Sebuah hotel dapat didefinisikan sebagai tempat tinggal atau bangunan  terjemahan - Sebuah hotel dapat didefinisikan sebagai tempat tinggal atau bangunan  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sebuah hotel dapat didefinisikan se

Sebuah hotel dapat didefinisikan sebagai tempat tinggal atau bangunan yang memiliki usaha utama dalam menyediakan penginapan untuk public atau masyarakat secara umum dan memiliki jasa pelayanan makanan minuman dan lebih dari itu,jasa pelayanan kamar pencucian dan penggunaan atau menikmati furniture yang ada pada bangunan tersebut.umtuk mengetahui hotel lebih dalam kita harus tau tentang F&B products and service,hotel classification and types,hotel organization and staff,giving hotel information,dan handling telephone messanger.
Pertama kita akan membahas tentang apa itu F&B product and service.F&B product merupakan departemen yang menyajikan makanan,mulai dari proses pemasakan sampai berupa makanan jadi.prodoct terbagi atas barbagai macam bagian yaitu main kitchen,kitchen caffe shop,pastry bakery.Dimana semua bagian tersebut mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda beda tetapi bertujuan sama yaitu menjual product ke konsumen hotel.Sedangkan F&B service brtugas manangani penghidangan makanan minuman,penyiapan beberapa jenis minuman diantaranya minuman campuran.Dalam suatu hotel F&B sevice berfungsi sebagai penjamu pelayanan makanan dan minuman pada hotel terbagi atas 4 bagian yaitu restaurant,bar,baquet,room sevice.
Kedua hotel classification and types hotel.Hotel dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan beberapa kategori seperti ukuran kamar yang dimilikinya,target pemasaran hotel tersebut,jumlah minimal kamar sertastandarnya dan terakhir klasifikasi hotel berdasarkan lama hotel tersebut beropreasi .Klasifikasi hotel berdasarkan ukuran kamar seperti single room,twin room,double room,triple room,junior room,suite room,dan president room,klasifikasi hotel ini membedakan tingkat ukuran hotel atau bangunan hotel tersebut serta orang-orang pun memilih kamar sesuai kemampuan ekonomi serta kenyamanan yang mereka cari.Selanjutnya klasifikasi hotel berdasarkan target dan pemasaran seperti commercial hotel,airport hotels,suite hotels,extended stay hotels,residential hotels,resort hotels,bead and breakfast hotels,casino hotels,confference hotels,convention hotels dan transient hotels.Klasifikasi lainnya yaitu berdasarkan lokasi geografis hotel seperti city hotel,mountain hotel dan highway hotel,terakhir berdasarkan klasifikasi bintang seperti hotel bintang *,hotel bintang **,hotel bintang***, hotel bintang **** dan hotel bintang *****.
Ketiga hotel organization dan staff.struktur irganisasi dalah susunan komponen-komponen (unit-unit kerja)dalam organisasi.struktur organisasi menunjukan adanya pembagian kerja dan menunjukkan bagaiman fungsi-fungsi atau kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut diintegrasikan.Selain daripada itu struktur organisasi juga menunjukkan spesialisasi-spesialisasi pekerjaan,saluran perintah dan penyampaian laporan contoh organisasi di hotel yaitu:

Keempat giving hotel information artinya Memberikan informasi tentang hotel. Berikut adalah contoh percakapannya. Tuan Robert akan berkunjung ke Jakarta. Untuk mempersiapkan tempat menginapnya nanti, beberapa hari sebelum berangkat ke Jakarta, Tuan Robert menelpon salah satu hotel untuk mendapatkan sekedar informasi yang diperlukannya. Perhatikan percakapan Tn.Robert yang menanyakan berbagai hal dan karyawan bagian penerimaan tamu yang memberikan penjelasan kepada Tn.Robert.Contohnya

Reception : Good morning. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel.
May I help you?

Mr. Robert: This's Robert Jackson and I'm calling from New York.
Could you please give me some information on Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel?

Reception : Yes, of course. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel is a four star hotel and is
located exacly in the middle of the city.
From Jakarta International Airport is only an hour by car.

Mr. Robert: I think, It's not very far.
What about the room and the restaurant?

Reception : All the rooms are very quiet and air conditioned, of course.
The hotel also has two international restaurants on the ground floor which
serve both international and Indonesian food.

Mr. Robert: Does the hotel have a swimming pool?

Reception : Yes, of course. The swimming pool is exactly at the back of the hotel.

