hay.... apa kabar mu ? bagaimana perjalananmu ? saya berharap ombak be terjemahan - hay.... apa kabar mu ? bagaimana perjalananmu ? saya berharap ombak be Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

hay.... apa kabar mu ? bagaimana pe

hay.... apa kabar mu ? bagaimana perjalananmu ? saya berharap ombak bersahabat sehingga kapal bisa berjalan dengan baik, tidak ada halangan. dan tidak membuat saya cemas. jujur setelah mendapat kabar kamu dalam perjalanan menuju Australia dengan kapal laur selama 12 hari ... terbayang dalam pikiran saya, kamu dalam perjalanan itu tidak nyaman dan saya selalu mencemaskan kamu.

hari ini saya menemani anak - anak ku membeli perlengkapan untuk mereka sekolah. mereka mulai pelajaran baru setelah libur panjang untuk libur kenaikan kelas dan libur hari raya agama ku.

Hari Senin saya mulai masuk kantor setelah kantor libur 14 hari untuk libur hari raya.
saya bekerja 5 hari dalam 1 minggu, Senin sampai dengan Jum'at. Sabtu dan Minggu hari libur tetapi jika saya mempunyai pekerjaan belum selesai terpaksa saya bekerja hari sabtu. Saya sering melakukan perjalanan keluar kota untuk urusan pekerjaan.
Lingkungan pekerjaan saya lebih banyak berhubungan dengan lelaki karena itu kadang saya harus bersikap seperti lelaki juga untuk bisa berkomunikasi terhadap mereka. Tetapi jika mengikuti rapat dengan pemilik proyek atau mengikuti meeting, saya bersikap sesuai dengan kodrat saya sebagai wanita. Jadi jika kamu mencari teman wanita yang selalu berpenampilan menarik seperti model atau artis .... bukan saya yang kamu cari.
Jujur setelah bercerai beberapa pria datang kepada saya tetapi setelah menjalani pertemanan beberapa waktu tetapi tidak sebagai kekasih, kami tidak mempunyai prinsip dalam menjalani hidup ini. Saat ini saya berfikir lebih baik saya fokus dalam pekerjaan untuk masa depan anak - anak saya. Mereka adalah amanah Tuhan untuk saya, dan merekalah yang membuat saya tetap semangat untuk menjalani hidup ini setelah beberapa pengalaman buruk yang saya alami.
Ben.... semoga kamu tidak bosan membaca email ku. saya berharap dalam email mu berikutnya kamu bercerita hal perjalanan hidup kamu , untuk membuat saya lebih banyak mengenal kamu.
Jaga diri dan kesehatan mu. Saya berdoa semoga tuhan memberikan kelancaran dalam perjalanan kamu.

Warm dan Best Regards
dari sahabat mu Esti

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Hay .... How are you? How did your journey? I hope the friendly waves so that the ship can go well, there is no impediment. and don't make me anxious. honestly once you got word on his way to Australia with the opposing ship for 12 days ... imprinted in my mind, you are in the journey was not comfortable and I always worry about you.Today I accompanied my sons buy equipment for their school. they begin a new lesson after the long holidays to holiday increase in class and religious feast day of my holiday.Monday I start entering office after Office holiday 14 days for holiday feasts.I work 5 days a week, Monday to Friday with. Saturday and Sunday public holidays but if I had not done this job forced me to work on Saturday. I often travel out of town for work. My work environment is more in touch with the men because it sometimes I have to act like men also to be able to communicate to them. But if following a meeting with the owner of the project or take a meeting, I acted in accordance with the nature of I as a woman. So if you are looking for a lady friend always look attractive as a model or performer .... not me you are looking for.Honestly after divorcing some guy came up to me but after some time the friendship but not as a lover, we have no principle in living life. I am currently thinking better I focus in the work for the future of my kids. They are the mandate of the Lord for me, and it was they who kept me a passion to live life after some bad experiences that I experienced.Ben .... may you not tired of reading my email. I hope in the next email tells you things thy life, to make the me more to know you. Take care of yourself and your health. I pray may God give smoothness in the ride you.Warm and Best Regards of thy companions Esti
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
hay .... how are you? how your journey? I hope the waves are friends so that the ship could go well, there is no obstacle. and does not make me anxious. honest after you hear the way to Australia with a curved vessel for 12 days ... imagined in my mind, you are on the way it was uncomfortable and I always worry about you. Today I accompany the child - my child buy their supplies for the school. they begin a new lesson after a long holiday for the holiday increase in class and my religious holiday feast day. On Monday I started to enter the office after the holiday office 14 days for the holiday feast. I work 5 days in one week, Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday day off but if I have not finished the job forced me to work Saturdays. I often travel out of town on business. My work environment more associated with men because it sometimes I have to behave like men also to be able to communicate to them. But if a meeting with the owner of the project or follow the meeting, I act according to my nature as a woman. So if you are looking for a female friend who was always dressed like a model or an artist .... not me that you are looking for. Honestly after divorce some men came to me, but after a friendship some time but not as a lover, we do not have principles in life this. This time I think I better focus on the job for the future of children - my son. They are trustful of the Lord for me, and they who made ​​me keep the spirit to live life after a few bad experiences that I experienced. Ben .... I hope you do not get bored reading my email. I hope that in your next email you tell it the trip of your life, to make me more familiar with you. Take care of yourself and your health. I pray that God gives smoothness in your journey. Warm and Best Regards from your friends Esti

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