Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat (Suwardi Suryaningrat, was: since 1922 became Ki Hajar Dewantara, was: Ki Hajar Dewantara, some write down the sounds of Language Richness with Ki Hajar Dewantoro born Yogyakarta, 2 May 1889 – died in Yogyakarta, April 26, 1959 at the age of 69 years [1]; hereinafter referred to as "Soewardi" or "KHD") is pergerakankemerdekaan Indonesia, activists, politicians, columnists and pioneer pendidikanbagi indigenous era occupation of Indonesia from the Netherlands. He is the founder of College Park students, an institution that provides opportunities to the indigenous rights of the common people to be able to gain an education as well as the priyayi nor the people of Netherlands.The date of his birth is now commemorated in Indonesia as the day of national education. Part of the motto tut wuri handayani, creation, became the slogan of the Ministry of national education of Indonesia. His name is enshrined as a warship, Indonesia name of KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara. A portrait of him immortalized on paper money fractional 20,000 rupiah year emissions in 1998. [2]He was confirmed as a national hero who was the 2nd President of INDONESIA, Sukarno, on November 28, 1959 (the President of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No. 305 of 1959, on 28 November 1959) [3].
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