Mr. Robert: All right then. I hope I can stay in your hotel when I am in Jakarta later.
Thank you very much for your information
Terakhir handling telephone messanger yaitu penanganan komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan telepon,oleh setiap karyawan atau pegawai.jika ada telepon masuk jangan biarkan bordering terlalu lama usahakan diantara 2-3 deringan.Mengangkat telepon harus menggunakan tangan kiri dan tangan kanan memegang alat tulis untuk mencatat bila ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan atau dihotel apabila ada yang ingin melakukan reservasi.Contoh handling telephone messanger
R : Good Morning, Melati hotel, peppy speaking, can I help u?
G : Yes My Name’s Peppy, could u put through to Mr. Nana in room 103??
R : Hold the line please, I’ll try to connect u,Thank u
G : U’re welcome
R : Good Morning, Melati hotel, can I help u?
G : Yes My Name’s Peppy,can I speak to Mr. Nana in room 103??
R : Hold the line please, I’ll transfer ur call to his room
G : Thank u
R : Thank you for waiting, I’m sorry the line is engage, would u like to wait or leave a message
G : Could u just tell him to he’s meeting in restaurant at seven a.m
R : Certainly, I’ll repeat ur message that he’s meeting in restaurant at seven a.m
G : Yes
R : I’ll pass on ur message to Mr .Nana as soon as possible
G : Thank u
R : Thank u for calling Melati hotel / Thank u for ur call

Jadi kesimpulan yang dapat diambil sebelum kita mengenal hotel ada baik nya kita mengetahui apa saja bagian-bagian yang ada di dalam hotel serta apa fungsinya atau kegunaannya supaya kita tahu dan tidak kebingungan ketika kita memasuki sebuah hotel terutama hotel besar.

