kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Surabaya? Diperbaharui 8 March 2013, 1 terjemahan - kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Surabaya? Diperbaharui 8 March 2013, 1 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Sur

kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Surabaya?
Diperbaharui 8 March 2013, 13:50 AEDT
Jawa Timur adalah salah satu provinsi yang memiliki tingkat kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang paling tinggi di Indonesia. Reporter Radio Australia, Astrid Berendsen, berbincang-bincang dengan penduduk kota Surabaya untuk mencari tahu seperti apa pengalaman perempuan di kota kelahirannya tersebut dan apa yang mereka pikir harus dilakukan untuk mengurangi kekerasan atas perempuan.
Wawancara Astrid Berendsen dengan Konselor utk Lembaga Pusat Perlindungan Wanita dana Anak Surabaya, Tika Ayuningdyah (Credit: ABC)
Foto: CHI_caff_women_20120513
Pada tahun 2011 Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan membeberkan hasil survei kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Provinsi Jawa Timur menempati urutan kedua dengan 24.555 perempuan yang menjadi korban kekerasan.
Seorang Konselor di lembaga Pusat Perlindungan Wanita dan Anak Kotamadya Surabaya, Ayuningdyah Tika, yang kerap dipanggil Tika, menceritakan pengalamannya menangani kasus-kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
“Seorang ibu rumah tangga, korban KDRT selama bertahun-tahun, dia menyimpan ini tidak mau melapor sampai suatu hari suaminya melempar mangkuk berisi kuah bakso panas, mengenai matanya, sobek dan sekarang korbannya mengalami cacat permanen.”
Tapi menurut Tika, peningkatan jumlah kekerasan yang dilaporkan ini juga merupakan pertanda meningkatnya keberanian dan kesadaran korban kekerasan untuk melapor.
“Awalnya kasus-kasus seperti ini tidak tahu harus diadukan ke siapa... Dengan adanya program dari Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan, pelan-pelan para wanita korban KDRT ini muncul, entah atas dasar gak kuat atau berani atau putus asa atau apapun.”
Kaka Soeharto, 23 tahun, menganggap Surabaya sebagai tempat yang cukup aman.
“Menurut saya Surabaya sangat nyaman, kota yang sangat aman apabila dibandingkan dengan kota besar lain. Karena menurut saya Surabaya itu unik. Banyak di antara masyarakatnya yang masih, istilahnya, memegang teguh budaya timur, tapi kotanya sendiri sudah cukup metropolitan. Jadi mix diantara keduanya yang bikin unik”
Salah satu contoh ‘budaya Timur’ tersebut adalah apa yang dia ketahui mengenai ‘Bonita’ (bonek wanita) yang menurutnya diperlakukan oleh anggota suporter tim sepak bola Surabaya yang lainnya dengan baik.
Stephanie Cole, 30, seorang perempuan muda asal Tennessee, Amerika Serikat, yang sudah tinggal di Surabaya selama dua setengah tahun juga berkomentar sama.
“Sebenarnya saya merasa lebih aman di sini daripada di kampung halaman saya [di Amerika Serikat]. Saya sering berjalan sendirian di malam hari, ke warung atau ke supermarket dan saya tidak pernah merasa tidak aman, tidak seperti di tempat asal saya -kalau saya berjalan sendirian di malam hari di sana, saya selalu memegang kunci di tangan saya, bersiap untuk membela diri apabila ada orang yang menyerang saya”
Tapi, Anna Angelina, 25 tahun, memiliki pengalaman buruk yang membuatnya berpendapat berbeda.
“Surabaya kalau dikategorikan sebagai kota yang aman bisa dibilang tidak... Saya sendiri mengalami hampir dirampok, dan waktu itu di depan saya ada cowok, tapi malah saya yang jadi targetnya. Mungkin karena saya cewek jadi dianggap lebih lemah “
Anna mengaku pernah menjadi korban jambret di hadapan umum, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang menolong dia. Bantuan dari polisi juga, dari pengalamannya saat itu, dianggapnya sangat terbatas.
“Saya ke polisi waktu itu, tapi sayangnya gak terlalu ditanggepin, cuma dibuatin laporan apa aja yang hilang. Sama sekali gak ditanyain, ‘kamu gak apa-apa?’ atau ‘apa ada yang luka’. Gak ada kepedulian sama sekali terhadap korban.”
