"If you merindukanku, then pejamkanlah your eyes, discover I'm in pitch. For I am there to be light, "this sentence might want to listen thou away from me. But sorry, I will never say it, although kutahu so in a sense your love.God has admonished with a polite, "and there are any people who are afraid of the greatness of God and refrain from the desire of Eve, then surely his surgalah residence (him)." [*]Have we not yet tied to kabul, why consent to torture themselves be pesakitan missed. Really, it's true the bondage of lust that makes you dumb.If mengingatku makes you pain-wracked, then immediately consulted his pleading for safety reason.When Miss into lust, then it makes sense to have been tainted. It is sad when things of love which has not been made halal lost sense.Of course I love it, not to make you so desire that made slave kewarasanmu impaired thereby.Let mutual salvation, may mendoa love lead us to the wisdom of not even cause the error.Believe me, killing Miss does not mean meniadakankuBecause we are able to keep the liver,
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