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Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A hotel can be defined as a place of residence or building that has a major effort in providing lodging to the public or the public in General and have drinks and food services over that room service, washing and the use of existing furniture or enjoy at the building. umtuk find out more in the hotel we must know about the F & B products and services, hotel classification and types hotel organization and staff, giving hotel information, and handling telephone messanger.First we will discuss about what that F & B product and service. F & B product is a Department that serves food, ranging from cooking up food so. prodoct is divided into a range of sections, namely main kitchen, kitchen shop, caffe pastry bakery. Where all the pieces have different functions is different but the same aim, namely to sell product to the consumer. While F & B service brtugas manangani penghidangan food drink, preparation of some types of drinks including mixed drinks. In a hotel F & B sevice serves as the hosts food and beverage service at the hotel is divided into 4 parts, namely restaurant, bar, baquet, room sevice.Both the hotel classification and hotel types. The hotel can be classified based on several categories such as room size, target marketing, minimum number of hotel rooms sertastandarnya and final classification of hotels based on the old beropreasi. Hotel classification based on room size such as single room, twin room, double room, triple room, junior room, suite room, and the president room, hotel classification distinguishes the level the size of a hotel or the hotel building as well as any people choose the room according to economic ability and comfort they are looking for. Further classification of hotels based on your target audience and marketing such as commercial hotels, airport hotels, suite hotels, extended stay hotels, residential hotels, resort hotels, bead and breakfast hotels, casino hotels, confference hotels, convention hotels and transient hotels. Other classification that is based on the geographical location of the hotel such as a city hotel, mountain hotels and highway hotel, the last based on the classification of stars like star * hotel, star hotel **, *** stars hotel, star hotel **** and hotel star *** **.The third hotel organization and staff structure is irganisasi. the arrangement of the components (units of work) in the organization. organization structure shows the presence of Division of labor and shows how the functions or activities that are integrated. Besides the organizational structure also shows the specialty-specialty occupations, command channels and delivery reports example of organization in the hotel are: The fourth giving hotel information means provide information about hotels. The following is an example of his talks. Mr Robert will pay a visit to Jakarta. To prepare the place of menginapnya later, a few days before leaving for Jakarta, Mr Robert call one of the hotels to get just the information it needs. Note the conversation Mr. Robert asking various things and employees of the reception which gives the explanation to Mr. Robert Example.Reception: Good morning. Intercontinental Hotel, Jakarta. May I help you?Mr. Robert: This's Robert Jackson and I'm calling from New York. Could you please give me some information on Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta?Reception: Yes, of course. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel is a four star hotel and is co-located exacly in the middle of the city. From the Jakarta International Airport is only an hour by car.Mr. Robert: I think, it's not very far. What about the room and the restaurant?Reception: All the rooms are very quiet and air conditioned, of course. The hotel also has two international restaurants on the ground floor which serve both international and Indonesian food.Mr. Robert: Does the hotel have a swimming pool?Reception: Yes, of course. The swimming pool is exactly at the back of the hotel.Mr. Robert: All right then. I hope I can stay in your hotel when I am in Jakarta later. Thank you very much for your informationThe last handling telephone messanger that is handling the communication is carried out using a telephone, by any employee or officer. If there is incoming calls don't let bordering too long try between 2-3 rings. Pick up the phone must use the left hand and the right hand holding the tool write to record when a message is delivered or dihotel if anyone would like to make a reservation. Sample handling telephone messangerHANDLING TELEPHONE MESSAGE• CONNECTR: Good Morning, Yasmin hotel, peppy speaking, can I help u?G: Yes My name's Peppy, could u put through to Mr. Nana in room 103??R: Hold the line please, I'll try to connect u, Thank uG: U're welcome• DISCONNECTR: Good Morning, Yasmin hotel, can I help u?G: Yes My name's Peppy, can I speak to Mr. Nana in room 103??R: Hold the line please, I'll transfer it ur call to his roomG: Thank uR: Thank you for waiting, I'm sorry the line is engage, would u like to wait or leave a messageG: Could u just tell him to he's meeting in restaurant at seven a. mR: Certainly, I'll repeat ur message that he's meeting in restaurant at seven a. mG: YesR: I'll pass on ur message to Mr. Nana as soon as possibleG: Thank uR: Thank u for calling Jasmine hotel/Thank u for ur callSo the conclusion that can be drawn before we know its there are good hotels we know what parts are there in the hotel as well as what its function or its use so that we know and no confusion when we enter a particularly large hotels.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A hotel can be defined as a residence or building that has a major effort in providing lodging to the public or the community in general and has a food and beverage services and more than that, services and the use of washing room or enjoy the existing furniture in the building tersebut.umtuk know Hotel deeper we should know about F & B products and service, hotel classification and types, hotel organization and staff, giving hotel information, and handling telephone messenger.
First we will discuss about what the F & B product and service.F & B product is a department that serves food , ranging from cooking process until the form of food jadi.prodoct divided into barbagai kinds of parts, namely the main kitchen, kitchen caffe shop, pastry bakery.Dimana all the parts has a function that is different but the same aim, namely to sell the product to consumers hotel.Sedangkan F & B service brtugas manangani servicing food drink, preparing some kind of drinks including beverages campuran.Dalam a hotel F & B serves as the host sevice food and beverage service at the hotel is divided into four parts: restaurant, bar, baquet, room sevice.
Both hotel classification and types can hotel.Hotel classified by categories such as the size of its rooms, the hotel marketing target, the minimum number of rooms sertastandarnya and final classification is based on the old hotel hotel Beropreasi .Klasifikasi hotel based on the size of the room like a single room, twin room, double room, triple room, youth room, suite room, and the president room, the hotel classification to distinguish the level of the size of the hotel or the hotel building as well as people chose to suite everybody economic capacity and comfort they cari.Selanjutnya hotel classification is based on the target and marketing like commercial hotels, airport hotels, suite hotels , extended stay hotels, residential hotels, resort hotels, bead and breakfast hotels, casino hotels, confference hotels, convention hotels and other transient hotels.Klasifikasi are based on geographical location such as a city hotel, mountain hotel and highway hotels, last in the classification of stars such as * star hotel, hotel **, *** star hotel, hotel **** and ***** star hotel.
Third hotel staff.struktur irganisasi dalah organization and arrangement of the components (work units) in organisasi.struktur shows the division of labor organizations and shows how the functions or activities of the diintegrasikan.Selain than the organizational structure also shows specializations jobs, orders and delivery channel sample report at the organization, namely: Fourth giving hotel information means Giving information about the hotel. Here is a sample conversation. Mr. Robert will visit Jakarta. To prepare a menginapnya later, a few days before leaving for Jakarta, Mr. Robert called one of the hotel to get just the information needed. Note conversation Tn.Robert asking various things and the employees of the reception were briefed Tn.Robert.Contohnya Reception: Good morning. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel. May I help you? Mr. Robert: This is Robert Jackson and I'm calling from New York. Could you please give me some information on Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel? Reception: Yes, of course. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel is a four star hotel and is located exacly in the middle of the city. From Jakarta International Airport is only an hour by car. Mr. Robert: I think, it's not very far. What about the room and the restaurant? Reception: All the rooms are very quiet and air conditioned, of course. The hotel Also has two international Restaurants, on the ground floor the which serve both international and Indonesian food. Mr. Robert: Does the hotel have a swimming pool? Reception: Yes, of course. The swimming pool is exactly at the back of the hotel. Mr. Robert: All right then. I hope I can stay in your hotel when I am in Jakarta later. Thank you very much for your information Lastly handling messenger which is handling telephone communications made ​​by telephone, by any employee or pegawai.jika incoming call do not let bordering too long try between 2-3 deringan.Mengangkat phone must use the left hand and right hand holding the stationery to record when there is a message to be conveyed or hotel room if anyone wanted to do reservasi.Contoh handling telephone messenger HANDLING TELEPHONE MESSAGE • CONNECT R: Good Morning, Budget hotel, peppy speaking, can I help u? G: Yes My Name's Peppy, could u put through to Mr. Nana in room 103 ?? R: Hold the line please, I'll try to connect u, Thank u G: u're welcome • Disconnect R: Good Morning, Budget hotel, can I help u? G: Yes My Name's Peppy , can I speak to Mr. Nana in room 103 ?? R: Hold the line please, I'll transfer ur call to his room G: Thank u R: Thank you for waiting, I'm sorry the line is engage, would u like to wait or leave a message G: Could u just tell him to he's meeting in restaurant at seven am R: Certainly, I'll repeat ur message that he's meeting in restaurant at seven am G: Yes R: I'll pass on ur message to Mr .Nana as soon as possible G: Thank u R: Thank u for calling Melati hotel / Thank u for ur call so conclusions can be drawn before we know the hotel is no good him we know what the parts were in the hotel and what its function or usefulness so that we know and are not confused when we enter a particularly large hotel.

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