ABSTRACT NURSING MEETING THE NEED FOR SECURITY AND COMFORTABLE IN Tn. M IN THE CEMPAKA Hospital DR. Sudirman KEBUMEN assessment on Mr. M dated May 30, 2016 at Cempaka Lounge Hospital Dr. Sudirman said client data obtained Kebumen chest pain left, the pain like a crumpled, 5 scale, intermittent pain. Blood pressure 150/90 mm Hg, pulse 54 beats / min, respiration 28 / min, a temperature of 36.5 o C. Acute pain associated with injury to a biological agent, interventions have been made that a comprehensive assessment of pain (PQRST), observation of nonverbal discomfort, teach techniques nonfarmakologi (distraction, relaxation and deep breathing), pain evaluation, increase the break, collaboration and give analgesics to reduce pain, monitor vital signs, and implementation has been carried out all appropriate intervention. Evaluations are carried out for 2 days, nursing problems of acute pain associated with agents injuries biological Recommendations from studies of the fulfillment of a sense of security and comfort, especially acute pain showed that distraction techniques of relaxation and breath in an effective, capable, and give effect to the reduction in pain intensity . Keywords: the need for a safe, comfortable, nursing care
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