Gus Dur is the first son of six children who were born in East Java Jombang Denanyar on August 4, 1940. Genetically Gus Dur was a descendant of "blue blood". His father, KH Wahid Hasyim is the son of KH Hasyim Ashari, Jam'iyah founder of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) -Organizations Indonesia's largest Islamic mass-and founder of Pesantren Cane Ireng Jombang. Mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, KH Bisri Syamsuri. His maternal grandfather was also an NU figure, which became Rais' Aam NU after KH Abdul Wahab Hasbullah. Thus, Gus Dur was the grandson of two scholars NU at once, and the two leaders of the Indonesian nation. In 1949, when the clash with the Dutch government has ended, his father was appointed as the first Minister of Religious Affairs, so the family moved to Jakarta Wahid Hasyim. Thus a new atmosphere has been entered. Guests, which consists of the characters with a variety of professional fields-which previously had been found at the home of his grandfather, continued when his father became minister of religion. This provides a unique experience for a boy named Abdurrahman Wahid. Indirectly, Wahid also became acquainted with the world of politics is heard from a colleague of his father who often hung in his house. Since childhood, his mother has marked the various cues that Gus Dur will experience a different life path and have a full awareness of responsibility against NU. In April 1953, Wahid went with his father drove to the area of West Java to inaugurate the new madrasas. Somewhere along the mountains between Cimahi and Bandung, the car crashed. Gus Dur can be saved, but his father died. The death of her father brings its own influence in his life. In daily life, Gus Dur has a penchant for reading and diligent utilize personal library of his father. He was also active in visiting keperpustakaan common in Jakarta. In the teen years, Gus Dur was familiar with a variety of magazines, newspapers, novels and books rather serious. The works were read by Gus Dur is not just stories, especially stories and fiction martial arts, but the discourse on philosophy and foreign documents not escape from perhatianya. In addition to reading, figure this one too happy to play ball, chess and music. Thus, do not be surprised if Gus Dur was asked to be a football commentator on television. Other craze, which participated also complements his hobby is watching movies. His passion raises profound appreciation in the film world. This is why Gu Dur in 1986-1987 was appointed as chairman of the Indonesian Film Festival jury. Adolescence Gus Dur was largely spent in Yogyakarta and Tegalrejo. In these two areas of science began to increase. The next period, Gus Dur live in Jombang, in boarding Tambakberas, until then continued his studies in Egypt. Before leaving for Egypt, his uncle has melamarkan a girl for him, the son of Haji Sinta Nuriyah Muh. Sakur. Perkimpoiannya performed when he was in Egypt. Experience Education First learn, Gus Dur was a small study on the grandfather, KH Hasyim Ashari. When at home with his grandfather, he taught the Koran and read the Koran. In the age of five he was fluent reading the Koran. At the time of his father moved to Jakarta, in addition to formal learning at school, Wahid entry also follow Dutch private lessons. Lesnya teacher named Willem Buhl, a German who had converted to Islam, who changed his name to Alexander. To add to the Dutch language lessons, Buhl always present the usual classical music enjoyed by adults. This is the first time Gu Dur contact with the Western world and from here anyway Wahid became interested and loved classical music. After graduating from elementary school, Wahid sent his parents to study in Yogyakarta. In 1953 he entered the SMEP (School of Economics First) Gowongan, he studied at boarding Krapyak. This school although administered by the Roman Catholic Church, but fully using secular curriculum. This school is also the first time Gus Dur learn English. Due to feel constrained to live in the Islamic world, he finally asked to move to the city and live in the house of Haji Junaidi, a local leader of Muhammadiyah and influential people in the SMEP. Routine activities, after morning prayers chanting at KH Ma'shum Krapyak, during the school day at SMEP, and at night he participate in discussions together with Haji Junaidi and other Muhammadiyah members. After graduating from SMEP Wahid continued his study in boarding Tegarejo Magelang, Central Java. Pesantren is taken care of by KH Chudhari, Kyai figure humanist, pious and beloved teacher. Kyai Chudhari is what introduces Gus Dur with mystic rites and practices instill mystic rituals. Under the guidance of these clerics also, Wahid began making pilgrimages to sacred tombs of saints in Java. At the time of entry into this pesantren, Gus Dur carry the entire collection of books, which makes other santri amazed. At this time also Wahid has been able to demonstrate ability in berhumor and talk. In regard to the latter there is an interesting story that should be disclosed in this exposure is at the imtihan-grand feast held before the fasting during the separation of students who completed finished learning by providing food and drink and bring all the entertainment of the people, such as: Gamelan , traditional dances, kuda lumping, jathilan, and so on. Obviously, entertainments such as the above are very taboo for the Islamic world in general. But it exists and occurs in Pesantren Tegalrejo. After spending two years at boarding Tegalrejo, Wahid moved back to Jombang, and lived in boarding Tambakberas. At that age approaching 20 years, so that in his uncle's boarding school, KH Abdul Fatah, he became a religious teacher, and became head of security. At the age of 22 years, Wahid went to the holy land, to perform the pilgrimage, which is then forwarded to Egypt to continue his studies at the University of al-Azhar. First up in Egypt, he was disappointed not to be able to directly enter the al-Azhar University, but will have to enter Aliyah (a kind of preparatory school). At school he was bored, because they have to repeat the course it has taken in Indonesia. To eliminate boredom, Gus Dur frequently visit the library and information service center USA (USIS) and bookstores where he could obtain the desired books. However, the spirit of learning Gus Dur is not receded. The proof in 1979 Gus Dur was offered to study to a university in Australia to additionally received a doctorate. But good intentions that can not be met, for all promoters are not able, and that Gus Dur menggangap not need the title. Career Returning from pegembaraanya seek knowledge, Gus Dur back to Jombang and chose to become a teacher. In 1971, these young leaders joined the Faculty of the University of Sugarcane Ireng Ushuludin Jombang. Three years later he became the secretary of Pesantren Cane Ireng, and in the same year Wahid began to be a writer. He returned to his talent sebagaii writer and columnist. Through these writings Gus Dur's ideas began to get the attention of many. Djohan Efendi, a leading intellectual of his time, judging that Gus Dur is a digestive, digest all thought he was reading, then absorbed into their own thinking. In 1974 Gus Dur asked his uncle, Joseph KH Hasyim to assist in boarding Cane Ireng Jombang to become secretary . From here Wahid began often get invited as resource persons in a number of religious discussion forums and uniquely pesantren, both at home and abroad. Furthermore, Gus Dur was involved in the activities of NGOs. In 1979, Wahid moved to Jakarta. At first he pioneered Pesantren Ciganjur. While in the early 1980s Wahid scribes advisory is believed to be representative of the NU. Here Wahid engage in serious discussion and debate on the issue of religious, social and political circles with various inter-religious, tribal and discipline. In 1984 Gus Dur selected unanimously by a team ahl al-hall wa'aqdi chaired KH As 'ad Syamsul Arifin for NU chairman positions at the 27th congress in Situbondo. The position was confirmed at the conference back to the 28th in boarding Krapyak Yogyakarta (1989), and a conference in West Java Cipasung (1994). The post of chairman of the NU then released when Gus Dur became president of RI-4. Although already njadi president, all late Gus Dur nyleneh not lost, even more known by the whole society. In the past, perhaps only certain communities, especially among NU members who feel the controversy ideas. Now the entire nation of Indonesia come to think that the idea of controversy raised by Abdurrahman Wahid .. * 1993 Daily Presidium Coordinator, Board of Trustees of Golkar. * 10 March to 20 May 1998 Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia * May 21, 1998 - October 1999 President of the Republic of Indonesia
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