GAMBARAN UMUMPada wilayah studi faktor kendaraan yang menonjol adalah  terjemahan - GAMBARAN UMUMPada wilayah studi faktor kendaraan yang menonjol adalah  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

GAMBARAN UMUMPada wilayah studi fak

Pada wilayah studi faktor kendaraan yang menonjol adalah permasalahan kendaraan yang tidak laik jalan terutama angkutan umum, selain itu juga dari jenis kendaraan yang digunakan dimana jenis kendaraan yang sering terlibat kecelakaan adalah jenis kendaraan sepeda motor. Jenis kendaraan sepeda motor sangat rentan terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas hal ini karenakan tingkat keselamatan yang sangat rendah karena sepeda motor memiliki tingkat stabilitas dan keselamatan yang sangat rendah serta biasanya dalam bermanuver sangat bebas yang mengakibatkan sepeda motor rawan terhadap kecelakaan. Dengan dimensi kendaraan yang kecil maka sepeda motor dapat melakukan manuver sesukanya, hal ini sangat berbahaya mengingat sering menimbulkan gerakan – gerakan yang tidak terduga oleh pengemudi sepeda motor ini. Hal ini diperparah dengan tingginya pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor kususnya sepeda motor, dengan semakin bertambahnya volume sepeda motor maka akan menambah pula peluang kejadian kecelakaan yang melibatkan sepeda motor. Lebih parahnya jika pengemudi sepeda motor tidak disiplin, hal ini akan sangat membahayakan bagi penguna jalan lain dan pengemudi sepeda motor itu sendiri.
Selain faktor manusia dan faktor kendaraan, faktor jalan juga mempengaruhi tingginya angka kecelakaan, hal ini disebabkan karena kondisi jalan yang tidak baik dan tidak memenuhi kriteria standar keselamatan, misalnya jalan yang sudah rusak atau bergelombang yang dapat menyebabkan genangan air pada saat hujan datang. Kurang baiknya kualitas perkerasan, kondisi jalan dengan alinyemen yang kurang baik dan bergelombangnya jalan maka air tidak dapat mengalir dengan baik pada saat hujan dating, selain itu Manajemen Rekayasa Lalu Lintas seperti perambuan dan pemarkaan juga berpengaruh atau dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan. Faktor jalan yang tidak kalah penting lainya adalah kondisi geometrik jalan, seperti alinyemen horizontal di tikungan, jarak pandang henti dan jarak pandang menyiap, bahkan hazard sisi jalan.
Selain dari faktor – faktor yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya ada satu faktor lagi yang berpengaruh meski tidak terlalu besar terhadap kecelakaan yaitu faktor lingkungan. Kondisi tata guna lahan, kondisi cuaca dan angin serta pengaturan adalah beberapa komponen lingkungan yang berpengaruh terhadap kecelakaan. Lingkungan jalan yang kurang memadai mengakibatkan kenyamanan pengemudi menurun sehingga kemampuan dalam mengendalikan kendaraan akan menurun. Cuaca hujan deras yang diringi oleh angin kencang mampu merebohkan pohon – pohon yang berada di sekitar jalan yang berakibat menimpa para pengguna jalan.
Faktor lingkungan ini sulit di prediksi karena keterbatasan kemampuan sumber daya manusia untuk menanganinya. Ini lah salah satu sebab utama bahwa meski sudah dilakukan pengaturan sedemikian rupa baik faktor manusia, jalan, dan kendaraan tetapi kecelakaan akan tetap bisa terjadi. Itulah mengapa sebabnya kecelakaan lalu lintas merupakan kejadian yang tidak dapat diprediksi dan kejadianya bersifat acak.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A GENERAL OVERVIEWStudy on the factors of the vehicle that stands out is the problem not be eligible vehicles, public transportation, especially roads in addition also of the type of vehicle being used where the type of vehicles that often involved an accident vehicle is a type of motorcycle. Types of vehicles and motorbikes are very prone to traffic accidents this karenakan very low level of safety because the bike has stability and safety levels are very low and usually in very free maneuver which resulted motorbike accidence. With the dimensions of a small vehicle then a motorcycle can maneuver as he pleases, it is very dangerous given the often cause movement – a movement that is unexpected by the driver of a motorcycle. This is compounded by the high growth in the number of motor vehicles, motorcycles solution specifically conceived with the increasing volume of motorcycles then will add also the chance of occurrence of accidents involving motorcycles. The more it gets worse if the driver of the motorcycle was not disciplined, this would be very dangerous for other road users and the driver of the motorcycle itself.In addition to human factors and vehicle factors, factors