenal durian bung karno. Konon, karena jenis ini adalah salah satu jenis durian yang disenangi oleh Presiden Pertama RI. Durian ini bisa ditemukan di daerah Ciomas, Bogor. Duri-durinya besar dan jarang. Kulitnya tipis dan berwarna hijau agak keabuan. Dagingnya tebal berwarna kuning muda dan kering dengan teksturnya berserat. Rasanya manis sedikit kepahitan. Pongge buah besar, tetapi bijinya kecil-kecil. Kebanyakan buahnya tumbuh dengan sempurna. Walaupun berukuran kecil, tetapi jika dibuka isi daging sangat padat. Ukuran buahn tergolong sedang, karna rata-rata dengan berat 1,5 sampai 3 kg/buah.

Durian Bokor
Berasal dari Sukahaji, Majalengka, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Buahnya besar dengan berat mencapai 3,9 kg/buah. Bentuk Buah bulat panjang berwarna hijau sedikit kekuning-kuningan. Kulitnya berketebalan sedang 3 samapi 5 mm. Durinya berbentuk kerucut, besar-besar dan tersusun jarang. Dagingnya memiliki ketebalan yang sedang, berwarna kuning muda dengan tekstur halus, dan tidak berserat. Rasanya manis dengan aromanya harum. Jumlah pongge/buah + 15-20 dengan jumlah biji 10-20. Produktivitasnya cukup baik, bisa menghasilkan 150-200 buah per pohon. Tahan dengan penyakit busuk akar, tetapi peka terhadap hama penggerek.

Durian Bubur
Buah ini berasal dari Semarang, di daerah Brongkol. Bentuk buahnya bulat panjang dengan duri runcing serta tersusun rapat. Kulit buah berwarna kuning sedikit kehijauan-hijauan dan berjuring lima. Belimbingan dari juringnya jelas terlihat. Daging buah padat, tebal dan pongge yang berjumlah 1 hingga 5. Teksturnya kering dan kesat, rasanya manis dengan aroma harum. Ukuran buahnya lumayan besar, dengan berat per buah antara 4 hingga 5 kg, sedangkan biji kecil-kecil. Produktivitas tanaman dewasa cukup tinggi, per pohon menghasilkan 300-400 buah/tahun.

4. Durian Hepe

Namanya berkaitkan dengan keadaan biji buah yang kempes (hepe bahasa Sunda). Durian ini ditemukan di daerah Jonggol, Bogor. Buah berbentuk bulat telur dengan berwarna hijau kecokelatan. Kulit tebal dengan duri runcing dan rapat. Keistimewaannya daging yang tebal dan rasan dengan rasa manis pahit. Daging berwarna krem berserat dan kering. Bobotnya 1-2 kg/buah. Produksi per pohonnya 300-400 buah.

Durian Kamun
Merupakan durian yang populer di Banjarnegara. Keistimewaannya yaitu bijinya kempes. Daging buahnya berlemak, kering dan warna kuning tembaga. Rasanya manis legit dengan aroma harum. Berat rata-rata 2,5 kg. Produktivitas 300-400 buah.

Durian Kendil
Durian berasal dari Brongkol, Semarang. Namanya dikaitkan dengan bentuk yang bulat seperti periuk (kendil). Kulit buahnya mudah untuk dibelah. Buahnya terdiri lima juring clan disetiap juring berisi daging yang menyatu sehingga terlihat penuh dan padat. Berat buah + 3,5 kg. Produktivitas rata-rata 570 buah.

Durian Lambau
Jenis durian ini dari Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. Durinya sedang, berbentuk seperti kerucut, dan tersusun dengan rapat. Ponggenya besar, dagingnya tebal, kasar, kering dan berwarna kuning. Rasanya manis dengan aromanya yang menyengat dan tajam. Biji buahnya kecil-kecil, dengan produktivitasnya rendah, setiap pohon menghasilkan 30 buah.

Durian Lutung
Jenis durian ini ditemukan di Kendal. Bentuk nya hamspir sama dengan buah-buah durian lainnya tetapi kulit berwarna keabu-abuan dengan duri besar-besar, tersusun rapat dan kokoh. Kelebihan durian ini bijinya kempes. Produksi 100 buah/tahun.

