The fight in the MorningAt that time the Sun has yet to wake up from its resting place, University of Regensburg, Rooster-chicken has not been doing its job. However, Pak Raden came up out of her house. His skin was wrinkled and thinner which seems not catch fire by wind gusts that currently last attempted to membekukannya. The hefty hand bearing a pancul in his right hand while his left hand holding a large parcel.At the time of Pak Raden stepped towards it, his pace stalled by the cries of a baby son who broke the silence that morning. With the very fears Pak Raden seeking out the arrival of that voice. Pak Raden surprise saw a tiny baby lying under a large banyan tree. "Baby who's is it? Should I take it? " Pak Raden wavering.When he wants to raise my baby, suddenly a tiger that attacked him was big enough, but with the alacrity of Pak Raden Dodge & Tiger. Turns out the sound of the cry of the baby, a tiger fishing. It seems that the Tiger is being kalaparan she watched the baby lying with the terrible gaze.See Tiger pak Raden using cangkulnya to keep the tiger that. But it was against the Tigers, he turned around and attack Pak Raden. Munich Tiger managed to injure Pak Raden. He fell on the ground and desperate, when the Tiger pounced back, about to Pak Raden took a hoe that is next to it, and direct it to hariamu it. Then hoe it then pass in the belly of the Tiger, the Tiger later died.Setelah berhasil membunuh harimau itu, Pak Raden mengangkat bayi itu dan membawanya pulang bersamanya untuk diurus dan diangkat menjadi anaknya.
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