Important figures in social constructivism is Vygotsky. Vygotsky believed that learning can go well when a child learns to handle tasks that yet, but he had learned to the tasks that are still within reach of their thinking. Vygotsky's theory of learning according to Competed (2011: 64) emphasis on three principles, namely as follows: 1). The nearest developments according to Vygotsky (Competed in Wertsch. 2011: 64), abbreviated ZPD (zone of proximal development) that the actual level of development among regions and levels of development of individual potential. 2). Pemagangan which is a cognitive process when someone is being gradually gaining study skills through interactions with people more control of the problem being studied. 3.) Scaffolding. The nature of cognitive development is the scaffolding. According To Vygotsky, scaffolding is the grant of aid to a student during the initial stages of learning and then reduce the aid and provide an opportunity to the students to take over the responsibility of getting bigger as soon as he can do so (Slavin in Competed. 2011: 64-65).
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