SI PEMBAWA CANDU YANG MEMATIKANDarah muda adalah darah dimana para rem terjemahan - SI PEMBAWA CANDU YANG MEMATIKANDarah muda adalah darah dimana para rem Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Darah muda adalah darah dimana para remaja berusia 13-19 tahun mencari jati diri mereka untuk mengetahui siapa mereka sebenarnya. Mereka adalah para masa depan bangsa yang sangat diharapkan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dari zaman penjajahan sampai masa modern ini. Pergaulan merupakan salah satu hal yang dilakukan darah muda untuk mencari jati diri mereka dan siapa mereka sebenarnya.

Pada waktu itu, saya sempat mengikuti aktivitas teman saya yang kebetulan adalah pengguna Narkoba. Identitas orang ini tidak dapat disebutkan demi status keamanan. Kedengarannya pasti seperti ‘ngapain temenan sama orang narkobaan’ tapi disitulah anda akan mendapatkan ilmu yang sangat berguna bagi diri anda sendiri. Narkoba juga merupakan hal tidak asing lagi bagi saya, karena pernah ada kerabat saya juga terjerat Narkoba.

Sambil ia menyetir dengan santai, menikmati kemacetan di Jakarta, ia bercerita kepada saya sambil saya dan saat ia bercerita tidak ada sifat menghakimi bagi saya, karena ia sendiri juga sangat melindungi saya dari Narkoba. Ia sudah seperti saudara bagi saya. “Jangan pernah coba…. Tidak usah kalo perlu” ujarnya “Jangan seperti saya…. Sudah terlalu hancur, kalau kamu kan masih mempunyai kesempatan” ujarnya.

Saya pun iseng membuka tempat penyimpanan rokoknya dan saya temukan beberapa cimeng (Ganja) dan inex (pil). Dan saya mulai mengintrogasinya dari ia mulai memakai Narkoba sampai saat itu juga. Saya mulai menanyakan sejak kapan ia memakai Narkoba “Sejak kelas 3 SMP, saya sudah diperkenalkan dengan cimeng. Awalnya, iseng saja karena kebetulan saya bergaul dengan orang yang jauh lebih tua dengan saya” ujarnya. Lalu saya menanyakan mengapa memilih Narkoba sebagai salah satu hal yang dimasukkan ke dalam hidupnya walaupun ia tahu ia salah, “Bagaimana lagi, waktu itu teman-teman bilang itu omong kosong belaka saja, saya sampai sekarang sadar kalo ini salah dan saya ingin berhenti namun sangatlah rumit” ujarnya.

Saya pun mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tidak meng-judge dia dimulai dari berapa hari sekali ia menghisap cimeng atau Inex, “Bisa 3 kali sehari kalau lagi stress tapi sekarang sih sudah sekali atau dua kali saja dalam sehari” ujar nya. Dan, selanjutnya saya menanyakan ia membelinya dimana “Wah… pokoknya ada linknya… Saya tidak dapat memberitahu kamu… Yang jelas di ibu kota ada kok club yang jualnya khusus Narkoba” ujar teman saya ini. Dan saya pun menanyakan tarif pembeliannya “Kalo baik ke linknya bisa dikasih murah sampai Rp.100.000 per linting juga bisa tapi kadang sampai Rp.500.000 saya saja selalu dapat murah karena berhubungan baik dengan link saya. Kalo Inex bisa kira-kira bisa Rp. 300.000 an tapi tergantung waktu itu ada yang beli sampai berapa puluh butir itu semuanya menjadi Rp.18.000.000” ujarnya. Saya membercandai dia dengan menanyakan harga Kokain, Putaw dan Morfin “Untuk Kokain kasih saya Rp.50.000.000 dulu baru kamu bisa dapat” ujarnya. Lalu, saya iseng menanyakan apakah ada rasa sakit jika tidak memakai Inex ataupun cimeng “Kalo secara fisik ya syukur gak ada rasa apa-apa, tapi di mental kadang suka ketakutan sendiri, sensitif sendiri malah kadang-kadang merasa stress” ujarnya