also affect the high number of road accidents, this is because the road conditions are not good, and doesn't meet the criteria of safety standards, for example, the path that's been broken or wavy which can cause the puddle at a time when the rain came. Less good quality of roughness, road conditions with the alinyemen and bergelombangnya roads then water cannot flow properly on rainy days dating, in addition to Engineering Management Traffic such as perambuan and pemarkaan also has or can cause accidents. Factors of the path that other no less important is the geometric conditions of the road, such as the alinyemen horizontal visibility around the corner, stopping distances, even to prepare a hazard side street.Apart from the factors – factors that have been mentioned earlier, there is one more factor that influence though not too big against accidents namely environmental factors. The condition of land use, the weather conditions and wind as well as the settings are some of the components of the environment influence on the accident. The inadequate road environment resulted in the comfort of the driver decreases so that the ability to control the vehicle will decrease. The weather is a very heavy rain by high winds capable of merebohkan tree – a tree that was in the vicinity of the road that leads to overwrite the user's path.Environmental factors is difficult due to the limited ability of prediction in human resources to handle it. This is one of the main reasons that although the setting has done such good human factors and vehicle, road, but accidents will still happen. That is why it is a traffic accident is an event that is unpredictable and random nature of the kejadianya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
In the study area the vehicle factor that stands out is the problem of vehicles that are not roadworthy, especially public transport, but it is also of the type of vehicle used in which the types of vehicles that are often involved in accidents is the type of motorcycle. Types of motorcycles are very vulnerable to traffic accidents because of this very low level of safety for motorcycle has a level of stability and safety are extremely low and usually in very freely maneuver that resulted in a motorcycle accident prone. With small dimensions of the vehicle then the bike can maneuver at will, it is extremely dangerous given the often creates a movement - a movement that is unexpected by the driver of this motorcycle. This is compounded by the high growth in the number of motor vehicles kususnya motorcycle, with the increasing volume of motorcycles, it will increase the odds that the incidence of accidents involving motorcycles. Even worse if the driver of the motorcycle is not discipline, it would be very dangerous for road users other and motorcycle driver itself.
In addition to the human factor and the factor of the vehicle, a factor roads also contribute to the high number of accidents, it is because the road conditions are not good and does not meet the criteria of safety standards, such as roads that have been damaged or wavy which can cause waterlogging during the rains come. Lack of good quality pavement, road conditions with poor alignment and wavy road and the water can not flow well when rain Dating, besides Traffic Engineering Management as perambuan and pemarkaan also affected or could cause an accident. Factors road is no less important other is the geometrical condition roads, such as horizontal alignment around the bend, visibility stopping and visibility menyiap, even hazard a side street.
In addition to the factors - factors that have been mentioned before there is one more factor that is influential, though not too big against accidents namely environmental factors. Land use conditions, weather conditions and wind and the setting are some components of the environment that influence the accident. Inadequate road environment resulted in decreased driver comfort, so the ability to control the vehicle will decrease. The weather was torrential rain that lacks the strong winds capable merebohkan trees - trees that were in the surrounding streets that lead to overwrite all road users.
The environmental factors is difficult to predict due to the limited human resource capacity to handle it. It's one of the main reasons that despite having done such good arrangements human factors, roads, and vehicles but accidents will still happen. That's why why the traffic accident is an event that is unpredictable and random kejadianya.

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