Durian Monthong
Tanaman Durian monthong adalah tanaman genjah. Mampu berproduksi diumur 4-5 tahun setelah ditanam. Produksi buahnya banyak.. Bobot buahnya mencapai 6 kg. Dagingnya tebal, rasa manis legit dengan aroma harum.

10.Durian Parung

Saat ini, durian parung bisa ditemukan di daerah Darmaga, Bogor, dan Cilandak Barat, JakSel. Buah berbentuk bulat memanjang berwarna hijau keabuan. Daging tebal, berwarna kuning, berserat, dan tidak kering. Rasanya manis dan biji berukuran kecil.

11.Durian Matahari

Durian ini dari Cimahpar, Bogor. Daging kering, tebal dan kuning cerah. Tekstur daging lembut dan rasanya manis. Keunggulannya adalah tahan hama penyakit.

12.Durian Ajimah

Durian satu ini dari Ciomas, Bogor. Daging tebal, warna kuning muda, kering serta tekstur berserat. Rasa durian ajimah manis-agak pahit dengan biji yang kecil.
13.Durian Sukarno
Durian ini diberi nama yang sama dengan Presiden pertama kita berasal dari Bengkulu. Daging buahnya tebal, biji kecil-kecil, warna buah putih kekuningan dengan rasanya manis. Durian ini adalah jenis durian paling disukai oleh Bung Karno.

14.Durian Lay

Durian ini ditemukan di KalTim dan KalTeng. Dagingnya berwarna kuning tua dan rasa manis sedang serta beraroma lembut.

15.Durian Tanpa Sekat

Durian unik berasal dari Lombok, NTB. Karena tak ada sekat yang memisahkan isi buah, isi durian 10 % lebih banyak dari durian lain.

16.Duren Botak

Durian ini terlihat seperti kelapa karena tidak mempunyai duri. Durian ini juga dari Lombok NTB, berwarna kuning dengan rasanya gurih dan legit. Tekstur kering dan kulit yang tipis.

17.Durian Sunan

Berasal dari Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Daging berwarna krem, tebal dan kering berlemak, berserat halus dengan aroma yang tajam dan rasa manis, duri kulitnya rapat dan panjang-panjang.

18.Durian Chanee

Seperti Durian monthong, berasal dari Thailand, durian ini baru akan berbuah sesudah 4 hingga 5 tahun setelah ditanam. Warna daging kuning keemasan dengan rasa manis dan lembut.

