( RENUNGAN ) Teguran bagi kaum wanita dan teguran untuk kita bersamaMa terjemahan - ( RENUNGAN ) Teguran bagi kaum wanita dan teguran untuk kita bersamaMa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

( RENUNGAN ) Teguran bagi kaum wani


Teguran bagi kaum wanita dan teguran untuk kita bersama

Maafkan bukan bermaksud kasar apalagi kepada saudari yang berhati sensitif, Rasulullah SAW adalah manusia penyayang nomor satu, kalo ada yang klaim bukan beliau, mendingan gak usah didengarkan. Diantaranya sifat penyayang nya, beliau pun mengabarkan kepada kita sekalian, bahwa Nabi hanyalah pemberi peringatan kepada umatnya, kenapa ? agar kita selamat dari derita abadi dan azab yg pedih, kalo disimpen dalilnya karena enggak enak, ntar malah berabe ketemu Rosulullah SAW di akhirat, salah-salah kita ikutan dosa karena gak memberi tau sesama sodara seiman. Na'udzubillah. 

Marilah kita simak pemaparan nya :

Wahai para wanita...tahukah anda bahwa :

Semakin banyak pandangan lelaki yang tergiur denganmu semakin bertumpuk pula dosa-dosamu 
Semakin sang lelaki menghayalkan mu...semakin berhasrat denganmu maka semakin bertumpuk pula dosa-dosamu 
Janganlah anda menyangka senyuman mu yang kau tebarkan secara sembarangan tidak akan ada pertanggung jawabannya kelak..!. Bisa jadi senyuman mu sekejap menjadi bahan lamunan seorang lelaki yang tidak halal bagimu selama berhari-hari..
Bayangkanlah... betapa bertumpuk dosa-dosa para artis dan penyanyi yang membuka aurot nya di hadapan ribuan...bahkan jutaan para lelaki?? 
Jika anda menjaga kecantikanmu dan kemolekan tubuhmu hanya untuk suamimu...maka anda kelak akan semakin cantik dan semakin molek di surga Allah... 
Akan tetapi jika anda membiarkan kecantikanmu dan kemolekan mu maka ingatlah itu semua akan sirna dan akan lebur di dalam kubur menjadi santapan cacing dan ulat...dan di akhirat kelak...bisa jadi berubah menjadi bahan bakar neraka ! Naudzubillah

Allah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala Berfirman 

Dan barangsiapa mendurhakai Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sungguh dia telah sesat, sesat yang nyata. 
(Al-Ahzab :36)

Nabi Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam bersabda : 

Setiap umatku yang bersalah akan dimaafkan, kecuali orang yang secara terang-terangan berbuat maksiat 
( HR-Bukhari Dan Muslim )

Dari Abu Musa al-Asyari berkata: Rasulullah Saw bersabda: Siapa saja wanita yang memakai wangi-wangian kemudian keluar rumah dan berjalan melewati satu kaum sehingga mereka dapat mencium baunya, maka ia adalah wanita PEZINA. 
(H.R. an-NasaI)

Rasulullah Saw bersabda : 

Perempuan yang berpakaian tetapi TELANJANG, berlenggang-lenggok waktu berjalan. Mengayun-ayunkan bahu. Kepala mereka bagaikan bonggol unta yang senget. Golongan ini TIDAK AKAN masuk syurga dan tidak akan dapat mencium bau wanginya. Sesungguhnya bau wangi syurga itu sudah dapat dicium dari perjalanan yang sangat jauh daripadanya. 

Semoga mereka saudari kita yang belum berjilbab, dibukain pintu hatinya dan mau ke jalan yang benar dengan berjilbab, sama-sama kita doain dengan kesungguhan hati.

