Based on a description of the type of sovereignty as it had in Indonesia, a nation known to explain subscribes to the sovereignty of the people. The basis of that explanation, can be seen in the fourth sila of Pancasila. Its content was "Populist led by representative deliberative wisdom in wisdom". Other evidence that sovereignty resides in the people's hands can be found in the table of contents Preamble of 1945 on the 4th paragraph, their definitions are as follows: "Later than it is to form a national Government that will protect all the people of Indonesia Indonesia and all the spilled blood of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, and carry out the order of the world, based on independence and peace and social justice, then assemble the independence of Indonesia's national anthem in a Constitution the country Indonesia which was formed in an order of the Republic of Indonesia which independent people with unfounded to the divinity of the one true God, Fair and civilized Humanity, the unity of Indonesia, led by the populist and the wisdom of representative deliberation in wisdom, as well as the realization of a justice for all the people of Indonesia ".In paragraph 4 of the Preamble of 1945, on the line in bold is expressly pointed out that the State of Indonesia is the kind of popular sovereignty. How about in the articles of Constitution? In the Constitution article 1 paragraph 2, asserted that sovereignty is in the hands of the people and is exercised according to the basic law. Based on the descriptions of the people's sovereignty, it is clear that our country including adherents of the theory of popular sovereignty. People have the highest authority in the country, but pelaksanaanya is regulated by the Constitution. Apart from the kind of popular sovereignty, it turns out the State CONSTITUTION of INDONESIA in 1945, also embraced a kind of legal sovereignty. It can be found in article 1 paragraph 3 of the CONSTITUTION of 1945, it is a country Indonesia is a country of law. It means our country is not a State of power.That everything to do with the life of a community, a nation and a country governed according to law. For example, regulation of traffic on the highway is governed by the rules of traffic. Hew pohoh dihutan regulated by the regulation, that does not happen the deforestation which resulted in flooding, and other examples. Article 27 paragraph 1 of the Constitution is also the foundation that our country has full sovereignty of law content is all citizens together kedudukkanya in law and Government as well as the obligation to uphold the law and Government with no kecualinya. It means that every citizen in the territory of our country in the same position in law, if anyone violates the law will be penalized. For example, the common people, or children of officials if they are violated must be given sanctions, may be the cage (jail) or subject to a fine.
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