Nama lahir: Raisa AndrianaTanggal Lahir: 6 Juni 1990Tempat Lahir: Jaka terjemahan - Nama lahir: Raisa AndrianaTanggal Lahir: 6 Juni 1990Tempat Lahir: Jaka Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Nama lahir: Raisa AndrianaTanggal L

Nama lahir: Raisa Andriana
Tanggal Lahir: 6 Juni 1990
Tempat Lahir: Jakarta, Indonesia
Kuliah : Universitas Bina Nusantara Internasional

Penghargaan :
• Tahun 2012 : Penyanyi Pendatang Baru Terbaik
• Tahun 2012 : Grafis Desain Album Terbaik
• Tahun 2012 : Persembahan Vokal Terbaik Dalam Lagu (Artis Baru Wanita)
• Tahun 2013 : Best Female
• Tahun 2013 : Most Wanted Female
• Tahun 2014 : Karya Produksi Rhythm n Blues/Soul Terbaik
• Tahun 2014 : Female Singer Of The Year
• Tahun 2014 : Song Of The Year
• Tahun 2014 : Album Of The Year
• Tahun 2014 : Best Asian Artist

Raisa andriana penyayi solo cantik dan berbakat atau yang biasa dipanggil raisa teryata Semasa kecilnya mempunyai panggilan kesayangan yang sempat dibencinya. Raisa sempat dipanggil Sasha oleh kedua orang tuanya. Karena susah mengucapkan ‘Sasha’ waktu itu, Raisa akhirnya dipanggil Yaya, agar lebih mudah diucapkan. Semakin beranjak dewasa, Raisa sempat merasa aneh dengan panggilan itu. Ia pun akan marah jika digoda dengan nama Yaya. Bakat menyanyi Raisa memang sudah terlihat sejak dirinya masih kecil. Awalnya Raisa mengaku menyukai lagu soundtrack film Aladdin buatan Disney, yakni “A Whole New World”. Suatu saat sang ibu mendengarnya menyanyikan lagu itu dan menyadari Raisa bisa menyanyi berbeda dari anak kecil seusianya, Raisa mampu melantunkannya dengan nada yang benar dan tidak fals. Selain itu, ia juga bisa melafalkan lirik berbahasa Inggris dalam lagu tersebut.
Pada tahun 2008 Raisa awalnya bergabung dengan Widy, Raka, Satria dan Kevin Aprilio untuk membentuk sebuah band bernama Andante, tetapi pihak label rekaman menginginkan konsep yang berbeda. Hal itu membuat raisa meninggalkan Andante. Lepas dari Andante raisa kemudian memutuskan untuk berkarir solo dan merilis album berjudul "Raisa" pada tahun 2011 di bawah bendera Universal Indonesia. Album yang diproduseri oleh Asta (RAN), Ramadhan Handy dan Adrianto (Soulvibe). Album ini sukses mengantarkan raisa kepuncak karirnya. Bahkan beberapa single dari album Raisa seperti Apalah arti menunggu dan Could It Be menduduki peringkat pertama di chart album weekly Indonesia selama tujuh Minggu, bahkan album Raisa telah menduduki peringkat lima album terlaris sepanjang Tahun 2012. Tiga singlenya berhasil menduduki top 10 lagu paling laris Indonesia 2012, ketiga single tersebut adalah “Serba Salah”, “Could It Be”, dan “Apalah Arti Menunggu”. Album yang berjudul “Raisa” ini berhasil mendapat sambutan hangat dari penikmat musik Indonesia. Sejak meliris album tersebut raisa mulai menerima banyak tawaran manggung, salah satunya tampil di Java Jazz Festival 2011. Raisa juga berhasil meraih piala Artis Pendatang Baru Terbaik di ajang AMI Awards tahun 2012.
Raisa kembali ke musik Indonesia dengan merilis album keduanya, "Heart to Heart" (2013). Dalam album ini, dia menggandeng musisi-musisi ternama seperti Yovie Widianto, Tangga dan Tulus untuk menciptakan beberapa lagunya. Single hitsnya seperti "Bye-Bye" dan "Pemeran Utama" kembali sukses merajai berbagai chart radio di Indonesia. Kepada media, Raisa memberikan pesan jelas bahwa ia "bukan penyanyi aji mumpung" karena karya musik dan kemampuan vokalnya "lebih matang dari album sebelumnya". Beberapa kritikus musik Indonesia memuji kemampuan Raisa dan menyebutnya sebagai bintang yang paling bersinar di tahun 2013. Selain menjadi penyanyi, raisa pernah menjadi bintang iklan. Berikut iklan yang pernah dia bintangi :
• Sunslik
• Magnum Ice Cream
• Indosat IM3
• Nescafe

Pada Februari 2015, produsen film animasi terbesar di dunia Walt Disney Pictures menggandeng Raisa untuk menyanyikan lagu soundtrack di film terbaru Disney, Cinderella, yang berjudul “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes”.
