Kancil dan Kerbau Pagi hari yang cerah terdengar kicauan burung yang i terjemahan - Kancil dan Kerbau Pagi hari yang cerah terdengar kicauan burung yang i Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kancil dan Kerbau Pagi hari yang ce

Kancil dan Kerbau

Pagi hari yang cerah terdengar kicauan burung yang indah, Langit yang cerah menghiasi dunia ini.

Suatu hari hiduplah seekor kancil dan kerbau. Kancil bertanya kepada si kerbau
“ kerbau di mana teman teman yang lainya..?”
Kerbau pun menjawab nya “aku juga tidak tahu mungkin teman teman yang lainya pergi ke danau”.

Kancil dan kerbau pun menuju ke danau, sesampainya di danau kancil dan kerbau menemukan teman temanya. kancil dan kerbau pun bertanya “ohh ternyata kalian ada di sini , aku telah mencari kalian di seluruh hutan tetapi aku tidak menemukan kalian”.

Si raja hutan pun bertanya “wahai kancil dan kerbau, dari mana saja kau..?”kancil dan kerbau menjawabnya “kami menggelilingi hutan dan mencari teman teman” mendengar jawaban itu raja hanya terdiam

Pada malam hari, kancil dan kerbau menggelilingi hutan lagi. Kancil dan kerbau melihat ular dan buaya sedang bertengkar kancil dan kerbau pun langsung menghentikan pertengkaran itu. Tubuh sang buaya pun terlilit ileh tubuh sang ular .kancil berusaha untuk memisah kan ular dan buaya.

Dan kerbau pun memberi tahu sang raja hutan. sang raja hutan pun langsung datang ketempat pertengkaran itu . raja hutan memberi tahu keseluruh hewan hewan yang lainya “ wahai rakyatku kalian jangan selalu bertengkar karena pertengkaran itu tak brguna bagi kita semua “

Dan “mulai saat ini barang siapa yang bertengkar akan berhadapan langsung dengan saya “

Setelah raja hutan menggumumkan peraturan yang baru semua hewan tidak akan berani lagi untuk berkelahi.
Semuanya hidup denggan damai tentram dan dan tidak lagi dilanda dengan keributan.


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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Kancil and Buffalo A sunny morning sounds lovely chirping birds, the sunny Skies graced this earth. One day walk in a kancil and Buffalo. Kancil asked the Buffalo "Buffalo in which friends the other..?" Buffalo had his answer "I also can't friend friends might know the other went to the Lake". Kancil and Buffalo seemed headed to the Lake, arriving at Lake kancil and friends find ox themes. kancil and Buffalo also asked "ohh it turns out you guys were here, I have been looking for you all over the Woods but I didn't find you guys". The King of the forest was asked, ' o kancil and Buffalo, where have you been..? "kancil and Buffalo answer "we are menggelilingi forests and look for friends" heard that answer the King just speechless At night, the kancil and menggelilingi forest buffalo again. Kancil and Buffalo see snakes and crocodiles are being bickered kancil and Buffalo were immediately stop fighting it. The crocodiles were incurred by the body of the snake attempted to split the kancil. kan snakes and crocodiles. And Buffalo also tells the King of the forest. the King of the forest had come to fight it. King of the forest tell other animals throughout the animal, ' o my people you don't always fight because the quarrel was not brguna for us all " And "from now on whoever wrangle will be dealt directly with me" After the King of the forest menggumumkan new regulations that all animals would not dare anymore to fight. They live peaceful and serene setting and denggan no longer engulfed by tumult.BY: EVI WIJAYANTI ~ ~ COMPLETE ~ ~
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Mouse deer and buffalo sunny morning of beautiful birds chirping sounds, clear sky adorn this world. One day there lived a deer and buffalo. Hare asked the buffalo "buffalo where the other friends ..?" replied his buffalo "I do not know maybe other friends who went to the lake." hare and buffalo were heading to the lake, when he got in the lake deer and buffalo find friends theme. deer and buffalo were asked "ohh it turns out you're here, I have been looking for you all over the forest, but I did not find you." The king of the jungle was asked "oh deer and buffalo, where have you ..?" deer and buffalo answer "Our menggelilingi woods and look for friends" to hear the answer that the king was silent At night, deer and buffalo menggelilingi forest again. Mouse deer and buffalo see snakes and crocodiles were arguing deer and buffalo were immediately stop the fight. The body of the crocodile was the body of a snake entwined ileh .kancil trying to split the snakes and crocodiles. And the buffalo was told the king of the jungle. the king of the jungle was immediately come to the place of confrontation. king of the jungle to tell to all other animals which "O my people you do not always fight because the dispute was not brguna for us all" and "from now on anyone who will fight face to face with me" After the king of the jungle menggumumkan new regulations all animals not would dare to fight. They live denggan peace and peaceful and no longer plagued by the commotion. BY: EVI Wijayanti END ~~ ~~

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