Penyebab (dan pencegah) kekerasan atas perempuan
Menurut Tika, faktor utama yang memicu terjadinya kekerasan terhadap wanita, terutama yang terjadi dalam rumah tangga adalah faktor ekonomi. Sebagian besar korban KDRT berasal dari orang-orang yang berstatus ekonomi menengah ke bawah, dimana kekerasan rumah tangga biasanya dipicu dari suami yang tidak bekerja dan tidak bisa menafkahi keluarganya.
Ketika ditanya pendapat mereka tentang usaha apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengurangi kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan, keempat wanita muda ini mempunyai pendapat yang beragam.
Anna mengatakan perlu adanya transportasi khusus wanita dan penyuluhan terhadap masyarakat agar lebih peduli terhadap kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
Stephanie juga menyarankan peningkatan fasilitas, dengan pemasangan kamera pengawas di luar gedung-gedung.
Sedangkan Kaka percaya bahwa menjaga pergaulan adalah salah satu usaha yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan
Sementara itu, Tika berkomentar bahwa perempuan harus sadar kalau tugasnya tidak hanya untuk melayani laki-laki.
“Seorang wanita itu tidak ditakdirkan hanya untuk berada di rumah, mengurus anak mengurus rumah…Kita harus bisa melakukan sesuatu untuk diri kita sendiri. Wanita harus bisa memberdayakan dirinya sendiri. Kita bisa tidak menjadi korban KDRT, apabila kita bisa memperlakukan diri kita sendiri berharga.”

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
violence against women in Surabaya? Updated 8 March 2013, 13: 50 pm AEDTEast Java is one of the provinces that has the level of violence against women the most high in Indonesia. Radio Australia reporter, Astrid Berendsen, talked townsfolk Surabaya to figure out what kind of women's experiences in his hometown and what they think should be done to reduce violence on women. Interview with Counselor Berendsen Astrid for Women Protection Center Institution funds Child Surabaya, Tika Ayuningdyah (Credit: ABC) Photo: CHI_caff_women_20120513 In 2011 the National Commission Anti violence against women survey results reveal cases of violence against women. East Java province took second place with 24.555 women who are victims of violence.A counselor at women's and children's Protection Centre of the municipality of Surabaya, Ayuningdyah, Tika, who often called Tika, recounts her experiences dealing with cases of violence against women."A housewife, a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE for years, he didn't want to keep this report until one day her husband throws the Bowl contains hot Meatball gravy, about his eyes, torn and now its victims experience permanent disability."But according to Tika, an increasing amount of violence being reported is also a sign of the rising violence awareness and courage to report."Initially the cases like this do not know should be scraped into who the ... With the program of the Ministry of women's empowerment, slowly the women victims of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE appears, either on the basis of not strong or brave or desperate or anything. "Kaka Soeharto, 23 years, considers the place of Surabaya as fairly safe."I think it is very convenient, the city of Surabaya are very safe when compared to other major cities. Because I think it's unique in Surabaya. Many of the people who are still holding firm, the term, the Eastern cultures, but the town itself was enough metropolitan. So the mix between the two that makes unique "One example of the ' Eastern ' culture is what he may know about the ' Bonita ' (Adam Harrington woman) which he treated by members of the Surabaya soccer team supporters more nicely.Stephanie Cole, 30, a young woman from Tennessee, United States, who have been living in Shanghai for two and a half years also commented the same."Actually I feel more secure here than in my hometown [the United States]. I often walked alone at night, to stall or to the supermarket and I never felt unsafe, unlike in where I come from-if I'm walking alone at night in there, I always hold the key in my hand, ready to defend yourself when there are people who attack me "But, Anna Angelina, 25 years old, had a bad experience which led him to argue differently."Surabaya if categorized as a safe city arguably not ... My own experience was almost mugged, and then there's the guy in front of me, but even my so is unlawful. Maybe because I am a girl so it's considered more weak. "Anna admitted to having been victims of muggings in the presence of the public, and no one to help him Help from the police, too, from his experience at the time, he was very limited."I was to the police that day, but unfortunately not too ditanggepin, just report what dibuatin wrote is missing. Not at all, ' thou not ditanyain anything? ' or ' what are the wounds '. Not a concern at all to the victims. "The cause (and prevention) violence over women According to Tika, the main factors that trigger the occurrence of violence against women, especially those that occur in the household is the economic factor. Most of the victims of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE come from people who are lower middle economy, where domestic violence is usually triggered from husbands who do not work and can not menafkahi his family. When asked their opinions about what should be done to reduce the cases of violence against women, the four young women had mixed opinions.Anna said the need for women-specific transport and outreach to the community in order to be more concerned about the cases of violence against women.Stephanie also suggest an increase in facilities, with the installation of surveillance cameras outside the buildings.While Kaka believes that keeping the guidelines is one effort that can be done to reduce the cases of violence against womenIn the meantime, Tika commented that women should be aware that its task is not only to serve men."A woman was not destined simply to be at home taking care of the children, take care of home ...We should be able to do something for ourselves. Women should be able to empower himself. We can not become a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, if we could treat ourselves valuable. "
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
violence against women in Surabaya?
