Kota Pekanbaru sebagai ibukota provinsi Riau mengalami pertumbuhan pen terjemahan - Kota Pekanbaru sebagai ibukota provinsi Riau mengalami pertumbuhan pen Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kota Pekanbaru sebagai ibukota prov

Kota Pekanbaru sebagai ibukota provinsi Riau mengalami pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat pesat. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk akan berdampak pada penggunaan alat transportasi dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan hidupnya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia membutuhkan alat transportasi yang aman dan nyaman untuk melintasi berbagai wilayah. Pemerintah kota Pekanbaru melakukan salah satunya penekanan jumlah kendaraan pribadi dan menambah kendaraan umum. Salah satu kendaraan umum di kota Pekanbaru yakni angkutan kota (Angkot). Namun pada kenyataannya yang terjadi masih banyak kendaraan umum (Angkot) yang tidak laik jalan karena tidak memenuhi standar teknis kendaraan dan standar laik jalan. Kondisi angkutan kota seperti ini tentu tidak dapat memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan kepada masyarakat penggunanya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengawasan standar uji kelayakan kendaraan bermotor (Studi kasus : Angkutan Kota) dan untuk mengetahui faktor yang menghambat proses pengawasan standar uji kelayakan kendaraan bermotor (Studi kasus : Angkutan Kota).
Konsep teori yang digunakan adalah Pengawasan yang dimulai dari proses menentukan standar, mengukur atau menilai dan melakukan tindakan perbaikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengkajian data secara deskriptif. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dengan menggunakan key informan sebagai sumber informasi dan analisis data.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pengawasan uji kelayakan terhadap angkutan kota yang dilakukan oleh UPTD Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor Dishubkominfo tidak berjalan sepenuhnya sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur yang ada. Proses pengawasan uji kelayakan angkutan kota tidak berjalan karena masih terjadi penyimpangan dalam proses pengujian. Hal ini berdampak pada kondisi angkutan kota yang tidak laik jalan masih beroperasi di kota Pekanbaru. Sementara itu faktor – faktor penghambat proses pengawasan adalah jumlah sumber daya manusia yang masih kurang. Ketersediaan dana/biaya perbaikan alat uji yang tidak dapat segera di pergunakan. Sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi tentang kebijakan penggunaan anggaran dana dan penambahan jumlah petugas pengujian kendaraan bermotor di kota Pekanbaru.

Kata Kunci: Pengawasan, Standar Uji Kelayakan, Angkutan Kota
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Pekanbaru Riau Province as the capital experienced a rapid population growth. The increase in population will have an impact on the use of means of transport in fulfillment of her life. In the daily life of human beings in need of means of transport that is safe and comfortable to traverse various areas. The Government of the city of Soweto do one emphasis of the number of private vehicles and public transport. One of the public transport in the city of Pekanbaru i.e. transportation (Angkot). But in fact is happening is still a lot of public transportation (Angkot) are not be eligible to the road because it does not meet the technical standards of vehicles and be eligible to standard road. City transport conditions like this certainly cannot provide comfort and security to the community users. The purpose of the research is to find out and analyse the feasibility test standard of supervision of motor vehicle (case study: Transit City) and to know the factors that hamper the supervision standards of feasibility test of motor vehicles (case study: Transit City).The concept of the theory used is the start of the Surveillance process to determine standards, measure or assess and perform corrective actions. This research uses qualitative research methods with the study of descriptive data. In data collection, the author uses interview techniques, observation, and documentation. With the use of key informants as a source of information and analysis of the data. The results of this study showed that the process of testing the feasibility of surveillance against the transportation performed by the UNIT for the testing of motor vehicles Dishubkominfo not run fully in accordance with standard operational procedures. The process of surveillance test the feasibility of transportation not running because it is still in the process of testing irregularities occur. This had an impact on the conditions of transportation are not be eligible to the road still operate in the city of Pekanbaru. While that factor – factors restricting the supervisory process is the amount of human resources is still lacking. Availability of funds/test tool repair costs that may not be soon in use. So the need for the evaluation of the policy the use of budget funds and increased the number of officers are testing a motor vehicle in the city of Pekanbaru. Keywords: Supervision, Feasibility Testing Standards, Transportation
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Pekanbaru city as the capital of Riau province experiencing rapid population growth. Increasing the number of residents will have an impact on the use of means of transportation in order to fulfill their needs. In everyday life people need a means of transportation that is safe and convenient to traverse various regions. Pekanbaru city government did one of them presses the number of private vehicles and increase public transportation. One of the public transport in the city of Pekanbaru namely transportation (public transportation). But in fact that happened is still a lot of public transportation (public transportation) were not roadworthy because it does not meet the technical standards and standards of road-worthy vehicle. Urban transportation conditions like this would not be able to provide comfort and safety to the user community. The research objective is to identify and analyze the feasibility test standard surveillance of motor vehicles (Case Study: City Transport) and to determine the factors that hinder the standard regulatory process feasibility test motor vehicles (Case Study: City Transport).
The concept of the theory used is the starting Supervision the process of setting standards, measuring or assessing and taking corrective action. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptive data. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interview, observation, and documentation. By using key informants as a source of information and data analysis.
The results of this study indicate that the regulatory process feasibility studies for urban transport is carried out by the Motor Vehicle Testing UPTD Dishubkominfo not run entirely in accordance with standard operating procedures. The process of due diligence supervision of urban transportation is not running because it is still irregularities in the testing process. This has an impact on urban transport conditions are not roadworthy still operating in the city of Pekanbaru. Meanwhile factors - factors inhibiting the regulatory process is the amount of human resources is still lacking. Availability of funds / test equipment repair costs that can not be immediately in use. So the need for evaluation of the policies of use of budget funds and increasing the number of motor vehicle testing officers in the city of Pekanbaru. Keywords: Monitoring, Standards Feasibility, City Transportation

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