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kinds of kinds of fruitWhat fruit do you like?NavigationSkip to contentHomeMenuAbout18 types of Fruit Durian In IndonesiaPosted on September 16, 2006 by sitimayaneli9Picture of Durian Pulp 1Durian AjimahDurian durian bung karno stadium is known. It was said that, because of this type is one of the durian endeared by the first President of INDONESIA. Durian is to be found in the area of Ciomas, Bogor. Duri-durinya great and rare. Its skin is thin and somewhat green keabuan. Thick flesh is yellow and dry with a fibrous texture. Sweet little bitterness. Pongge fruit large, but small seeds. Most fruit grown to perfection. Despite the small size, but if the contents of the opened meat very solid. The size of the buahn belongs to the medium, because the average weight of 1.5 to 3 kg/fruit.Durian BokorDerived from Sukahaji, Majalengka, West Java province. The fruit is great with the weight reached 3.9 kg/fruit. Long round fruit shape slightly yellowish green. His skin berketebalan are 3 to 5 mm. conical spines are large, and arranged in rare. Its flesh has a thickness that is being young, yellow, smooth texture, and not fibrous. The taste is sweet with a fragrant aroma. Number of pongge/fruit + 15-20 with a total of 10-20 seeds. Its productivity is good enough, could produce 150-200 pieces per tree. With the disease-resistant roots are rotten, but sensitive to pests penggerek.Durian PorridgeThis fruit comes from Semarang, in the area of Brongkol. The fruit is a spherical shape with long pointy spines and arranged a meeting. Fruit skin is slightly greenish yellow-forage and berjuring five. Belimbingan from juringnya is clearly visible. The fruit flesh is dense, thick and pongge are numbered 1 to 5. Their texture is dry and kesat, sweet with the scent of fragrant. The size of the fruit is quite large, with weight per fruit among 4 to 5 kg, while the small seeds. The adult plant productivity is high enough, per tree producing fruit/300-400 years.4. in Durian HepeHis name is berkaitkan with fruit kernels deflated (hepe Sundanese language). Durian was discovered in the area of Jonggol, Bogor. The fruits are globose, green eggs with browned. The thick leather with spiky spines and meetings. Special meat that thick and bitter sweet taste rasan. Cream colored flesh fibrous and dry. Does it weigh 1-2 kg/fruit. The production per tree to 300-400 pieces.Durian KamunThe durian is popular in the city itself. A distinction that is seeds deflated. The meat is fatty fruit, dry and yellow copper. The taste is sweet with the scent of the fragrant legit. Average weight of 2.5 kg. Productivity of 300-400 pieces.Durian KendilDurian is derived from Brongkol, Semarang. His name is associated with the shape of the round like a pot (kendil). The skin of the fruit is easy to split. The fruit consists of five juring clan every juring meat attached so it looks full and dense. Heavy fruit + 3.5 kg. The average productivity of 570 pieces.Durian LambauThis type of durian from Purworejo, Central Java. The spines are medium, shaped like a cone, and arranged with the meeting. Ponggenya large, flesh thick, rough, dry and yellow. The taste is sweet with a pungent aroma and sharp. The seeds of the fruit is small, with low productivity, each tree yields 30 pieces.Durian LutungTypes of durian is found in Kendal. The form of his hamspir the same as the fruit of the durian more grayish skin but with large spines, arranged the meeting and sturdy. The advantages of this durian seeds deflated. Production of 100 pieces/year.Durian MonthongDurian monthong plant is a plant genjah. Capable of producing diumur 4-5 years after it is planted. The production of the fruit a lot.. Fruit weights reach 6 kg. Flesh thick, sweet fragrant with the scent of legit.10. Durian ParungCurrently, durian parung can be found in the area, Bogor, and the Darmaga Cilandak Barat, JakSel. Elongated spherical-shaped fruit are green keabuan. Flesh thick, yellow, fibrous, and not dry. The taste is sweet and small seeds.11. Sun DurianDurian is from Cimahpar, Bogor. The meat was dry, thick and bright yellow. The texture of the meat is soft and sweet. Excellence is the pest-resistant disease.12. Durian AjimahThis one is from Durian Ciomas, Bogor. Flesh thick, mastic, dry and fibrous texture. The taste of durian ajimah sweet-somewhat bitter with small seeds.13. Durian SukarnoDurian was given the same name as the first President of our come from Bengkulu. Thick fruit flesh, seeds small, yellowish white color of the fruit with the taste is sweet. This is the kind of Durian durian most favored by Bung Karno Stadium.14. Lay the DurianDurian is found in Kalimantan Timur and KalTeng. The flesh is yellow and the taste is sweet and flavorful are soft.15. Durian Without DividerUnique Durian came from Lombok, NTB. Because there are no bulkhead that separates the contents of the fruit, the durian content 10% more than other durian.16. Duren BaldDurian coconut look like this because it has no thorns. Durian is also from Lombok, NTB, colored yellow with savory and feels legit. The texture is dry and thin skin.17. Durian SunanCome from Boyolali, Central Java. Cream colored flesh, thick and fibrous, fatty dry smooth the sharp with aromas and flavors of sweet, thorns of her skin meeting and long-length.18. Durian ChaneeLike Durian monthong, comes from Thailand, this new fruit durian after 4 to 5 years after it is planted. The color golden yellow flesh with a sweet taste and soft. 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18 type Durian Fruit In Indonesia
