Pekanbaru Riau Province as the capital experienced a rapid population growth. The increase in population will have an impact on the use of means of transport in fulfillment of her life. In the daily life of human beings in need of means of transport that is safe and comfortable to traverse various areas. The Government of the city of Soweto do one emphasis of the number of private vehicles and public transport. One of the public transport in the city of Pekanbaru i.e. transportation (Angkot). But in fact is happening is still a lot of public transportation (Angkot) are not be eligible to the road because it does not meet the technical standards of vehicles and be eligible to standard road. City transport conditions like this certainly cannot provide comfort and security to the community users. The purpose of the research is to find out and analyse the feasibility test standard of supervision of motor vehicle (case study: Transit City) and to know the factors that hamper the supervision standards of feasibility test of motor vehicles (case study: Transit City).The concept of the theory used is the start of the Surveillance process to determine standards, measure or assess and perform corrective actions. This research uses qualitative research methods with the study of descriptive data. In data collection, the author uses interview techniques, observation, and documentation. With the use of key informants as a source of information and analysis of the data. The results of this study showed that the process of testing the feasibility of surveillance against the transportation performed by the UNIT for the testing of motor vehicles Dishubkominfo not run fully in accordance with standard operational procedures. The process of surveillance test the feasibility of transportation not running because it is still in the process of testing irregularities occur. This had an impact on the conditions of transportation are not be eligible to the road still operate in the city of Pekanbaru. While that factor – factors restricting the supervisory process is the amount of human resources is still lacking. Availability of funds/test tool repair costs that may not be soon in use. So the need for the evaluation of the policy the use of budget funds and increased the number of officers are testing a motor vehicle in the city of Pekanbaru. Keywords: Supervision, Feasibility Testing Standards, Transportation
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