Sebelum anda mengenal MIUI , kita harus berkenalan dulu dengan Xiaomi  terjemahan - Sebelum anda mengenal MIUI , kita harus berkenalan dulu dengan Xiaomi  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sebelum anda mengenal MIUI , kita h

Sebelum anda mengenal MIUI , kita harus berkenalan dulu dengan Xiaomi yaitu perusahaan yang membuat segala jenis smartphone jenis MIUI itu sendiri. Xiaomi Inc. (Tionghoa:小米科技; pinyin:Xiǎomĭ Kējì, secara harafiah "Teknologi Xiaomi") adalah sebuah perusahaan yang dimiliki pribadi yang mendesign, mengembangkan, dan menjual ponsel pintar, aplikasi, dan perangkat elektronik konsumer. Semenjak merilis ponsel pintar pertamanya pada Agustus 2011, Xiaomi telah mendapatkan pasar di daratan China dan terus mengembangkan produknya hingga perangkat elektronik konsumer lainnya. Strategi pemasaran Xiaomi sering dikaitkan dengan strategi pemasaran Apple, sehingga Xiaomi sering disebut sebagai Apple-nya China. Pada Agustus 2013, Xiaomi mengumumkan bahwa Hugo Barra yang merupakan mantan wakil presiden bagian pengembangan produk platform Android bergabung dengan perusahaan Xiaomi sebagai wakil presiden dari Xiaomi Global sebagai upaya Xiaomi dalam mengembangkan produknya secara internasional.
Perusahaan XIAOMI tidak langsung menjadi sukses pada saat perjalaan membuat produknya, banyak sejarah yang mereka ukir untuk membuat jembatan sukses penjualan smartphone mereka, pada 6 Juni 2010, 6 pihak bersama-sama membentuk perusahaan Xiaomi. Pada tahap pertama pendanaan inverstor institusi, termasuk Temasek, perusahaan investasi milik pemerintah Singapura, perusahaan pendanaan modal dari China IDS Capital dan Qiming Venture Partners, serta perusahaan pengembang prosesor Qualcomm. Pada 16 Agustus 2010, Xiaomi secara resmi meluncurkan ponsel pintar Android pertamanya yang memiliki antarmuka MIUI. Ponsel MI-One diluncurkan pada Agustus 2011, ponsel ini meenjalankan sistem operasi Android dengan antarmuka ciptaan sendiri, MIUI.
Pada Agustus 2012, Xiaomi mengumkan peluncuran ponsel terbarunya MI2. Ponsel ini dioperasikan oleh prosesor Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 milik Qualcomm, yang merupakan prosesor dengan empat inti dengan chip Krait berkecepatan 1.5 GHz, ponsel ini juga dilengkapi dengan RAM 2 GB dan GPU Adreno 320. Pada 24 September 2013, Xiaomi mengumumkan bahwa perusahaan telah menjual lebih dari 10 miliar ponsel MI2 dalam waktu 11 bulan semenjak diluncurkannya ponsel MI2. Ponsel MI2 juga dijual di Eropa (termasuk Britania Raya), Selandia Baru, dan Australia.Beberapa produk Xiaomi diproduksi oleh Foxconn, perusahaan perakit Iphone dan Ipad milik Apple. Pada September 2013, perusahaan meluncurkan ponsel MI3 dalam dua versi, dengan satu versi yang dioperasikan oleh Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974AB) dan satu versi lainnya oleh NVIDIA's Tegra 4 chipset. Pada 25 September 2013, Xiaomi mengumumkan rencana perusahaan untuk membuka toko retail pertamanya di Beijing. Pada Oktober 2013, Xiaomi disebut sebagai ponsel pintar yang paling banyak digunakan kelima di China. Pada hari kamis 4 September 2014, Xiaomi melakukan penjualan kilat atau sering disebut flash sale pertama di Indonesia melalui LAZADA_Indonesia Smartphone Xiaomi yang pertama dirilis di Indonesia adalah Xiaomi Redmi 1S dengan harga resmi Rp. 1.499.000
Xiaomi merupakan salah satu vendor smartphone asal China yang namanya saat ini sedang meroket. Perusahaan asal Negeri Tirai Bambu itu dikabarkan mendapatkan keuntungan hingga USD1,5 miliar. Xiaomi juga menjadi perusahaan smartphone ketiga terbesar di dunia. Pada Agustus 2014, Xiaomi dikabarkan mengalahkan penjualan Samsung di pasar smartphone China. Menurut riset dari Canalys, Xiaomi menjual 15 juta unit smartphone di China selama kuartal kedua tahun ini. "Xiaomi merupakan salah satu perusahaan teknologi asal China terbesar yang akan memulai pasar initial public offering (IPO) tahun depan," ungkap laporan dari South China Morning Post, seperti dilansir Ibtimes, Senin (10/11/2014). Dalam empat tahun sejak terbentuknya, Xiaomi melihat kenaikan pangsa pasar besar. Salah satu kunci keberhasilan Xiaomi ialah penjualan handset dengan banderol harga yang rendah. Sehingga, keuntungan melonjak bagi perusahaaan. Sebuah dokumen rahasia baru-baru ini yang dilaporkan The Wall