Posted on 16 September 2014 by sitimayaneli9
Figure 1 Porridge Durian Durian Ajimah Durian durian is known as Bung Karno. That said, since this type is one type of durian favored by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia. Durian can be found in the area Ciomas, Bogor. Thorns large and sparse. His skin is thin and somewhat grayish green. Thick flesh light yellow and dry with a fibrous texture. It was sweet little bitterness. Pongge large fruit, but the seeds are small. Most fruit grow perfectly. Although small, but when opened, the contents of the meat is very solid. Buahn size is classified, because the average weighing 1.5 to 3 kg / fruit, Durian Bokor Derived from Sukahaji, Majalengka, West Java Province. The fruit is large and weigh up to 3.9 kg / fruit. Fruit elliptic shape green slightly yellowish. Her skin thickness was 3 till 5 mm. Conical spines, big and composed rare. The meat has a medium thickness, light yellow with a smooth texture and no fiber. It was sweet with a fragrant aroma. Number pongge / fruit + 10-20 15-20 by number of seeds. Productivity is quite good, can produce 150-200 fruits per tree. Resistant to root rot, but susceptible to borer. Durian Porridge This fruit comes from Semarang, in the area Brongkol. Long round fruit shape with pointy spines and compact. Rind slightly greenish yellow-green and berjuring five. Belimbingan of juringnya clearly visible. Fruit flesh dense, thick and pongge numbering 1 to 5. The texture is dry and rough, sweet with a fragrant aroma. Fruit size was quite large, with a weight per piece of between 4 to 5 kg, while the small grains. Productivity is high enough mature plants, produce 300-400 fruits per tree / year. 4. Durian Hepe His name berkaitkan with the state of the flat seeds (Hepe Sundanese). Durian is found in the area jonggol. Oval fruit with a brownish green. Thick leather with spiky thorns and meetings. It features thick flesh and violence with a bitter sweet taste. Cream-colored flesh fibrous and dry. He weighs 1-2 kg / fruit. Production of fruit per tree 300-400. Durian Kamun It is the durian which is popular in Banjarnegara. Privileges are flat seeds. Fatty flesh, dry and yellow copper. It was sweet with the scent legit. The average weight of 2.5 kg. Productivity 300-400 fruits. Durian Kendil Durian derived from Brongkol, Semarang. His name is associated with a round shape like a pot (kendil). His skin is easy to split. The fruit consists of five pie clan in every pie filled with meat that blends so it looks full and dense. Fruit weight + 3.5 kg. The average productivity of 570 pieces. Durian Lambau type this durian from Purworejo, Central Java. Being prickly, cone-shaped, and arranged a meeting. Ponggenya large, flesh thick, coarse, dry and yellow. It was sweet with the aroma pungent and sharp. Small fruit seeds, with low productivity, each tree produces 30 fruits. Durian monkey type of durian is found in Kendal. Hamspir his form together with other durian fruit but grayish skin with large spines, compact and sturdy. Excess durian seeds deflated. The production of 100 pieces / year. Durian Monthong Plant monthong Durian is early maturing crops. Capable of producing at the age of 4-5 years after planting. Many fruit production .. The weight of the fruit reaches 6 kg. The meat is thick, sticky sweet flavor with a fragrant aroma. 10.Durian Parung Today, durian statues can be found in the area Darmaga, and Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta. Fruits are round elongated gray-green color. Flesh thick, yellow, fibrous, and not dry. It was sweet and small-sized seeds. 11.Durian Sun Durian is from Cimahpar, Bogor. The meat was dry, thick and bright yellow. Soft flesh texture and sweet taste. The advantage is pest resistant. 12.Durian Ajimah Durian this one of Ciomas, Bogor. Flesh thick, pale yellow color, dry and fibrous texture. Ajimah durian taste somewhat bitter-sweet with tiny seeds. 13.Durian Sukarno Durian is given the same name as our first president came from Bengkulu. Thick flesh, small seeds, yellowish white color of the fruit with a sweet taste. This is the kind of durian durian most favored by Bung Karno. 14.Durian Lay durian is found in East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Dark yellow flesh and sweet taste was soft and flavorful. 15.Durian Unveiling Durian is unique from Lombok, NTB. Because there is no bulkhead that separates the content of the fruit, the pulp 10% more than other durian. 16.Duren Bald Durian looks like oil because it has no thorns. Durian is also of Lombok NTB, yellow with savory and sweet taste. Dry texture and thin skin. 17.Durian Sunan Derived from Boyolali, Central Java. Flesh creamy, thick and dry fatty, fibrous smooth with a pungent smell and taste sweet, thorn skin tight and long-term. 18.Durian chanee As Durian monthong, comes from Thailand, it will bear fruit durian after 4 to 5 years after planted. Flesh color is golden yellow with a sweet taste and soft. On these ads Share this: TwitterFacebook1Google Related Various Kinds of Benefits and Benefits Soursop Leaf for the body of the "Fruit Powder" 1000 Benefits And Benefits Fruit Avocados in "soft fruit" Fruit Benefits Rambutan in "Fruit Powder" This post is published in Solid fruit. Mark permalink. 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