Akhirnya, setelah kami sampai tujuan, ia pun langsung memakai cimeng miliknya dan berbagi dengan teman-temannya. Untungnya, saya membawa kedua saudara saya yang seumuran dengan saya, kami hanya berjarak 30 cm. Seperti merokok tapi bukan rokok baunya saja sudah beda. Efeknya mereka seperti tertawa-tawa sendiri, semua hal ditertawakan oleh mereka, ada juga beberapa yang mengalami bad rip tapi untungnya tidak sampai bunuh diri. Karena saya pernah mendengar banyak cerita pemakaian cimeng yang berakhir bunuh diri.

Sangat memprihantinkan melihat mereka sebagai generasi penerus bertingkah laku seperti itu, sangat menyakitkan melihat mereka seperti itu. Narkoba (Narkotika dan obat/bahan berbahaya) adalah iblis yang sangat jahat, mereka sangat mengganggu kehidupan generasi bangsa yang sebenarnya sangat berharga. Setelah mereka sadar, saya menegur teman saya ini “Pokoknya bulan ini kamu harus berhenti” ujar saya kepada teman saya ini “Mudah-mudahan saya bisa…” ujarnya

Dari pengalaman di atas, kita dapat melihat betapa hancur kehidupan generasi muda jika memakainya dan sangat berbahaya. Narkoba itu membuat kecanduan yang tidak berarti, ranah hukum penjara, hukuman mati tidak akan membuat jera jika peredaran Narkoba masih sangat lancar. Karena perdagangan Narkoba sekarang sudah mulai canggih, memakai teknologi yang tidak diketahui oleh polisi kita, bahkan teknologi polisi kita sangat terkalahkan dengan teknologi mereka

Butuh kesadaran masyarakat yang sangat besar untuk membasmi penggunaan Narkoba. Jika para petugas saja memakainya, bagaimana dengan kaum biasa? Pasti akan sangat bergelimpangan. Ingat, Indonesia termasuk negara yang sangat besar dan mempunyai harapan-harapan yang gemilang. Selain Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) nya sangat besar Sumber Daya Manusianya juga sangat besar, jadi tidak mungkin bahwa Indonesia tidak bisa menjadi macan Asia sebagaimana diharapkan, namun penggunaan Narkoba merupakan salah satu hambatan yang sangat besar.

Revolusi Mental butuh ditanamkan bagi setiap masyarakat Indonesia, memang rumit karena kebatasan ekonomi, politik bahkan secara geografis tetapi sekarang Indonesia mengalami darurat Revolusi Mental. Dalam hal revolusi mental ini, harus ditanamkan kepada masyarakat sebab dan akibat dari Narkoba itu sendiri dan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia tentang Narkoba. Pengawasan terhadap anak muda harus lebih diperketat lagi, memang kelihatannya terlalu ketat tetapi lebih baik ketat sekarang kan daripada menyesal? Penyuluhan Narkoba kepada anak muda harus lebih dipersering lagi, tidak perlu penyuluhan yang mewah namun penyampaian yang to the point akan sangat membantu para generasi muda Indonesia. Setiap individu berhak memilih pilihannya masing-masing dalam hidup, dan setelah diberi penyuluhan tentang sebab dan akibat mungkin seorang individu bisa memilih jalan mereka ke jalan yang lebih baik

Penjara dan denda tidak akan terlalu berhasil untuk menghapus Narkoba mengingat bisnis ini merupakan bisnis rumit ke dua setelah bisnis mafia, begitu juga hukuman mati yang dikabarkan sangat memukul mundur para pengedar Narkoba. Mereka bisa saja cari penggantinya dengan mudahnya setelah hukuman mati. Semua hukum akan sia-sia jika masyarakat Indonesia sendiri tidak menyadari akan bahanya Narkoba. 40 jiwa melayang tiap harinya karena Narkoba, 70% pengguna Narkoba adalah generasi penerus bangsa, Indonesia sendiri adalah surga bagi pengedar Narkoba, apakah kita ingin melihat kejadian ini terjadi secara terus menerus?