Setiap orang pasti punya sosok idola yang menjadi inspirasinya. Raisa mengaku sangat mengidolakan Brian McKnight. Di mata Raisa, Brian merupakan paket lengkap seorang entertainer. Tak hanya memiliki kualitas vokal yang luar biasa, Brian juga memiliki bakat lainnya, seperti memainkan berbagai alat musik dengan baik, dan berbakat juga menjadi produser untuk karyanya sendiri ataupun untuk penyanyi lain. Raisa mempunyai keinginan untuk bertemu dengan sang idola, Brian McKnight. Pada saat menggelar konser tunggal,Raisa Live in Concert di Istora Senayan, raisa mengungkapkan dari atas panggung bahwa dirinya masih menunggu surprise, menunggu kedatangan idolanya Brian McKnight. Dia sangat berharap agar keinginannya itu bisa menjadi nyata dan bisa berduet dengan penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat itu.
Wanita yang memiliki hobi memasak ini dikabarkan pernah menjalin hubungan dengan Kamga Mo, personel Tangga, beberapa tahun lalu. Namun hubungan mereka tidak bertahan lama. Sekarang Raisa sedang menjalin sebuah hubungan dengan Keenan Pearce, yang merupakan kakak kandung Pevita Pearce. Kedekatan mereka terlihat karena Keenan sering kali memasukan foto mesranya bersama raisa di account instagram miliknya.
Raisa teryata mengidolakan tulus dan mereka sering sekali berduet bersama. “saya mengidolakan tulus Karena dia tidak perlu banyak effort untuk terdengar enak dan merdu, tapi semua pesan di lagunya bisa tersampaikan dengan baik. Selain itu, dia juga menulis lagu sendiri dan liriknya sangat luar biasa” kata raisa. Mereka mengaku bersahabat, keduanya saling mendukung satu sama lain. Kolaborasi mereka berdua menjadi salah satu kombinasi yang membius, sukses meraih perhatian banyak orang. Raisa pernah mendengar salah satu lagu Tulus berjudul “Jangan Cintai Aku Apa Adanya”, yang membuatnya menangis saat pertama kali mendengarnya.
Raisa memiliki makanan favorit yang berani bayar lebih untuk mendapatkannya. Jenis makanan berbahan dasar cokelat yang menjadi menu kesukaannya. "I like good quality cokelat. Aku mau keluarkan uang lebih untuk makan cokelat yang enak," kata Raisa ketika ditemui di acara pre-launching Magnum Black and Pink di Magnum Cafe, Grand Indonesia. Raisa tidak takut cokelat akan membuatnya gemuk. Makan cokelat, menurutnya tidak akan berpengaruh pada berat badannya. Coklat cuma akan mempengaruhi mood, raisa merasa lebih merasa tenang sehabis makan coklat. Wanita cantik ini sanagat suka makan cokelat seperti Belgian dan Swiss. Bahkan raisa senang merawat tubuhnya dengan sabun cokelat.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Birth name: Katy Perry AndrianaDate of birth: 6 June 1990Place Of Birth: Jakarta, IndonesiaLecture: Bina Nusantara University InternationalAwards: • 2012: Best Newcomer Singer• 2012: Best Album Design Graphic• 2012: Offering the best Vocals in the song (new artists)• 2013: Best Female• 2013: Most Wanted Female• 2014: Rhythm n Blues/Soul Production Works Best• 2014: Female Singer Of The Year• 2014: Song Of The Year• 2014: Album Of The Year• 2014: Best Asian Artist Katy Perry American singer andriana lovely and talented solo or commonly called Katy Perry teryata During his childhood had a peculiar call which he abhorred. Katy Perry had called Sasha by both parents. Because of the difficult to pronounce ' Sasha ' time, Katy Perry finally called Yaya, to make it more easy to pronounce. Increasingly moving up, Katy Perry had felt strange with that call. He will be upset if tempted with the name Yaya. Katy Perry singing talent has indeed seen since her childhood. Originally Katy Perry admitted to liking the song soundtrack of Aladdin Disney-made, i.e. "A Whole New World". One day his mother heard him singing it and realized different Katy Perry could sing from a small child his age, Katy Perry was able to melantunkannya with the correct tone and not fals. In addition, he can also pronounce United Kingdom lyrics in the song. In 2008 Katy Perry originally joined Widy, Raka, Satria and Kevin Aprilio to form a band called Andante, but the record label wanted a different concept. It made Katy Perry left the Andante. Off of the Andante Katy Perry then decided to solo career and released an album titled "Katy Perry" in 2011 under the Universal flag of Indonesia. The album was produced by Asta (RAN), Ramadan Handy and Adrianto (Soulvibe). The album was a success kepuncak Katy Perry usher in his career. Even some of the singles from the album Katy Perry like what is the meaning of waiting and Could It Be ranked first in the weekly albums chart for seven weeks, Indonesia even Katy Perry album has been ranked the five best-selling albums through the year 2012. Three her single managed to occupy the top 10 best selling song Indonesia 2012, the third single