Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah kompetensi sumber daya manusia (X1) dan sarana restoran (X2) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kualitas pelayanan (Y). besarnya pengaruh R square = 0,796 = 79,6%, berarti sebesar 79,6% variabel kompetensi sumber daya manusia (X1) dan sarana restoran (X2) mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan (Y), sementara sisanya 20,4 dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak ikut diteliti. Namun jika diuji secara parsial, variabel kompetensi pelayanan memiliki pengaruh yang lebih rendah terhadap variabel kualitas pelayanan dengan nilai korelasi 0,314, sedangkan variabel sarana restoran memiliki tingkat pengaruh yang sangat besar dengan nilai korelasi 0,429. Dari hasil data yang diperoleh,diperoleh persamaan regresi Y = 12,905 + 0,314X1 + 0,429X2
Results achieved in this study is the competence of human resources (X 1) and restaurant (X 2) have a significant influence on quality of service (Y). the magnitude of the influence of the R square = 0.796 = 79,6%, 79.6% variable of mean competence human resources (X 1) and restaurant (X 2) affects the quality of service (Y), while the rest was 20.4 influenced by other variables that do not participate are examined. But if tested partially variable, the competence of the Ministry have a lower influence against the variable quality of service with a value of 0.314, while the correlation of variables means restaurant has a huge influence on the level with the highest correlation 0.429. From the data obtained, the regression equation is Y = obtained 12.905 + 0, 314X1 + 0, 429X2
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The results achieved in this study is the competence of human resources (X1) and restaurant facilities (X2) has a significant influence on the quality of service (Y). the influence of R square = 0.796 = 79.6%, mean of 79.6% variable competence of human resources (X1) and restaurant facilities (X2) affect the quality of service (Y), while the remaining 20.4 influenced by other variables that are not join investigated. However, when tested by partial, variable service competency has a lower impact on the variables of service quality with a 0.314 correlation value, while variable means the restaurant has a very large degree of influence with a 0.429 correlation value. From the data obtained, the regression equation Y = 12.905 + 0,314X1 + 0,429X2
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