Tidak usah peduli omongan orang lain, sikap kita yang akan mengubah orang lain. Revolusi mental terhadap perang melawan Narkoba sangat dibutuhkan hari ini juga untuk mengubah nasib bangsa. Rangkul teman anda yang terjerat Narkoba dan sadarkan ia sampai pulih, tetapi kuatkanlah mental untuk tidak ikut terpengaruh, tetap bergandengan tangan kepada teman anda yang bersih dalam penggunaan Narkoba dan tumbuhkan tekad bersama

Pada akhirnya, kita akan menyadari bahwa Narkoba sendiri sangat merugikan kita. Kita tidak perlu takut akan hukuman, namun takutlah mengapa sampai kita mau melukai diri kita sendiri. Tuhan mempunyai suatu tujuan saat memilih untuk menciptakanmu, dan orang tua mu akan merasa hancur jika melihat kamu hancur karena bagi mereka kalian adalah berlian yang sangat indah titipan dari surga.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
THE CARRIER OF THE DEADLY OPIUMYoung blood is the blood where the teens aged 13-19 years searching for their identity in order to find out who they really are. They are the nation's future that it is desirable for the whole people of Indonesia from the colonial period until modern times. The Association is one of the things that made the young blood to find their identity and who they really are. At that time, I had a by Lights Cinema 1.5beta"> chance to follow the activity of my friend who incidentally are drug users. The identity of the person cannot be mentioned for the sake of security status. It sounds definitely like ' doing the same temenan people narkobaan ' but there you will get a very useful knowledge for yourself. The drug also is familiar to me, because it's never been my relatives also got hooked on drugs. While he was driving with a relaxed, enjoying traffic jams in Jakarta, he confided to me while me and when he told me there is no nature of judgemental to me, because he himself is also very protect me from drugs. He was like a brother to me. "Don't ever try it. ... No need to reply to "he said" don't like me .... It too is destroyed, if you still have the opportunity right "he said. I idly opened the storage of smoking and I find several cimeng (Marijuana) and inex (the pill). And I started mengintrogasinya from it started to do drugs until that time as well. I started to ask since when did he do drugs "Since 3rd grade JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, I've been introduced with cimeng. Initially, idly because I happened to hang out with people who are much older with me "he said. Then I ask why choose Drugs as one of the things that put his life even though he knows he is wrong, "How else, then my friends told me it was nonsense, I till now are aware of this incorrect and reply I want to stop but it is extremely complicated" he said. I ask questions that are not to judge him, starting from how many days once she suck cimeng Inex, or "Get 3 times a day if more stress but now heck already once or twice in a day," said him. And then I asked her, she bought it where "wow ... anyway there is link [...] I can't tell you ... Clear in the capital there is a special jualnya kok club Drug "said this friend of mine. And I ask the price of the purchase "link to Reply could be given cheap until Rp. 100,000 per smoke can also but sometimes up to Rp. 500,000 I just always be cheap because relate well with my link. Kalo Inex can roughly be Rp. 300.000 's there but it depends who buy up all the details of how the twenty-to IDR 18.000.000 "he said. I membercandai him by asking the price of cocaine, and Morphine Putaw "For Cocaine give me Rp 50,000,000 new used to be you could be" he said. Then, I casually ask if there is pain if not wearing Inex or cimeng a "physically Kalo gak ada ya Thanksgiving taste anything, but sometimes mental like fear itself, its own sensitive and even sometimes feel stress" he said Finally, after we got the goal, he was immediately put on his cimeng and share it with her friends. Luckily, I brought both the same age as my sister with me, we just 30 cm. but it's not like smoking smoking smells alone is different. The effect of their own, all giggling like it ridiculed by them, there are also some who have experienced a bad rip but luckily not to commit suicide. Because I've heard many stories of usage cimeng that ends up committing suicide. Very memprihantinkan to see them as the next generation to behave like that, it's very painful to see them like that. Drugs (drugs/narcotics and hazardous materials) is a very evil demons, they are very disturbing the lives of generations of people who really are very valuable. Once they are aware, I admonished my friend this "Anyway this month you should stop" I said to my friend this "Hopefully I can..." he said From the above experience, we can see just how devastated the lives of the younger generations if wearing it and it is