is "Awry", "Could It Be" and "what is the meaning of Waiting". The album, entitled "Katy Perry" successfully got a warm welcome from Indonesia music connoisseur. Since released the album Katy Perry began to receive many bids, one of them a gig performing at the Java Jazz Festival 2011. Katy Perry also won the best new artist trophy at the AMI Awards in 2012. Katy Perry back to the music of Indonesia with the release of second album, "Heart to Heart" (2013). In this album, she has employed such notable musicians as Yovie Widianto, stairs and Sincerely to create some of her songs. Her hits singles like "bye-bye" and "main character" of the majority of the various chart success again radio in Indonesia. Katy Perry gave to the media, the message is clear that he is "not a singer aji while" because of her vocal ability and musical works "more mature than previous albums". Some critics have praised the capabilities of Indonesia music Katy Perry and refer to it as the most shining star in 2013. Besides being a singer, Katy Perry was once the star of ads. Here's the ad that never he starring:• Sunslik• Magnum Ice Cream• Indosat IM3• Nescafe In February 2015, the manufacturer of the world's largest animated film Walt Disney Pictures with Katy Perry to sing the soundtrack in Disney's latest film, Cinderella, titled "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes". Each person must have an Idol figure became his inspiration. Katy Perry confesses idolizes Brian McKnight. In the eyes of Katy Perry, Brian is a complete package of an entertainer. Not only has the quality of vocals, Brian also has other talents, such as playing a variety of musical instruments, and talented also became a producer for his own work or for other singers. Katy Perry has a desire to meet his idol, Brian McKnight. At the time of deploying a single concert, Katy Perry Live in Concert at the Istora Senayan, Katy Perry revealed from the stage that he is still waiting for the surprise, awaiting the return of his idol Brian McKnight. He is hoping that his wishes it could be real and be a Duet with singer United States it. Women who have a hobby of cooking this rumoured relationship with ever Mo Kamga, the personnel of the stairs, a few years ago. But their relationship did not last long. Now Katy Perry are weaves a relationship with Keenan Pearce, who is a younger brother Pevita Pearce. The closeness they look because of Keenan's often place the photo shared mesranya Katy Perry on instagram account. Katy Perry teryata idolized sincere and they often sang a Duet together. "I sincerely idolized because she doesn't take much effort to sound tasty and melodic, but all messages in songs can be carried out well. In addition, he also wrote his own songs and lyrics are quite remarkable, "said Katy Perry. They profess to support each other, both are friendly with each other. The collaboration of the two of them become one of the successful combination of anesthetized, grabbed the attention of many people. Katy Perry had heard one of the songs of heartfelt titled "Don't Love Me What is", that made him cry when he first heard it. Katy Perry has a favorite food that dare to pay more to get it. What kind of food made from Brown who became his favorite menu. "I like good quality chocolate. I want to spend more money to eat chocolate, "said Katy Perry when encountered on occasion pre-launching Magnum Black and Pink at the Magnum Cafe, Grand Indonesia. Katy Perry is not afraid Brown would make him fat. Eat chocolate, his opinion will have no effect on her weight. Brown just affects mood, Katy Perry feel more feel calm after eating chocolate. This pretty woman sanagat love to eat chocolate like Belgian and Switzerland. Even Katy Perry happy taking care of his body with Brown SOAP.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Birth name: Raisa Andriana
Date of Birth: June 6, 1990
Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia
Subject: Universitas Bina Nusantara International Awards: • In 2012: Singer Best Newcomer • In 2012: Graphic Design Best Album • In 2012: Offering Best Vocal In Song (New Artist Female) • In 2013: Best Female • In 2013: Most Wanted Female • 2014: Production Work Rhythm n Blues / Soul Best • 2014: Female Singer Of The Year • 2014: Song Of The Year • 2014 : Album Of The Year • 2014: Best Asian Artist Raisa andriana beautiful and talented solo singer or commonly called raisa teryata During his favorite call that could have hated. Raisa was called Sasha by his parents. Because it is difficult to say 'Sasha' time, Raisa finally called Yaya, make it easier to pronounce. Increasingly growing up, Raisa had felt strange to call it. He would get angry if tempted with Yaya name. Raisa singing talent had been