Dunia mah gak sampe 100th, sedangkan diakhirat saja bediri dipengadilan Allah bisa sampe 50.000 tahun. Mari kita upayakan kesungguhan kita dan terus berdoa memohon pertolongan-Nya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
(MEDITATIONS) Reproving a woman and reprimand for us togetherExcuse my not meant rudely let alone a sister with a sensitive, compassionate human Prophet is number one, if there is a claim not Orhan, better not have listened. Including his compassionate nature, he preaches to us all, that the Prophet was simply a warning to his people, why? so we saved from eternal agony and doom wrote a poignant, kalo disimpen evidence because baseball, ntar instead émigré met Muhammad PBUH in the afterlife, wrong-wrong we followup sin because not giving fellow tau sodara refuge. Na'udzubillah. Let us refer to the exposure of her:O the ladies ... did you know that:The more the views of a man who stripped you increasingly stacked also your sins The more the man menghayalkan ... the more you have the more overlap also your sins Do not you think that smile of yours who you throw arbitrarily there will be no responsible answer later..!. Thy smile could be a heartbeat into a reverie of a man who is not halal for you for days ...Imagine ... how stacked the sins of artists and performers who opened his aurot before thousands ... even millions of men?? If you keep the shine your beauty and the beauty of your body just to your husband ... then you later will be more beautiful and more elegant manner in the paradise of God ... But if you let shine your beauty and thy pleasure then remember it will all be gone and melting in the Tomb would be the meal worms and grubs ... and in the next future ... it could be turned into fuel for hell! NaudzubillahAllah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala Said And whosoever disobeys God and his Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray, astray. (Al-Ahzab: 36)Shallallaahu the Prophet alaihi wa Salam said: Each of my people who are guilty will be forgiven, except the person who blatantly commit immoral (Narrated By Al-Bukhaari And Muslim-)From Abu Musa al-Asy'ari said: the Prophet said, whoever the woman wearing perfume then get out of the House and walked past a House so they can smell it, then he is a woman ADULTERER. (H.R. an-Nasa'i)The Prophet said: The woman who dressed but naked, wiggle-waddling little penguins walking time. Mengayun-ayunkan shoulder. Their heads are like camels of senget. These groups will not go to heaven and not be able to smell the whose. Behold the smell the fragrance of heaven that can already kissed from the trip which is very far from it. (Narrated By Muslim)Hopefully they are sisters who have not veiled, dibukain door his heart and how to get the right path with a veiled, equally we doain with sincerity of heart.A world of mah gak sampe 100th, whereas diakhirat only God can sampe dipengadilan bediri 50,000 years. Let's strive seriousness we continue praying and begging for his help.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
(REFLECTION) Reprimand for women and warning to us along sorry not mean to be rude especially to the sisters to be sensitive, compassionate human Prophet Muhammad is the number one, if there is a claim not he, better need not be heard. Among his affectionate nature, he was preaching to us all, that the Prophet is only a warner to his people, why? so that we are saved from eternal suffering and a painful doom who, if disimpen argument for good baseball, even nuisance meet ntar The Prophet in the afterlife, one-one we follow sin because not give tau Sodara fellow believers. Na'udzubillah.  Let us consider its exposure: O women ... did you know that: The more the view of men who are tempted to you pile up too your sins  are fantasizing The more the man mu ... more desirous to you then pile up anyway sins sins  Do you think your smile that you scatter indiscriminately would not be accountable in the future ..!. It could be your smile become the heartbeat of a man who does not daydream lawful for days .. Imagine ... how accumulated sins of the artists and performers who opened his aurot ... in front of thousands and even millions of men ??  If you keep your beauty and elegance of your body only for your husband ... then your future will be more beautiful and more comely in heaven God ...  But if you let your beauty and elegance you then remember it will all be gone and will melt in the grave a meal worms and caterpillars ... and the next ... it could be turned into fuel hell! God forbid Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu Speaking  And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then indeed he has gone astray, misguided real.  (Al-Ahzab: 36) The Prophet Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said:  All my people are guilty will be forgiven, except the who openly commit adultery  (HR-Bukhari and Muslim) From Abu Musa al-Asyari said: the Prophet said: Whoever the woman who wears perfume and then left the house and walked past the people so that they can smell it, then he are women FORNICATORS.  (HR an-Nasai) Prophet said:  The woman who dressed but naked, wiggle-swing when walking. Swinging shoulder. Their heads were placed on one side like a camel hump. This class WILL NOT to heaven and would not be able to smell the fragrance. Indeed fragrance that can already be kissed paradise of a very long journey thereof.  (Reported by Muslim) May those sisters who are not veiled, dibukain door of his heart and going to the right path with the veiled, together we Doain with sincerity. World mah not until 100th, while the Hereafter only God can stand up in court until 50,000 years. Let's try our seriousness and continue to pray for His help.

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