A hotel can be defined as a residence or building that has a major effort in providing lodging to the public or the community in general and has a food and beverage services and more than that, services and the use of washing room or enjoy the existing furniture in the building tersebut.umtuk know Hotel deeper we should know about F & B products and service, hotel classification and types, hotel organization and staff, giving hotel information, and handling telephone messenger.
First we will discuss about what the F & B product and service.F & B product is a department that serves food , ranging from cooking process until the form of food jadi.prodoct divided into barbagai kinds of parts, namely the main kitchen, kitchen caffe shop, pastry bakery.Dimana all the parts has a function that is different but the same aim, namely to sell the product to consumers hotel.Sedangkan F & B service brtugas manangani servicing food drink, preparing some kind of drinks including beverages campuran.Dalam a hotel F & B serves as the host sevice food and beverage service at the hotel is divided into four parts: restaurant, bar, baquet, room sevice.
Both hotel classification and types can hotel.Hotel classified by categories such as the size of its rooms, the hotel marketing target, the minimum number of rooms sertastandarnya and final classification is based on the old hotel hotel Beropreasi .Klasifikasi hotel based on the size of the room like a single room, twin room, double room, triple room, youth room, suite room, and the president room, the hotel classification to distinguish the level of the size of the hotel or the hotel building as well as people chose to suite everybody economic capacity and comfort they cari.Selanjutnya hotel classification is based on the target and marketing like commercial hotels, airport hotels, suite hotels , extended stay hotels, residential hotels, resort hotels, bead and breakfast hotels, casino hotels, confference hotels, convention hotels and other transient hotels.Klasifikasi are based on geographical location such as a city hotel, mountain hotel and highway hotels, last in the classification of stars such as * star hotel, hotel **, *** star hotel, hotel **** and ***** star hotel.
Third hotel staff.struktur irganisasi dalah organization and arrangement of the components (work units) in organisasi.struktur shows the division of labor organizations and shows how the functions or activities of the diintegrasikan.Selain than the organizational structure also shows specializations jobs, orders and delivery channel sample report at the organization, namely: Fourth giving hotel information means Giving information about the hotel. Here is a sample conversation. Mr. Robert will visit Jakarta. To prepare a menginapnya later, a few days before leaving for Jakarta, Mr. Robert called one of the hotel to get just the information needed. Note conversation Tn.Robert asking various things and the employees of the reception were briefed Tn.Robert.Contohnya Reception: Good morning. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel. May I help you? Mr. Robert: This is Robert Jackson and I'm calling from New York. Could you please give me some information on Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel? Reception: Yes, of course. Jakarta Intercontinental Hotel is a four star hotel and is located exacly in the middle of the city. From Jakarta International Airport is only an hour by car. Mr. Robert: I think, it's not very far. What about the room and the restaurant? Reception: All the rooms are very quiet and air conditioned, of course. The hotel Also has two international Restaurants, on the ground floor the which serve both international and Indonesian food. Mr. Robert: Does the hotel have a swimming pool? Reception: Yes, of course. The swimming pool is exactly at the back of the hotel. Mr. Robert: All right then. I hope I can stay in your hotel when I am in Jakarta later. Thank you very much for your information Lastly handling messenger which is handling telephone communications made by telephone, by any employee or pegawai.jika incoming call do not let bordering too long try between 2-3 deringan.Mengangkat phone must use the left hand and right hand holding the stationery to record when there is a message to be conveyed or hotel room if anyone wanted to do reservasi.Contoh handling telephone messenger HANDLING TELEPHONE MESSAGE • CONNECT R: Good Morning, Budget hotel, peppy speaking, can I help u? G: Yes My Name's Peppy, could u put through to Mr. Nana in room 103 ?? R: Hold the line please, I'll try to connect u, Thank u G: u're welcome • Disconnect R: Good Morning, Budget hotel, can I help u? G: Yes My Name's Peppy , can I speak to Mr. Nana in room 103 ?? R: Hold the line please, I'll transfer ur call to his room G: Thank u R: Thank you for waiting, I'm sorry the line is engage, would u like to wait or leave a message G: Could u just tell him to he's meeting in restaurant at seven am R: Certainly, I'll repeat ur message that he's meeting in restaurant at seven am G: Yes R: I'll pass on ur message to Mr .Nana as soon as possible G: Thank u R: Thank u for calling Melati hotel / Thank u for ur call so conclusions can be drawn before we know the hotel is no good him we know what the parts were in the hotel and what its function or usefulness so that we know and are not confused when we enter a particularly large hotel.
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