Street Journal mengungkapkan, Xiaomi melihat kenaikan laba sebesar 84 persen pada tahun lalu. Pada Juli hingga September 2014, Xiaomi mencatatkan enam persen dari 320 juta smartphone yang terjual secara global. Sementara untuk Samsung sebesar 25 persen dan Apple sebesar 12 persen. Xiaomi dijuluki oleh banyak analis industri sebagai 'Apple of China' karena keberhasilan perusahaan dan kemiripan pada handset. Bulan lalu, kepala desain Apple, Jony Ive menuduh perusahaan asal China itu mencuri desainnya. "Saya tidak melihatnya sebagai sanjungan. Saya melihatnya sebagai pencurian," kata Ive di event pertemuan Vanity Fair New Establishment. Dalam merespon tuduhan pencurian tersebut, presiden Xiaomi, Lin Bin mengatakan bahwa Xiaomi tidak memaksa user untuk menggunakan produk mereka. "Xiaomi adalah perusahaan yang sangat terbuka, yang tidak akan pernah memaksa siapap pun untuk menggunakan produk-produknya," jelasnya.
Setelah Redmi 1S rilis pada Agustus, kini giliran Redmi Note yang dijual di Indonesia. Dalam posting-an di Twitter, Vice President of International Xiaomi Hugo Barra mengatakan bahwa Redmi Note terjual 10 ribu unit hanya dalam 40 detik setelah peluncuran. Smartphone anyar ini sendiri dijual melalui website Lazada (@LazadaID). "Mi Indonesia: 10.000 Redmi Note habis terjual dalam waktu di bawah 40 detik hari ini!" tulis Hugo Barra di akun @hbarra. Ia juga sebelumnya berkicau bahwa dalam perayaan Singles Day, Xiaomi mencatatkan rekor penjualan ponsel Mi sebanyak 1,16 juta dalam waktu 24 jam. Kabarnya, perusahaan asal China ini meraup keuntungan USD254 juta dari penjualan handset tersebut. Smartphone Redmi Note dijual dengan harga Rp1,999 juta. Handset dengan layar 5,5 inci HD IPS ini dilengkapi prosesor octa-core MTK 6592 1.7GHz. Pengguna juga bisa memperoleh gambar melalui kamera belakang 13MP dan depan 5MP. Melalui Redmi Note seharga Rp1,999 juta ini, pengguna bisa memiliki smartphone dengan RAM 2GB dan didukung baterai Li-Ion Polymer 3.100 mAh.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Before you know it, we must be acquainted MIUI first with Xiaomi i.e. companies that make any kind of smartphone MIUI type itself. Xiaomi Inc. (Chinese: 小米科技 pinyin: Xiǎomĭ Kējì;, literally "Xiaomi Technology") is a privately owned company that design, develop, and sell smart phones, applications, and consumer electronics devices. Since releasing its first smart phone in August 2011, Xiaomi has gained market in mainland China and continues to develop its products to other consumer electronics devices. Xiaomi marketing strategy often associated with Apple's marketing strategy, so Apple Xiaomi often referred to as his China. In August 2013, Xiaomi announced that Hugo Barra who was a former Vice President of product development for the Android platform joined the company as Vice President of Xiaomi Xiaomi as Global efforts in developing its products Xiaomi internationally.Company indirect XIAOMI to be successful at the time of making its products perjalaan, a lot of history that they carve to create successful sales of smartphones in their bridge, on June 6, 2010, 6 parties together constitute the company Xiaomi. In the first stage of funding institutional inverstor, including Temasek, the Singapore Government-owned investment company, China's capital funding company IDS Capital and Qiming Venture Partners, as well as corporate developers Qualcomm processor. On August 16, 2010, Xiaomi officially launched its first Android smart phone that has interface MIUI. MI-Mobile One, launched in August 2011, this mobile phone Android operating system meenjalankan with his own creation interface, MIUI. In August 2012, its newest mobile phone launch mengumkan Xiaomi Km2. The phone is operated by the processor Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 belonging to Qualcomm, which is processor with four cores with 1.5 GHz speed Krait chip, this phone also comes with 2 GB of RAM and 320 Adreno GPU. On September 24, 2013, Xiaomi announced that the company has sold more than 10 billion phone MI2 within 11 months since the launch of a mobile phone is water. The phone is water also sold in Europe (including Britain), New Zealand, and Australia. some products Xiaomi produced by Foxconn, the company manufacturers of Apple's Iphone and Ipad. In