Di sisi lain para alien tengah bersiap siap untuk melakukan penyeranga terjemahan - Di sisi lain para alien tengah bersiap siap untuk melakukan penyeranga Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Di sisi lain para alien tengah bers

Di sisi lain para alien tengah bersiap siap untuk melakukan penyerangan terhadap bumi, dengan sepertiga pasukan mereka kira sudah cukup untuk meguasai seluruh daratan bumi serangan pertamanya ditujukan di kota Los Angeles, aktivitas yang awalnya padat dan dan ramai itu pun seketika berubah menjadi ricuh ketika langit terbelah dan para sekelompok alien pun mulai melakukan penyerbuan, para warga pun panik dan mulai berlarian tak tentu arah. President pun memerintah pasukan militernya yang paling kuat untuk melakukan perlawanan sampai akhirnya peperangan pun terjadi antara ras manusia dan ras alien dan berakhir dengan kemenangan ras manusia karena para alien datang dengan hanya membawa sepertiga pasukan dan terlalu meremehkan kekuatan militer di bumi, tapi tak sedikit juga para prajurit tentara yang meninggal pada saat peperangan, hanya tinggal 30 persen saja dari mereka yang masih selamat. Begitu juga dengan para alien hanya menyisakan 5 saja yang selamat dan mereka pun kembali ke planet asalnya dan melaporkanya ke pada raja mereka yaitu Darco, sang raja pun murka dan berencana untuk melakukan serangan yang ke dua dengan pasukan yang lebih kuat dan besar, mereka mingirim sinyal dengan meretas satelit bumi yang ada di luar angkasa dan mengatakan bahwa mereka akan datang lagi dengan serangan yang dahsyat.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
On the other hand the aliens are preparing ready for the assault against the Earth, with one-third of the troops they think is enough to meguasai the entire land her first attack aimed at the city of Los Angeles, the activity of which initially dense and crowded and it is instantly transformed into a ricuh when the skies parted and the a group of aliens began to conduct the RAID, the nationals ever panicked and started running around not sure direction. Any military forces ruled the President's most powerful to do resistance until it finally any war fought between the human race and an alien race and ended with the victory of the human race because the Aliens came with only a third of the troops and bring the too underestimated military force on Earth, but also some Army soldiers died at the time of the battle, only 30 percent of those who still survived. So too with the aliens leaving only 5 are welcome and they then went back to his home planet and melaporkanya to on their King Darco, i.e. any of the King's wrath and plan to do a second attack with troops that are stronger and bigger, their mingirim signal by satellite earth paved existing in space and said that they will come again with a powerful attack.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
On the other side of the aliens was getting ready to attack the Earth, with a third of the troops they thought was enough to meguasai whole land earth first attack aimed at the city of Los Angeles, the activity which initially solid and and crowded it was immediately turned into chaos when the sky split and the group of aliens began raids, the residents panicked and started running aimlessly. President also ruled the military forces of the most powerful to resist until the end battle ensued between the human race and an alien race and ended with the victory of the human race because the aliens come bringing only a third of the army and underestimated the strength of the military on Earth, but not least also the army soldiers who died during the war, only 30 percent of those who survived. So also with the aliens, leaving only five were saved, and they went back to their home planet and report it to the king they are Darco, the king was furious and plans to carry out attacks to two forces are more powerful and large, they mingirim signal by hacking existing satellite earth in outer space and said that they would come back with a devastating attack.
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