Tika: wow, he is really smart ... (facial expression like someone who dreams of something).
Miss Rika: Question .. Tika
Tika: no 'miss ..
Miss Rika: attention !!, ok Restu you can continue this .
Restu: thank you miss, our brain is divided into two sections on the right and on the left, our brain is controlling every activity of the body.
Miss Rika: wait .. wait .. and every body became quiet ... (while talking softly and put a finger to his lips because there Tika were sleeping and snoring), hoy ... (while hitting the table).
Tika: huh .. huh .. huh .. huh .. (riser).
Ms. Rika: if you dream something ..
Tika: ow yes .. someone shocked me.
Miss Rika: I, oh my god .. !! come here and Restu please have a seat.
Restu: thank you miss.
Miss Rika: Tika ..! please tell me why you're sleeping and snoring .. !!
Tika: I'm sorry miss, I study until dawn last night ..
Miss Rika: right ..
Tika: yes miss.
Miss Rika: ok .. but your face shows some fear ... you lied !!
Tika: ow (surprise). No .. I do not lie.
Miss Rika: hmmm. Tika, .. God is merciful and God knows whatever you do, God will provide some punisment to us if we do sin. I know that you do not learn last night .. if you lie God will be angry with you.
Tika: no, .. I learned last night (speaking as someone who wants to cry).
Miss Rika: hoo, hooo ... you want cry ... you're lying, right?
Tika: yes .. sorry miss, I was watching TV last night ..
Miss Rika: tsk, tsk, tsk, .. Tika, if you become a lazy student can not pass the exam you are good and you will not get the knowledge I teach you, so do not be lazy students and change your bad habits, you know .. nothing like the students lazy and undisciplined, so change your habits, ok .. Now, I want to write a letter and then you give to your parents, and you sit down.
Tika: ow, do not miss, please .. (but he accidentally move the chair Miss Rika).
Miss Rika: hey .. (dropping) what are you doing to me?
Tika: what ... I did not do anything ...
Miss Rika: get out of my class now and not come back again, I will deliver this letter to your parents.
Tika: ow .. what I do .. (speaking softly and out). Tika out of his class, and he waited for a break. Tika really liked Restu because he is a student who is intelligent and handsome. When the break came when he asked his friends for help in getting the attention of Restu, but there is a problem again. Tika: my friends ... would you mind to help me? Chika: what are you talking about? Andin: I do not want to help you to resolve your problem with Miss Rika. Chika: yes of course, we will have a problem about it. Tika: no .. I need your help because I really like it. Andin: who is he? Tika: The Restu. . You know he's really smart and handsome boy, wow ... I like him so much. Chika: I know his phone number. Tika: wow really, give it to me, give it to me .. Chika: ok .. ok .. Tika: ok thank you, I want to check this number now .. he .. he .. he .. Chika: hey do not now, quiet ... you could call him tonight. Andin: yes, and are you sure that she will like you? Tika: hey, i just check this out. Andin: but what if she knows that you are? Tika: it's nice .. (while press Restu number), hello there Restu? Restu: yes , who it .. ow, wait .. wait .. I know this sounds, you Tika, and you stand there, why did you call me? .. Tika: I only check whether or not this number .. Andin: hey he know you're right? Tika: yes .. and now help me, I can not talk to him ... Andin: ow there .. that's what I mean , you're afraid of him, hu .. huh .. come on, we met him. Tika: thank you my friends (speak slowly). Chika: Restu hello .. how are you today? Restu: I'm good .. Andin: by the way, I have friends who love you. Restu: wow really .. who is she? Andin: that my friend, Tika. Restu :. Ow, what ... !! I believe this .. Andin: wow, wow,. Restu calm .. quiet .. Chika: yeah, let's go to the cafeteria and we talk more ... Restu: ok .. ok .. but I .. Chika: hey .. quiet .. ok. Advertising OREO When they want to go to the canteen there is Mr. Thunder, he was a fierce head, and he is the one who does not like to compromise on anything. Mr.Guntur: (running time of the whistle) Andin: hey, hey, there's Mr. Guntur .. (speak slowly). Students: Good day, sir. Mr.Guntur: hah .. ok .. (handphone Mr. Guntur down). Chika: hey, the phone .. take it for him. Tika: ok, I'll take it, ow ya (show the face of the thief) . Student: no .. (speak slowly). Mr.Guntur: hey .. hey .. what are you doing? The phone I right? Tika: oh really, no your name here ... Chika: sorry sir .. we see that your phone falls, so Tika take for you .. Mr.Guntur: ow, you Tika. . Miss Rika told me that you have a major problem in the morning class, it really? Tika: yes sir .. Mr.Guntur: and now you want to steal my phone, and you're friends right? Student: yes sir .. Mr.Guntur: ow I see it, there are a bunch of thieves .. Chika: but Tika just take for you sir .. Andin: yes sir we just want to help you. Mr.Guntur: hmmm .. actually .. I do not believe This, the trouble makers. Give it to me !!, (seized from Tika and phone thrown). Oh no…!! You break my phone, you know, it's really expensive, and I had to work three years to get it. Now you all come to my room ... Tika went to his house and he was talking to his parents that he got a letter from the teacher. Tika: knock, knock, knock .. Mrs. Ana: hey honey .. my son .. I .., hey what happened, why you come early? .. And you see no good. Mother Sekar: yes .. what happened to my grandson girlfriend ... Pak Surya: You get in trouble at school? Tika: yes .. my teacher gives you a letter. And you should see him now .. Mr. Surya: Ow really ... give it to me .., (read it) ... Mother Sekar: what .. you get the problem !!!, I really know that My grandson is the type of student and iam sure that he never made an issue. (speaking loudly). Mr. Surya: hey mom, quiet, .. Mother Sekar: quiet ... what !!, in which the letter, give it to me !! (talking loudly while scrambling the letter), oh Lord, I will tell your teacher that she had done something wrong with you. Let's go to school and tell something to your teachers, come on .. !! Pak Surya: hey, hey wait for me .. Mr. Sun and Mr. Sekar immediately went to see the teacher at school and when they ride their bikes to get in trouble from Tika again , but there is someone to solve the problem. Mr. Surya: ow, I have to go now .. (riding a motorcycle and ride) Students: stop .... Mr. Surya: hey, hey, .. what are you doing? Mom Sekar: you want to die? Andin: Tika your father right? Mr. Surya: yes .. why? Andin: You know .. !! we got a big problem on your child. Restu: yes .. your child vandals .. Mother Sekar: hey .. hey .. what are you talking about ... huh .. you're just someone who does not know the characteristics of my grandchildren !! (speak angrily). Mr. Surya: hey .. mother, calm .. he had problems of his teacher, Miss Rika. Does he also make problems for you? Restu: yes he kept us in this matter. Mr. Solar: what do you mean? tell me about it .. Chika: ok, .. when we went to the cafeteria, we see Mr. Guntur, you know he's right? Mr. Surya: yes of course, he is your head .. Chika: when we saw Mr. Thunder, his mobile phone down, so Tika took it, but she's facial expression showed that he wants to steal mobile phones. Thus, Mr.Guntur alleges that he wants to steal his mobile phone. We as his friend wanted to help, but Mr. Guntur accused us too. Mother Sekar: tsk tsk .. tsk .. .. you're just a liar !! You get it .. you are a big liar (speaking loudly). Restu: it's true .. we get a letter from our principal, Mrs. Sekar: ha .. ha .. ha .. ha .. ha .. ha .., I do not care, whatever you say is not my fault. Your grandchildren know (speaking in anger when speaking closer to Restu and Andin). Andin :. Hey, I think he is angry with us (speaking fear). Restu: oh my god ... I think so, les't escape ... Mr Sekar: ha .. ha .. ha .. ha .. you coward , You see that .. I can finish masalahkan? .. Mr. Surya: ok .. ok .. you are great .. and let's go to school, and I need your help again .. Mr Surya continue their journey to school and she had a problem again of Tika. Mr. Surya: wow, we will be late .. we have to go now. (riding a motorcycle) Pak Surya: knock, knock, knock ... Miss Rika: ow .. you Mr. Surya, the father of this Tika ..? Mr. Surya: yes, you are right .. Mom Sekar: and my grandmother .. Miss Rika: Hey, but I did not call you here .. Mother Sekar: whatever you say .. Miss Rika: oh my god .. (speaking fear) ok, please have a seat. Mr. Surya: thank you. Miss Rika: ok, Mr. Surya, your children, Tika got a big problem. Mr. Surya :? What is the problem .. Miss Rika: the principal and problems in my class. Mr. Surya: oh my god, so he has a lot of problems right now, I can believe this. Mother
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