September 2013, the company launched mobile MI3 in two versions, one version of which is operated by Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974AB) and one other version by NVIDIA's Tegra 4 chipset. On September 25, 2013, Xiaomi announced plans for the company to open its first retail store in Beijing. In October 2013, Xiaomi referred to as smart phones are the fifth most widely used in China. On Thursday 4 September 2014, Xiaomi make sales or often called as lightning flash sale first in Indonesia through LAZADA_Indonesia first Xiaomi Smartphone released in Indonesia is Xiaomi Redmi 1S with the official price of Rp. 1.499.000Xiaomi is one of the original China smartphone vendor whose name is currently booming. Bamboo Curtain Country origin company was rumored to get profits up to USD1,5 billion. Xiaomi also became the third largest smartphone company in the world. In August 2014, Xiaomi rumored to beat sales Samsung smartphone market in China. According to research from Canalys, Xiaomi to sell 15 million units of smartphones in China during the second quarter of this year. "Xiaomi is one of China's largest home technology company who will begin market initial public offering (IPO) next year," said a report from the South China Morning Post, as reported by Ibtimes, Monday (10/11/2014). In the four years since its formation, Xiaomi saw an increase of market share. One of the keys to success is selling handsets with Xiaomi is a low price. So, profits soared for the company. A confidential document recently reported The Wall Street Journal revealed, Xiaomi saw an increase in profit of 84 percent in the past year. In July to September 2014, Xiaomi records six percent from 320 million smartphones sold globally. While for Samsung by 25 percent and 12 percent of Apple. Xiaomi dubbed by many industry analysts as the ' Apple of China ' because of the success of the company and the similarities in the handset. Last month, Apple's design Chief, Jony Ive accused the company of origin China stole the design. "I don't see it as flattery. I see it as theft, "said Ive in the event the meeting of Vanity Fair's New Establishment. In responding to the theft allegations, President of Xiaomi, Lin Bin Xiaomi said that doesn't force users to use their products. "Xiaomi is a company that is very open, that will never force the siapap to use its products," he explained.After Redmi release in August, 1S now turn Redmi Note sold in Indonesia. In the posting-an on Twitter, Vice President of the International Hugo Barra Xiaomi said that Redmi Note 10 thousand units sold in just 40 seconds after launch. This upgrade for smartphones are sold through its own website Lazada (@LazadaID). "Indonesia: 10,000 Mi Redmi Note sold out in under 40 seconds today!" wrote Hugo Barra in the account @hbarra. He also previously Twitter that in celebration of the Singles Day, mobile phone sales record Xiaomi Mi as much as 1.16 million within 24 hours. Reportedly, this Chinese companies profit from selling handsets USD254 million of that. Smartphone Redmi Note sold for Rp1,999 million. The 5.5-inch screen with Handset HD IPS come octa-core processor MTK 6592 1.7 GHz. Users can also get the image through the camera back and front 13MP 5MP. Through Redmi Note for Rp1,999 million of this, the user could have a smartphone with 2 GB RAM and supported battery Li-ion Polymer 3100 mAh.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Before you know MIUI, we must first get acquainted with Xiaomi, a company that makes all kinds of smartphones kind MIUI itself. Xiaomi Inc. (Chinese:小米科技; pinyin: Xiǎomĭ vile, literally "Xiaomi Technology") is a privately owned company who design, develop, and sell smart phones, apps, and consumer electronic devices. Since releasing its first smart phone in August 2011, Xiaomi has gained market in mainland China and continue to develop products to other consumer electronic devices. Xiaomi marketing strategy is often associated with Apple's marketing strategy, so Xiaomi often referred to as his Apple China. In August 2013, Xiaomi announced that Hugo Barra, a former vice president of product development platform Xiaomi Android joined the company as vice president of Global Xiaomi Xiaomi as efforts in developing its products internationally.