Last updated March 8, 2013, 13:50 AEDT
East Java is one of the provinces that have high levels of violence against women are highest in Indonesia. Reporter Radio Australia, Astrid Berendsen, talking with residents of the city of Surabaya to find out what women experience in his hometown and what they think should be done to reduce violence against women.
Interview with Astrid Berendsen Counselors Institute For Women Protection Centre Children's fund Surabaya, Tika Ayuningdyah (Credit: ABC)
Photo: CHI_caff_women_20120513
In 2011 the National Commission on Violence Against Women survey revealed cases of violence against women. East Java province ranks second with 24 555 women who are victims of violence.
A counselor at the institution Women and Children Protection Center Surabaya, Ayuningdyah Tika, which is often called Tika, recounted his experience dealing with cases of violence against women.
"A housewife, victims of domestic violence for years, he does not want to save the report until one day her husband threw a bowl of hot soup meatballs, about the eyes, tearing, and now the victim suffered permanent disability. "
But according to Tika, an increasing number of reported violence is also a sign of the increasing courage and awareness of victims of violence to report.
"Initially cases like this do not know to be reported to anyone ... With the program of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment, slowly the women victims of domestic violence arises, either on the basis of not strong or brave or desperate or anything. "
Kaka Suharto, 23 years old, consider Surabaya as a fairly safe place.
"I think Surabaya very comfortable, very safe city compared with other major cities. Because I think it's unique Surabaya. Many people are still, so to speak, to uphold eastern culture, but the city itself is quite metropolitan. So the mix between the two that makes a unique "
One example of 'Eastern culture' is what he knew about 'Bonita' (female hooligans) which he treated by members of the football team's supporters Surabaya others well.
Stephanie Cole, 30, a young women origin Tennessee, United States, who has lived in Surabaya for two and a half years also commented the same.
"Actually, I feel safer here than in my hometown [in the USA]. I often walk alone at night, to shop or to the supermarket and I never felt unsafe, not as in my home -if I walk alone at night there, I always hold the key in my hand, ready to defend himself if there are people who attack me "
But, Anna Angelina, 25 years old, had a bad experience that makes a different opinion.
"Surabaya if categorized as a safe city could say no ... I myself experienced almost robbed, and then in front of me there guy, but even I who became the target. Perhaps because I am a girl so considered weaker "
Anna claimed to have been victims of jambret in public, and no one was helping her. Assistance of the police too, from his experience at the time, considered very limited.
"I go to the police at the time, but unfortunately not too ditanggepin, just dibuatin report any kind is lost. Ditanyain not at all, 'you're not okay?' or 'what there is wound'. There's no concern at all to the victims. "
The cause (and prevention) violence against women
According to Tika, the main factors that lead to violence against women, especially those occurring in the household is the economic factor. The majority of domestic violence victims are from people who lower economic status, where domestic violence is usually triggered from a husband who does not work and could not support his family.
When asked their opinion about what should be done efforts to reduce violence against women, These four young women have diverse opinions.
Anna said the need for special transportation and counseling women on the community to be more concerned about the cases of violence against women.
Stephanie also suggest an increase in the facility, with the installation of surveillance cameras on the outside of buildings.
While Kaka believes that keeping association is one business that can be done to reduce violence against women
Meanwhile, Tika commented that women should be aware that his mission is not only to serve men.
"A woman was not destined only to be at home, taking care of the child care of the house ... We should be able to do something for ourselves. Women should be able to empower themselves. We can not be victims of domestic violence, if we can treat ourselves precious. "

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