Menyikapi, Pandangannya Agama dan Budaya Prof. Jeffrey Lang .Tak perna terjemahan - Menyikapi, Pandangannya Agama dan Budaya Prof. Jeffrey Lang .Tak perna Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Menyikapi, Pandangannya Agama dan B

Menyikapi, Pandangannya Agama dan Budaya Prof. Jeffrey Lang .

Tak pernah ada habisnya untuk bicara menguraikan Agama dan Kebudayaan. Betul, ungkap professor Jeffrey Lang Seorang Muallaf Amerika, bahwa nilai agama sebagian bisa penetrasi dengan Kebudayaan tapi tidak seluruhnya di semua tempat. Perbedaan pandangan itu, sejak dulu disadari bahwa sesungguhnya karena yang mendasarinya adanya perbedaan sistem metodologi keduanya yang berbeda. Agama, diterapkan secara dogmatis berdasarkan Wahyu – yang jujur saja di kalangan intelektual sebagian besar mengatakan identik mimpi. Sementara kebudayaan selalu uptodate karena merupakan cara manusia menyikapi kehidupam dalam rangka menyesuaikan kebutuhannya.
Sebagai pemeluk agama, semestinya harus fanatic karena doktrin agama dilakukan secara dogmatis yang tujuannya untuk mempertebal keimanan. Percaya, dan yakin. Itulah dasarnya, tidak pakai dinalar-nalar lagi sebagaimana kaum orientalis. Dalam konteks peribadatan ketika menjalankan ritual, Saya sangat setuju orang untuk fanatic. Suatu contoh, sebagai analogi ‘Assalamu’alaikum tidak bisa diganti dengan ucapan lain ketika orang sedang menjalankan sholat. Tapi, dalam konteks kebudayaan, bisa saja orang mengucapkan kalimat itu mengganti dengan “campurasun, misalnya berkunjung dirumah orang Sunda. Atau, ‘kulonuwun" dsb. Secara sosiologis, ucapan itu, mengandung insinuasi yang akan berkembang maknanya sejalan dengan konteks kebudayaan. Misalnya, bahasa “kulonuwun’ sebagaimana diucapkan orang jawa ketika bertamu, kini menjadi tidak popular karena banyaknya para – maaf – pengemis mengetuk pintu mengunakan ucapan itu. Menjadikan orang ‘risih menggunakan kata itu kedengarannya “kulonyuwun” (seperti pengemis). Dalam, agama tidak bisa kata memiliki pergeseran makna. Itulah perbedaan agama dan kebudayaan.
Soal berpakaian bagi perempuan muslim bagai mana pantasnya, kalau memang secara syar'i simpang siur sebagai pegangan yang mendasarinya sehingga berkesan ‘memaksakan’, silahkan aja yang perempuan untuk memilih maunya bagaimana. Karena saya memiliki tradisi bukan tipe sebagaimana seorang bupati di Aceh yang lihat perempuan tidak menutup semua auratnya lantas boleh memperkosa.
Istri saya sejak remaja berpakaian muslim “lengkap” hanya kelihatan matanya saja ketika berpenampilan di luar. Tapi, orang lain tidak tahu – dulu aku juga – kalau istri ku itu rambutnya dicat merah Pikirku, Siapa yang akan lihat, setiap hari pakai kerudung ? Diam-diam saya merasa kasihan, sesungguhnya secara kodrati kaum hawa ingin ‘menonjolkan’ yang dimiliki untuk disanjung, dan dipuja.
Di negara-negara Arab yang mayoritas muslim melarang kaum hawa untuk tidak menutup aurat dimuka umum. Para ulama menguatirkan jika standar berpakaian bagi kaum hawa ini ‘dilonggarkan. akan menimbulkan kekacauan. “Para ulama Saudi mengetahui betul kebudayaan mereka dan merekalah yang paling mengetahui efek pelonggaran dari standar ini pada masyarakat Saudi. Akan tetapi, orang-orang Barat mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami banyak hal yang dikemukakan oleh para ulama Saudi.’ Demikian prof Jeffry mengeluhkan.
Mengurai agama dengan kebudayaan memang tak semudah verbalisme’. Dalam kenyataan sosial, pemahaman dan perilaku kaum muslim tidak akan terlepas dari konteks kebudayaan. Agama didalam konsep kebudayaan menurut Profesor Koentjaraningrat merupakan sub system riligi, kepercayaan dari keseluruhan cara hidup manusia. Semua bentuk yang dihasilkan dari cara hidup manausia itulah system kebudayaan, demikian Koentjaraningrat mengklasifikasikan dalam disiplin ilmunya abtropologi budaya yang dulu pernah kaum beragama salah faham dikira agama itu sama dengan kebudayaan. Jadi, semua perilaku yang bersifat agamis tidak dapat diubah oleh perkembangan kebudayaan dalam konteks peribadatan. Sementara, perilaku kebudayaan selalu uptodate karena sejalan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan kehidupan. Itulah, adanya Agama dan Budaya.. Setuju? Mari……, toossss !!!
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Addressing his religion and Culture Prof. Jeffrey Lang.Never talk to endless elaborate on religion and culture. Correct, says professor Jeffrey Lang An American Converts, that religious values with Cultural penetration could be partially but not entirely all over the place. The difference of views that, long ago realized that due to the underlying differences of different systems of both methodologies. Religion, applied dogmatically based on Rev. honest – alone among the intellectuals most say identical dreams. While culture is always up to date because it is the human way of addressing kehidupam in order to adjust its needs.As religions, must be must be fanatic because the doctrine of religion done dogmatically that the goal to thicken the faith. Believe, and sure. That's the essence, not disposable dinalar-reason again as the House of orientalists. In the context of religious ritual when running, I couldn't agree more people to fanatic. An example, as the analogy of ' Tags cannot be replaced with another remark when people are running the prayer. But, in the context of culture, could only utter that sentence replacing it with "campurasun, for example, visited the home of people of Sunda. Or, ' kulonuwun "etc. In sociological, speech that contains insinuasi, which will be developed in line with the cultural context of meaning. For example, the language of "kulonuwun ' as Javanese spoken when visited, is now becoming popular because of the many not the – sorry – beggars knocking on the door using the speech it