very dangerous. Drugs that make the addiction doesn't mean jail jurisdictions, death penalty, will not make a deterrent if the circulation of Drugs still very smoothly. Because drug trafficking is now beginning to advanced, using technology that is not known by our police, our police very technology even undefeated with their technology It took a huge public awareness in order to eradicate drug use. If the officers only wear it, what about ordinary people? Will definitely be very lay. Remember, Indonesia including a very large country and has expectations that are scintillating. In addition to natural resources (SDA) his huge Human Resources is also very large, so it is not possible that Indonesia could not be the Asian Tiger as expected, but drug use is one of the major obstacles. It took a Mental revolution implanted for each community in Indonesia, it's complicated because kebatasan economic, political and even geographically but right now Indonesia is experiencing an emergency Mental Revolution. In terms of this mental revolution, must be inculcated to the General cause and effect of the Drug itself and the law applicable in Indonesia about drugs. Supervision of young children must be tightened again, indeed it looks too tight but tight right now better than sorry? Drug counseling to young people should be more dipersering again, no need for the extension but delivery to the point will greatly help the younger generation of Indonesia. Every individual has the right to choose the options in each life, and after being given guidance about cause and effect may be an individual can choose their path to a better way Imprisonment and fines will not be too successful to remove Drug given this business is a complicated business to two after the mafia business, so does the death penalty which is rumored to really beat back Drug traffickers. They could just search for his successor by simply having the death penalty. All laws are useless if people themselves do not consider Indonesia bahanya drugs. 40 soul hovers daily because of the Drug, 70% of drug users is the next generation of the nation, Indonesia is a haven for drug dealers, whether we want to see these events occur continuously? Not need to care about what other people, our attitude is going to change the other person. Mental revolution against the war against Drugs is urgently needed today as well to change the fate of the nation. Army and economy in your friend that drug and passed out he got hooked to recover, but strengthen the mental to not get affected, still hand in hand to your friends in the drug use and grow shared determination In the end, we will realize that the Drug itself is very detrimental to us. We should not be afraid of punishment, but was afraid, why to we want to hurt ourselves. God has a purpose when choosing to menciptakanmu, and your parents will feel devastated if see you crumble because to them you are a very beautiful diamond treasure from heaven.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
SI HOST THE DEADLY CANDU young blood is the blood which adolescents aged 13-19 years looking for their identity to find out who they really are. They are the nation's future that is desirable for all the people of Indonesia from the colonial era to modern times. Intercourse is one of the things that made ​​the young blood to find their identity and who they really are. At that time, I had followed the activities of my friends who happened to be a drug user. This person's identity can not be mentioned for the sake of security status. Sure it sounds like 'doing the same temenan narkobaan people' but that's where you'll get a very useful knowledge for yourself. Drugs also is not strange for me, because I've no relatives also entangled drugs. As he drove with a relaxed, enjoying traffic congestion in Jakarta, he told me while I was and when he told me there was no judgmental nature to me, because he himself also greatly protect me from drugs. He is like a brother to me. "Do not even try .... No need if necessary "he said" Do not be like me .... It has been too crushed, if you're still having a chance "he said. I was idly opened the cigarette storage and I found some cimeng (Ganja) and inex (pills). And I started mengintrogasinya of drugs until he started wearing the spot. I started to ask since when he wears Drugs "Since grade 3 junior, I was introduced to cimeng. Initially, on a whim because I happened to get along with people who are much older to me "he said. Then I asked why choose drugs as one of the things that put his life even though he knew he was wrong, "How else, then friends told me it was nonsense, I hitherto realized if this is wrong and I want to quit, but it is complicated "he said. I was asked questions that are not clicking judge of how many days he started once he sucked