THE CARRIER OF THE DEADLY OPIUMYoung blood is the blood where the teens aged 13-19 years searching for their identity in order to find out who they really are. They are the nation's future that it is desirable for the whole people of Indonesia from the colonial period until modern times. The Association is one of the things that made the young blood to find their identity and who they really are. At that time, I had a by Lights Cinema 1.5beta"> chance to follow the activity of my friend who incidentally are drug users. The identity of the person cannot be mentioned for the sake of security status. It sounds definitely like ' doing the same temenan people narkobaan ' but there you will get a very useful knowledge for yourself. The drug also is familiar to me, because it's never been my relatives also got hooked on drugs. While he was driving with a relaxed, enjoying traffic jams in Jakarta, he confided to me while me and when he told me there is no nature of judgemental to me, because he himself is also very protect me from drugs. He was like a brother to me. "Don't ever try it. ... No need to reply to "he said" don't like me .... It too is destroyed, if you still have the opportunity right "he said. I idly opened the storage of smoking and I find several cimeng (Marijuana) and inex (the pill). And I started mengintrogasinya from it started to do drugs until that time as well. I started to ask since when did he do drugs "Since 3rd grade JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, I've been introduced with cimeng. Initially, idly because I happened to hang out with people who are much older with me "he said. Then I ask why choose Drugs as one of the things that put his life even though he knows he is wrong, "How else, then my friends told me it was nonsense, I till now are aware of this incorrect and reply I want to stop but it is extremely complicated" he said. I ask questions that are not to judge him, starting from how many days once she suck cimeng Inex, or "Get 3 times a day if more stress but now heck already once or twice in a day," said him. And then I asked her, she bought it where "wow ... anyway there is link [...] I can't tell you ... Clear in the capital there is a special jualnya kok club Drug "said this friend of mine. And I ask the price of the purchase "link to Reply could be given cheap until Rp. 100,000 per smoke can also but sometimes up to Rp. 500,000 I just always be cheap because relate well with my link. Kalo Inex can roughly be Rp. 300.000 's there but it depends who buy up all the details of how the twenty-to IDR 18.000.000 "he said. I membercandai him by asking the price of cocaine, and Morphine Putaw "For Cocaine give me Rp 50,000,000 new used to be you could be" he said. Then, I casually ask if there is pain if not wearing Inex or cimeng a "physically Kalo gak ada ya Thanksgiving taste anything, but sometimes mental like fear itself, its own sensitive and even sometimes feel stress" he said Finally, after we got the goal, he was immediately put on his cimeng and share it with her friends. Luckily, I brought both the same age as my sister with me, we just 30 cm. but it's not like smoking smoking smells alone is different. The effect of their own, all giggling like it ridiculed by them, there are also some who have experienced a bad rip but luckily not to commit suicide. Because I've heard many stories of usage cimeng that ends up committing suicide. Very memprihantinkan to see them as the next generation to behave like that, it's very painful to see them like that. Drugs (drugs/narcotics and hazardous materials) is a very evil demons, they are very disturbing the lives of generations of people who really are very valuable. Once they are aware, I admonished my friend this "Anyway this month you should stop" I said to my friend this "Hopefully I can..." he said From the above experience, we can see just how devastated the lives of the younger generations if wearing it and it is very dangerous. Drugs that make the addiction doesn't mean jail jurisdictions, death penalty, will not make a deterrent if the circulation of Drugs still very smoothly. Because drug trafficking is now beginning to advanced, using technology that is not known by our police, our police very technology even undefeated with their technology It took a huge public awareness in order to eradicate drug use. If the officers only wear it, what about ordinary people? Will definitely be very lay. Remember, Indonesia including a very large country and has expectations that are scintillating. In addition to natural resources (SDA) his huge Human Resources is also very large, so it is not possible that Indonesia could not be the Asian Tiger as expected, but drug use is one of the major obstacles. It took a Mental revolution implanted for each community in Indonesia, it's complicated because kebatasan economic, political and even geographically but right now Indonesia is experiencing an emergency Mental Revolution. In terms of this mental revolution, must be inculcated to the General cause and effect of the Drug itself and the law applicable in Indonesia about drugs. Supervision of young children must be tightened again, indeed it looks too tight but tight right now better than sorry? Drug counseling to young people should be more dipersering again, no need for the extension but delivery to the point will greatly help the younger generation of Indonesia. Every individual has the right to choose the options in each life, and after being given guidance about cause and effect may be an individual can choose their path to a better way Imprisonment and fines will not be too successful to remove Drug given this business is a complicated business to two after the mafia business, so does the death penalty which is rumored to really beat back Drug traffickers. They could just search for his successor by simply having the death penalty. All laws are useless if people themselves do not consider Indonesia bahanya drugs. 40 soul hovers daily because of the Drug, 70% of drug users is the next generation of the nation, Indonesia is a haven for drug dealers, whether we want to see these events occur continuously? Not need to care about what other people, our attitude is going to change the other person. Mental revolution against the war against Drugs is urgently needed today as well to change the fate of the nation. Army and economy in your friend that drug and passed out he got hooked to recover, but strengthen the mental to not get affected, still hand in hand to your friends in the drug use and grow shared determination In the end, we will realize that the Drug itself is very detrimental to us. We should not be afraid of punishment, but was afraid, why to we want to hurt ourselves. God has a purpose when choosing to menciptakanmu, and your parents will feel devastated if see you crumble because to them you are a very beautiful diamond treasure from heaven.
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