Prospek Bisnis Properti 2016 di Mata PengembangJAKARTA, - T terjemahan - Prospek Bisnis Properti 2016 di Mata PengembangJAKARTA, - T Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Prospek Bisnis Properti 2016 di Mat

Prospek Bisnis Properti 2016 di Mata Pengembang
JAKARTA, - Tahun 2016 ini diyakini sebagai momentum tinggal landas buat bisnis properti. Beberapa pengembang menghadapinya dengan optimistis dan sejumlah strategi. Bahkan, ada di antaranya berani melansir proyek-proyek baru.  Tak main-main, proyek baru tersebut berukuran jumbo dengan estimasi invenstasi ratusan miliar hingga triliunan rupiah. Sementara pengembang lainnya lebih menerapkan strategi merambah segmen pasar baru menengah ke bawah, dari sebelumnya menggarap pasar menengah atas. Alasannya, pasar kelas ini tidak terlalu sensitif terhadap isu makro ekonomi. Pasar kelas ini secara fundamental merupakan betul-betul end user atau owner occupier.

Direktur Utama PT Ciputra Surya Tbk, Harun Hajadi Tahun ini seharusnya lebih baik ketimbang tahun 2015. Pemerintah sudah sejumlah menerbitkan paket kebijakan untuk menggenjot pertumbuhan ekonomi dan juga properti. Selain itu, alokasi dana infrastruktur yang ditingkatkan, juga memungkinkan pembangunan fisik untuk konektivitas antar-wilayah dipercepat. "Masak, pemerintah sudah mengeluarkan segitu banyak paket, gak ada yang mengena," ujar Harun kepada, Kamis (31/12/2015). Harun menambahkan, bisnis properti akan bangkit dari keterpurukan jika suku bunga tidak naik, likuiditas kredit HYPERLINK "" perumahan rakyat (KPR) teerjamin, dan tidak ada tambahan aturan yang tidak karuan.  "Jangan ada batasan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen. Itu yang penting. Loan to Value (LTV) yang dinaikkan sudah bagus sekali," ucap Harun. Baginya, hal tersebut cukup untuk menciptakan kondisi bisnis properti tahun 2016 lebih baik dibanding tahun lalu. PT Ciputra Surya Tbk akan melakukan proyeksi bisnis pada tanggal 29 Januari mendatang.
Managing Director Corporate Strategy & Services Sinarmas Land Ishak Chandra Menurut Ishak, kelangsungan bisnis properti tahun ini meski bakal lebih baik dari tahun 2015, namun akan sangat bergantung pada insentif pemerintah. "Insentif dari pemerintah akan menjadi pemantik atau trigger bagi pemulihan bisnis properti di Indonesia," tutur Ishak. Sinarmas Land telah menyiapkan rencana strategis untuk merealisasikan sejumlah proyek raksasa di Jadebotabek, dan beberapa kota di Indonesia seperti Surabaya, Balikpapan, Batam, dan Makassar. Dalam waktu dekat mereka akan merilis secara resmi proyek apartemen Aerium Residence di Puri Kembangan, Jakarta Barat, dan mixed use development di Jakarta Selatan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The business prospects of the property developer's eye in 2016Jakarta, is believed as the momentum take off create a property business. Some developers deal with it with optimism and a number of strategies. In fact, there are among them dare alerts you of new projects. No joke, the new jumbo-sized project with estimated invenstasi hundreds of billions to trillions of rupiah. While other developers are applying the strategy of the new market segment of medium penetrated downwards, from the earlier execution of the secondary market. The reason, market this class not too sensitive to macroeconomic issues. This class market fundamentally is downright end user or owner occupier. President Director of PT Ciputra Surya Tbk, Aaron Hajadi this year should be better than the year 2015. The Government is already a number of published policy package to boost economic growth and also property. In addition, the improved infrastructure fund allocation, physical development also allows for connectivity between regions accelerated. "Cook, the Government had already issued much for many packages, which do not have," said Aaron to, Thursday (31/12/2015). Aaron added, property business will rise from slump if interest rates don't rise, the liquidity of the credit HYPERLINK "" housing (MORTGAGE) teerjamin, and no additional rules not karuan. "No limits to meet the needs of consumers. That's what's important. Loan to Value (LTV) that is raised is already very good, "said Aaron. For him, it is enough to create the business conditions of the property the year 2016 are better than last year. PT Ciputra Surya Tbk will do the business projections on 29 January. Managing Director of Corporate Strategy & Services: Land of Isaac Chandra according to Isaac, the continuity of the business property of the year even though it would be better than the year 2015, but will rely heavily on Government incentives. "The incentives from the Government will be lighter or trigger for the recovery of the property business in Indonesia," said Isaac. Sinarmas Land has prepared a strategic plan to realize a number of giant projects in Jadebotabek, and some cities in Indonesia such as Batam, Balikpapan, Surabaya, and Makassar. In the near future they will be releasing officially Aerium apartment Residence project in Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta, and mixed use development in South Jakarta.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Business Prospects 2016 Eye Property Developers
JAKARTA, - 2016 is believed to be the momentum to take off for the property business. ?? Some developers face it with optimism and a number of strategies. In fact, there are among them dared to launch new projects. ?? No kidding, the new project jumbo estimates hundreds of billions of investment of up to trillions of rupiah. ?? While other developers over strategy penetrated new market segments middle to bottom, from the previous work on the secondary market. ?? The reason, the market this class is not overly sensitive to macro-economic issues. This class is fundamentally the market is really the end user or owner occupier.? Director of PT Ciputra Surya Tbk, Aaron Hajadi ?? This year should be better than in 2015. The government has published a package of measures to boost economic growth as well as property. ?? In addition, the allocation of funds improved infrastructure, it also allows for the physical development of inter-regional connectivity accelerated. ?? "Cook, the government has issued many packets that much, there is not the hit," said Aaron to, Thursday (31 /12/2015).??Harun added, the property business will emerge from the downturn if interest rates rise, credit liquidity HYPERLINK "" housing folk (KPR) teerjamin, and no additional rules are not known. ?? "There should be no limit to meet consumer needs. It's important. Loan to Value (LTV) which has raised great," said Aaron. ?? For her, it is enough to create the conditions of the real estate business in 2016 is better than last year . ?? PT Ciputra Surya Tbk will conduct business projections on 29 January. ?? Managing Director of Corporate Strategy & Services Sinarmas Land Ishak Chandra ?? According to Ishak, business continuity despite the property this year will be better than 2015, but it will be very dependent on government incentives. ?? "Incentives from the government will be lighter or trigger for the recovery of the property business in Indonesia," said Isaac. ?? Sinarmas Land has prepared a strategic plan to realize a number of giant projects in Jadebotabek, and several cities in Indonesia such as Surabaya , Balikpapan, Batam and Makassar. ?? In the near future they will be officially released Aerium Residence apartment project in Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta, and mixed-use development in South Jakarta.

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