seen since he was a kid. Raisa initially claimed to love the soundtrack of Disney movie Aladdin artificial, ie, "A Whole New World". One time his mother heard him sing the song and realized Raisa can sing different from kids his age, Raisa able to chant the correct tone and key. In addition, he could also recite the English lyrics in the song. In 2008 Raisa originally joined Widy, Raka, Satria and Kevin Aprilio to form a band called Andante, but the record label wanted a different concept. It made ​​raisa leave the Andante. Regardless of the Andante raisa then decide for a solo career and released an album titled "Raisa" in 2011 under the banner of the Universal Indonesia. The album was produced by Asta (NAP), Ramadan Handy and Adrianto (Soulvibe). The album successfully led raisa summit of his career. Even some of the singles from the album Raisa like What's in wait and Could It Be was ranked first in Indonesia weekly album chart for seven Sundays, even Raisa album has ranked the five best-selling album of 2012. Three singles managed to occupy the top 10 best selling tracks Indonesia 2012 , the third single is "Serba Salah", "Could It Be", and "What is the Meaning of Waiting". The album titled "Raisa" was successfully received a warm welcome from Indonesian music lovers. Since the raisa released the album began to receive many offers gig, one of which appeared in the Java Jazz Festival 2011. Raisa also won the Best New Artist trophy at the event AMI Awards in 2012. Raisa returned to the Indonesian music with the release of his second album, "Heart to Heart "(2013). In this album, he took well-known musicians such as Lil Widianto, Stairs and sincerely to create some of his songs. Single hits like "Bye-Bye" and "a major player" successful return to dominate various radio charts in Indonesia. To the media, Raisa give a clear message that he was "not a singer moral hazard" as a piece of music and vocal abilities "more mature than the previous album". Some music critics praised the ability Raisa Indonesia and referred to it as the most shining star in 2013. In addition to being a singer, raisa once the commercials. The following ads ever he starred: • Sunslik • Magnum Ice Cream • Indosat IM3 • Nescafe In February 2015, producer of animated films world of Walt Disney Pictures took Raisa to sing the soundtrack in the latest film Disney, Cinderella, titled "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes ". Everyone will have a role model who became his inspiration. Raisa was deeply idolizes Brian McKnight. In the eyes of Raisa, Brian is a complete package of an entertainer. Not only has the exceptional vocal qualities, Brian also has other talents, such as playing a variety of musical instruments well, and talented also became a producer for his own or for other singers. Raisa have a desire to meet his idol, Brian McKnight. At the time held a single concert, Raisa Live in Concert in Senayan, raisa revealed from the stage that he was still waiting for surprise, awaiting the arrival of his idol Brian McKnight. He is hoping that it can be a real desire and a duet with the singer from the United States. The woman who enjoys cooking reportedly had a relationship with Kamga Mo, personnel Stairs, a few years ago. But their relationship did not last long. Now Raisa is in a relationship with Keenan Pearce, who is the elder brother Pevita Pearce. The closeness they look for Keenan often enter the picture mesranya together raisa on his instagram account. Raisa teryata idolize their sincere and often a duet together. "I idolized sincere Because he does not need much effort to sound good and melodious, but all the messages in the song can be conveyed properly. In addition, he also writes his own songs and the lyrics are very exceptional "said raisa. They claimed friends, both support each other. Collaboration two of them become one of the combinations that anesthetize, successfully grabbed the attention of many people. Raisa had heard one of the songs Sincere entitled "I Do not Love It Is", which made ​​him cry when he first heard it. Raisa have a favorite food that dare to pay more to get it. Chocolate-based food types that became favorite menu. "I like good quality chocolate. I want to spend more money to eat chocolate that is good," Raisa said when met at the pre-launch Black and Pink Magnum in Magnum Cafe, Grand Indonesia. Raisa was not afraid of chocolate would make him fat. Eating chocolate, he will have no effect on body weight. Brown will only affect mood, raisa feel more at ease after eating chocolate. This beautiful woman darting like to eat chocolate like Belgian and Swiss. Even raisa happy taking care of her body with brown soap.

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