Letak dari appendiks bervariasi. Frekuensi letak yang paling banyak ad terjemahan - Letak dari appendiks bervariasi. Frekuensi letak yang paling banyak ad Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Letak dari appendiks bervariasi. Fr

Letak dari appendiks bervariasi. Frekuensi letak yang paling banyak adalah :
1. Di bawah cecum.
2. Dibawah cecum atau menggantung dibawah pelvic.
3. Di depan atau di belakang dari ujung ilium.
4. Di depan cecum.

2.1.2 Patologi Appendicitis
Appendicitis merupakan suatu peradangan pada appendiks yang umumnya disebabkan oleh sumbatan.
2.1.2.a Secara Patogenesis
1. Obstruksi
Disebabkan oleh adanya agen obstruktif di dalam lumen appendiks, seperti fecalith (feses yang mengeras/membatu), corpus alienum (misal:kelereng, batu), parasite (misal:ascaris). Karena appendiks juga usus, maka struktur ini juga menghasilkan secret berupa mucus tiap hari ke dalam lumen appendiks dan nantinya akan bermuara ke lumen caecum. Akibat alirannya tersumbat akhirnya secret tadi tidak bisa dibuang dan tertimbun terus-menerus. Obstruksi juga bisa disebabkan oleh agen obstruktif ekstra luminer misalnya: hipertrofi folikel limfoid, appendiks tertekuk.
2. Infeksi
Agen Infeksi dapat berasal dari 2 tempat, yaitu intra luminer dan hematogenesis. Infeksi dapat merupakan tahap lanjut dari proses peradangan appendiks setelah terjadi obstruksi lumen appendiks. Bisa juga appendicitis yang terjadi akibat penekanan eksterna appendiks oleh pita dan tekanan intraluminen yang tinggi di dalam caecum.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The location of the Appendix varies. The frequency of the most common layout is:1. Under the cecum.2. Under the cecum or hanging under the pelvic.3. In the front or in the back of the tip of the ilium.4. In front of the cecum.2.1.2 the pathology of Appendicitis Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that is generally caused by a blockage. 2.1.2. a In Pathogenesis1. ObstructionCaused by the presence of obstructive agent in the lumen of the Appendix, as fecalith (hardened stool/petrified), corpus alienum (eg: marbles, stones), parasite (e.g.: ascaris). Because the appendix also colon, then this structure also produces secret in the form of mucus each day into the lumen of the Appendix and later empties into the lumen of the cecum. Due to clogged the flow finally secret last could not be dumped and buried in constantly. Obstruction can also be caused by obstructive luminer extra agents for example: lymphoid follicles hypertrophy, Appendix unhinged.2. Infection The agent of infection can come from two places, namely the intra luminer and hematogenesis. The infection can be a further phase of the process of inflammation of the Appendix lumen obstruction occurs after the Appendix. It can also occur due to an appendicitis emphasis Externa Appendix by ribbons and high intraluminen pressure in the cecum.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The location of the appendix varies. Frequency lies the most are:
1. Under the cecum.
2. Under the cecum or hang below the pelvic.
3. In front or at the back of the tip of the ilium.
4. In front of the cecum.

2.1.2 Pathology Appendicitis
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix is usually caused by a blockage.
2.1.2.a In Pathogenesis
1. Obstruction
Caused by their obstructive agent within the lumen of the appendix, as fecalith (stool hardened / stone), corpus alienum (eg marbles, stones), parasites (eg ascaris). Because the appendix also intestines, the structure also generates a secret form of mucus every day into the lumen of the appendix and will be geared to the lumen of the cecum. As a result of the flow is clogged secret finally was not able to be discarded and piled up constantly. Obstruction can be caused by extra obstructive agent luminaires for example: lymphoid follicles hypertrophy, appendix bent.
2. Infectious
Agents Infections can come from two places, namely intra luminaires and hematogenesis. Infection can be an advanced stage of the process of inflammation of the appendix after appendix lumen obstruction. Can also occur due to appendicitis suppression of external appendix by tape and intraluminen high pressure in the cecum.

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