The company Xiaomi indirectly be successful at perjalaan make its products, a lot of history that they carved to create bridges of their smartphone sales success, on June 6, 2010, 6 parties together to form the company Xiaomi. In the first phase of funding inverstor institutions, including Temasek, the Singapore state-owned investment company, capital of China's financing company IDS Capital and Qiming Venture Partners and Qualcomm processor developer. On August 16, 2010, Xiaomi officially launched its first Android smart phone that has a MIUI interface. Mobile MI-One was launched in August 2011, this phone meenjalankan Android operating system with its own creation interface, MIUI.
In August 2012, the launch of new mobile phone mengumkan Xiaomi MI2. This phone is operated by a Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 processor Qualcomm, which is a four-core processor with 1.5 GHz speed Krait chips, this phone is also equipped with 2 GB of RAM and GPU Adreno 320. On September 24, 2013, Xiaomi announced that the company has sold more than 10 billion mobile MI2 within 11 months since the launch of mobile MI2. Mobile MI2 also sold in Europe (including the United Kingdom), New Zealand, and Australia.Beberapa Xiaomi products manufactured by Foxconn, the company assemblers Iphone and Ipad Apple. In September 2013, the company launched mobile MI3 in two versions, with one version of which is operated by Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974AB) and one version of NVIDIA's Tegra other by 4 chipset. On September 25, 2013, Xiaomi company announced plans to open its first retail store in Beijing. In October 2013, Xiaomi called smart phones are the most widely used in China's fifth. On Thursday 4 September 2014, Xiaomi selling flash or often called the first flash sale in Indonesia through the first LAZADA_Indonesia Xiaomi smartphones released in Indonesia is Redmi Xiaomi 1S with the official price of Rp. 1,499,000
Xiaomi is one of China's smartphone vendor whose name is currently being rocketed. Companies from the Bamboo Curtain country reportedly up to $ 1.5 billion profit. Xiaomi also be the company's third-largest smartphone in the world. In August 2014, Xiaomi reportedly beat Samsung's sales in the Chinese smartphone market. According to research from Canalys, Xiaomi sell 15 million units of smartphones in China during the second quarter of this year. "Xiaomi is one of China's biggest technology company that will market launch an initial public offering (IPO) next year," said a report from the South China Morning Post, as reported by IBTimes, Monday (11/10/2014). In the four years since its formation, Xiaomi see a big market share gains. One key to the success of Xiaomi is selling handsets with a low price tag. Thus, profits soared to the company. A secret document was recently reported in The Wall Street Journal revealed, Xiaomi see profit rose 84 percent last year. In the July to September 2014, Xiaomi recorded six percent of the 320 million smartphones sold globally. While Samsung and Apple's 25 percent of 12 percent. Xiaomi dubbed by many industry analysts as the 'Apple of China' because of the success of the company and similarities on the handset. Last month, Apple's head of design, Jony Ive Chinese company accused of stealing designs. "I do not see it as flattery. I see it as theft," Ive said in a meeting event Vanity Fair New Establishment. In response to the theft charges, Xiaomi president, Lin Bin said that Xiaomi does not force the user to use their products. "Xiaomi is a company that is very open, which will never force siapap was to use its products," he said.
After Redmi 1S release in August, now turn Redmi Note that sold in Indonesia. In Twitter postings, Vice President of International Xiaomi Hugo Barra said that Redmi Note sold 10 thousand units in just 40 seconds after launch. This new smartphone itself is sold through the website Lazada (LazadaID). "Mi Indonesia: 10,000 Redmi Note sold out in under 40 seconds today!" Hugo Barra wrotehbarra account. He also previously twittering that the Singles Day celebrations, Xiaomi Mi record sales of mobile phones as much as 1.16 million within 24 hours. Reportedly, the Chinese company's profit USD254 million from the sale of the handset. Note Redmi smartphones sold at Rp1,999 million. The handset with a 5.5-inch HD IPS display is equipped octa-core processor MTK 6592 1.7GHz. Users also can acquire images through a 13MP rear camera and 5MP front. Through Redmi Note Rp1,999 million for this, the user can have a smartphone with 2GB RAM and battery powered Li-Ion Polymer 3100 mAh.
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