Yuri and Yoona were now lyingtogether on the bed, fully clothedwhile the two silly Jungs were lyingtogether on the couch, still enjoyingtheir sleep. Yoona rested her head onYuri's chest while Yuri's fingerscombed Yoona's silky copper brownhair, both of them enjoying their timetogether." Princess? "" Hmm? "" What if i leave you one day? " Yuriasked as her eyes travelled to theceiling." You wouldn't dare! " Yoona sat upand glared at the black pearl, hittingher chest lightly." No, i mean what if i die one day?Promise me, you'll find someone whocan take care of you and give youhis/her heart willingly. One that willmake you feel like i made you feel. "Yuri smiled and pulled the youngerdown, turning them into a spoonposition." No, baby. We'll live together andwe'll die together. I won't have it anyother way because you're the onlyone who can make me feel loved andso special before. You, Kwon Yuri willbe the father of our kids and you willguide them well. Is that understood? "Yoona turned around and cuppedYuri's cheeks, glaring hard at herseobang." Yes, Madam! " Yuri playfully salutedand leaned forward, giving Yoona asurprise peck." Y-Yah! " Yoona stuttered as hercheeks started to turn pink." Gosh, are you two done with yourlovey-dovey actions? " YoonYulfroze.Jessica laughed and walked towardsthe bed while a guilty Krystal wassitting on the couch alone, fiddlingwith her fingers as she bit her lips." Yul, are you okay? " Jessica askedas she sat on the side of the bed,patting her best friend's leg." Yeap, so far so good. Sica, do me afavour and get my daughter here. "Yuri kissed Jessica's cheek beforepinching it." Baby? Are you okay? Your appawants you to go there. " Jessica kneltdown and met Krystal's gaze, shereached out and wiped the tearsstreaming from her eyes.Krystal walked over slowly andJessica wated outside the room,wanting to give them time." Soojung-ah~ come to umma. "Yoona smiled and opened her arms,inviting the youngest girl to hug her." I'm s-sorry U-u-umma.. WAHHHH! "Krystal burst into tears and buriedher face into Yoona's shoulder,letting her tears wet Yoona's blouse.Yuri smiled and laid back down,imagining Yoona pregnant with herchild. Her girlfriend would be themost beautiful girl in the world,Yoona's stomach would be as big asthe full moon at 9 months. Yoonawould be horny as well during theearly months of her pregnancy andwhen the 6th month came, she wouldbuy books on how to take care ofchildren and how to handle theirtemptrums; calm them down and be agood appa." Yul! "" Huh? " Yuri finally snapped to hersenses." I've been calling you for like 3times! " Yoona snapped and flickedYuri's forehead." OW! Sorry~ Baby, come to appanow. " Yuri whined and pouted,wanted Krystal to give her a hug." I-I'm s-sorry A-Appa. " Krystalstuttered and looked at the floorwhile she sat cross-legged on thehuge bed with Yoona and Yuri on
either side.
" Yah~ It's okay. You're my daughter
and as your appa, i should be taking
care of you, the beautiful girl lying
there and the girls first before me. "
Yuri smiled and pulled Krystal closer,
wrapping her arms around her waist.
" Krys, can you at least hug me back?
" Yuri pulled away and frowned
cutely, sulking like a baby.
Yoona nudged Krystal and the both
of them grinned cheekily, slowly
moving towards the sulking black
pearl on the edge of the bed. Yoona
hugged Yuri from the left while
Krystal on the right, both of them
kissing Yuri's cheeks playfully.
" Keke~ fine, i lose again. I'm really
hopeless against both of you. " Yuri
sighed in defeat and lay down in the
middle of the bed, leaving the two
younger ones on both sides.
Yoona smiled and laid down,
wrapping an arm around Yuri's waist
while Krystal laid down, snuggling
into Yuri's neck as her hair was being
stroked lovingly.
After a while, Yoona and Krystal
heard a light snoring sound as both
their bodies were wrapped by Yuri's
long and strong arms. Yoona giggled
and went up to Yuri's face, giving her
a light kiss on her lips while Krystal
just kissed her appa's cheeks gently.
" Krys, let's sleep for awhile since
your appa is being a hugger today. "
Yoona smiled and hugged her
girlfriend tighter.
" Okay, Umma! " Krystal grinned and
closed her eyes while Yoona did the
" Oh yea, Umma. Next time you and
Appa have sex, please don't keep
knocking the doors and mirrors. It
was really disgusting to hear you
moaning like a mad woman. Thank
God Sica-unnie didn't wake up. "
Yoona's eyes widened in shock while
Krystal giggled and closed her eyes.
' Oh God.. Krys heard. '
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