Synopsis (Summary)Folklore: "Golden Cucumber"In a village there lived a widow named old mbok Sarni. Each day he spends his time alone, because this food, Sarni doesn't have a child. He'd love to have a child, so that could help him work.On one afternoon, go to the forest to Sarni is looking for wood, and in the middle of the road, which is a giant met with Sarni is very huge.Mbok in sarni tnya by giant and that his son was given to saksasa, but this food, sarni don't have kids.After food, Sarni says that she does not have children and wanted to have children, then the Giants gave him a cucumber seeds in order for planting by mbok sarni in order to get the child.After two weeks, the cucumber appears to bear a very heavy and there is one cucumber. Mbok Sarni then pick it up, and after the split turned out its contents was a very beautiful baby waiting. The baby was then given the name cucumber gold.Finally one day the giant came to collect pledges. Sarni is very frightened, and didn't want to lose the Golden cucumber. mbok sarni told the Giants dating to here again in order for two more years so that larger cucumber gold to eaten. Finally, which is not his son in order to think sarni taken by the Giants.pada suatu malam mbok Sarni bermimpi. Dalam mimpinya itu, ia diberitahu agar timun emas menemui petapa di Gunung. Pagi harinya mbok Sarni menyuruh timun emas untuk segera menemui petapa itu. Setelah bertemu dengan petapa, timun emas kemudian bercerita tentang maksud kedatangannya. Sang petapa kemudian memberinya empat buah bungkusan kecil yang isinya biji mentimun, jarum, garam, dan terasi.Paginya raksasa datang lagi untuk menagih janji.mbok sarni tidak ingi kehilangan anaknya akhirnya mbok sarni menyerahkan dirinya kapada raksasa tetapi raksasa tidak mau.akhirnya timun emas keluar juga dan dia di kejar-kejar oleh raksasa, akhirnya dia melemparkan bingkisan itu dan raksasa itu langsung punah.
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