cimeng or Inex, "Can 3 times a day if more stress but now anyway already once or twice a day" said her. And then I asked where he bought "Well ... basically there is the link ... I can not tell you ... What is clear in the capital there is really a special club that selling drugs" said my friend. And I also ask his purchase rates "If either to low given the link can be rolled up to 100,000 per can but sometimes up to Rp.500.000 I just always be low because it deals well with my link. If Inex can roughly be Rp. 300,000 early but it depends on the time there is a buy up to how many tens of grains it all became Rp.18.000.000 "he said. I membercandai him by asking about the price of cocaine, heroin and morphine "For Cocaine love my new first Rp.50.000.000 you can get" he said. Then, I idly ask if there is a pain if you do not wear or cimeng Inex "If physically yes thanks we do not have a sense of anything, but in mental sometimes like fear itself, sensitive itself even sometimes feel stress" he said finally, after we until the goal, he was immediately put on his cimeng and share with friends. Luckily, I brought my two sisters my age, we are only a 30 cm. Such as cigarette smoke but not the smell alone is different. The effect they like laughing himself, all things ridiculed by them, there are also some who have bad rip but fortunately not to commit suicide. Because I've heard many stories cimeng ending the use of suicide. It memprihantinkan see them as the next generation behave like that, it is very painful to see them like that. Drugs (narcotics and drug / hazardous materials) is very evil demon, they are very disturbing real life young generation is very valuable. Once they are aware, I admonish my friend "Anyway, this month you should stop" I said to my friend "Hopefully I can ..." he said of the experience above, we can see how devastated the lives of the younger generation if wear and extremely dangerous , Drug addiction that does not mean, the realm of the prison law, the death penalty would not be a deterrent if the circulation of drugs is still very smooth. Because the drug trade is now beginning to advanced, using technology that is not known by our police, our police technology even very unbeaten with their technology takes a huge public awareness to eradicate the use of drugs. If the officers only wear, what about ordinary people? Definitely will be lying. Remember, Indonesia is a big country and has a brilliant expectations. Besides Natural Resources (SDA) is very large Human Resources is also very large, so it is unlikely that Indonesia can not become an Asian tiger as expected, but the use of drugs is one very big obstacle. Mental Revolution took implanted for each of the people of Indonesia, kebatasan is complicated because of economic, political and even geographically but now Indonesia experienced emergency Mental Revolution. In the case of this mental revolution, must be imparted to the public cause and effect of the drug itself and applicable law in Indonesia on Drugs. Supervision of the young people have to be tightened again, it seems too tight tight but better now than sorry right? Drug counseling to young people should be dipersering again, do not need counseling fancy but the delivery is to the point would be very helpful to the younger generation of Indonesia. Each individual is entitled to select their choice in life, and after being given counseling about the cause and effect may be an individual could choose their way to a better path prison and fines will not be too successful to remove Drugs remember this is a complicated business to two after mafia business, as well as the death penalty is reportedly very repulsed the drug dealers. They could easily find a replacement after the death penalty. All laws will be useless if the Indonesian people themselves are not aware of the danger of drugs. 40 people died each day due to drugs, 70% of drug users are the next generation, Indonesia itself is a haven for drug traffickers, whether we want to see this incident occur continuously? Do not care what people say, we are going to change the attitude of others , Mental revolution against the war on drugs is needed today to change the fate of the nation. Hug your friends are trapped Drugs and knocked it to recover, but be strong mentally to not go unaffected, still hand in hand to clean your friend in the use of drugs and determination to grow together In the end, we will realize that the drugs themselves are very detrimental to us. We need not fear of punishment, but the fear is why until we want to hurt ourselves. God has a purpose when choosing to create you, and your parents will be devastated if they see you ruined because for them you are a very beautiful diamond deposit from heaven.

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