was. Make ' title uses the word that sounds like "kulonyuwun" (like a beggar). In, religion could not be said to have a shift in meaning. That's the difference in religion and culture.Reserved for muslim women to dress like where quickly, if it is in the legitimate simpang flooded as the underlying handle so memorable ' impose ', please wrote that wants women to vote how. Because I have a tradition of not the type as a Regent in Aceh who see women do not cover all her body then be raped.My wife since teenagers dressed in muslim "complete" just looked her eyes only when the band outside. But, others don't know – I used to also – if my wife was his hair painted red I thought, who will see, every day wear a veil? I secretly feel sorry for, indeed are is not supernatural womenfolk wants to ' highlight ' belonging to honored, and revered. In the countries of the Arab muslim majority banned the womenfolk to not close the Awrah, publicly. The scholars menguatirkan if the standard dress for the womenfolk ' dilonggarkan. It will cause chaos. "The Saudi scholars know very well their culture and it is they who most know the effect of easing of standards at the Saudi society. However, the Western people have difficulty in understanding the many ways expressed by the scholars. ' So prof Jeffrey complained. Parse religion with culture is not as easy as verbalisme '. In fact, social understanding and behaviour of the Muslims would not be apart from the context of the culture. Religion in the concept of culture according to Professor Koentjaraningrat is a sub system riligi, the overall confidence of the human way of life. All forms generated from manausia way of life that is the system culture, so the science discipline in classifying Koentjaraningrat abtropologi culture that had once been the House of religious misunderstanding is counted the same as religious culture. So all the behaviors that are written and cannot be changed by the development of culture in the context of worship. Meanwhile, the cultural behavior is always up to date because it is in line with the fulfilment of life. That is, the existence of religious and cultural ... Agree? Let ... ..., toossss!!!
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
In response, gaze Religion and Culture Prof. Jeffrey Lang. Never-ending for a speech outlining Religion and Culture. Yes, said professor Jeffrey Lang An American Muallaf, that religious values ​​can partially penetrate the culture but not entirely all over the place. These differences, long ago realized that in fact due to the underlying differences in the two systems are different methodologies. Religion, applied dogmatically by Revelation - that honest intellectuals, most said identical dream. While culture is always up to date because it is the way people respond kehidupam in order to adapt to their needs. As a religion, indeed should fanatic because religious doctrines do so dogmatically that aim to strengthen the faith. Trust and believe. That's basically, do not wear illogical-logic again as the Orientalists. In the context of worship when the ritual, I strongly agree people to fanatic. An example, as an analogy 'Assalamu can not be replaced by other words when people are prayers. But, in the context of culture, it could be people uttered the sentence replace with "campurasun, for example, visited the houses of Sunda. Or, 'kulonuwun "and so on. In sociology, speech that contains insinuation that will develop meaning in line with the cultural context. For example, the language" kulonuwun' as spoken Javanese people as a guest has now become unpopular because of the - sorry - beggars knocking on the door using words. Making people 'uncomfortable using the word as it sounds "kulonyuwun" (beggars). In religion can not be said to have a shift in meaning. that is a different religion and culture. Problem dress for Muslim women as where pantasnya, if it is shar' i mazy as handles underlying so memorable 'impose', please wrote that women to choose wants how. Because I have a tradition not the type as a regent in Aceh who see women do not cover all the nakedness and then be raped. My wife was in his early teens dressed Muslim "full" is only her eyes visible only when dressed on the outside. But other people do not know - I used to - if my wife's hair was painted red, I thought, who will see, every day wear veils? Secretly I feel sorry, in fact by nature womenfolk wanted to 'highlight' held for flattered and adored. In Arab countries the majority of Muslims forbade women to not close the genitals in public. The scholars worry if the standard of dress for women is' loosened. will cause chaos. "The Saudi clerics to truly know their culture and they are the most aware of this standard easing effect on Saudi society. However, the Western people have difficulty in understanding the many things that put forward by Saudi clerics. ' Similarly, Prof. Jeffry complained. Mengurai culture with religion is not as easy verbal '. In the social reality, understanding and behavior of the Muslims would not be separated from the cultural context. Religion in the concept of culture according to Professor Koentjaraningrat a sub system riligi, the confidence of the whole human life. All forms generated from a way of life that manausia culture system, thereby classifying the discipline of science Koentjaraningrat abtropologi culture that once the religious misunderstanding calculated the same religion and culture. So, all that is religious behavior can not be changed by the development of culture in the context of worship. Meanwhile, always up to date because of cultural behavior in line with the fulfillment of life. That is, the Religious and Cultural .. Agree? Mari ......, toossss !!!

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