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Sejarah Awal Asuransi

Diharapkan dengan mengawali pengetahuan tentang Sejarah Asuransi dengan lebih mudah karena akan lebih menghayati atau menjiwai tentang latar belakang dan asal usulnya.
Dari penggalian sejarah perekonomian dan kebudayaan manusia, sejak zaman sebelum masehi ditemukan riwayat asal usul sampai perkembangan asuransi seperti sekarang ini. Pada perkembangan awalnya asuransi tentu belum berbentuk seperti sekarang, namun dalam bentuk yang masih samar.

Manusia pada umumnya mempunyai naluri selalu berusaha menyelamatkan jiwanya dari berbagai ancaman, termasuk ancaman kekurangan makan/pangan.
Salah satu riwayat mengenai masalah ini tercantum pada Al-Qur’an Surat Yusuf ayat 43 – 49 dan Kitab Injil Perjanjian Lama Genesis 41.

Diriwayatkan tentang salah seorang Raja di Negeri Mesir yang bermimpi melihat tujuh ekor sapi yang kurus-kurus masingrmasing menelan seekor sapi yang gemuk. Dalam mimpinya yang kedua Raja melihat tujuh butir gandum yang kosong.
Nabi Yusuf A.S. diminta menafsirkan mimpi tersebut dan menerangkan bahwa negara Mesir akan mengalami tujuh tahun berturut-turut panen gandum yang subur dan kemudian tujuh tahun berikutnya berturut-turut akan mengalami masa paceklik.

Selanjutnya NabiYusuf AS. memberi saran agar pada saat panen yang melimpah itu sebagian panen dicadangkan untuk masa paceklik yang akan datang.
Selain itu sebuah buku kuno dari India yang dinami “Rig Veda” yang ditulis dalam bahasa Sansekerta menyebutkan riwayat tentang “Yoga Kshema” yang berarti pertanggungan. Riwayat di atas adalah sebagai bukti bahwa manusia senantiasa memikirkan dan mempersiapkan kehidupan masa depannya.

Sekitar tahun 2250 SM bangsa Babylonia hidup di daerah lembah sungai Euphrat dan Tigris (sekarang menjadi wilayah Irak), pada waktu itu apabila seorang pemilik kapal memerlukan dana untuk mengoperasikan kapalnya atau melakukan suatu usaha dagang, ia dapat meminjam uang dari seorang saudagar (Kreditur) dengan menggunakan kapalnya sebagai jaminan dengan perjanjian bahwa si Pemilik kapal dibebaskan dari pembayaran hutangnya apabila kapal tersebut selamat sampai tujuan, di samping sejumlah uang sebagai imbalan atas risiko yang telah dipikul oleh pemberi pinjaman.

Tambahan biaya ini dapat dianggap sama dengan “uang premi” yang dikenal pada asuransi sekarang. Di samping kapal yang dijadikan barang jaminan, dapat pula dipakai sebagai jaminan berupa barang-barang muatan (Cargo). Transaksi seperti ini disebut
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Early History Of InsuranceExpected by preceding knowledge about the history of Insurance more easily because it would be more live or animates about background and origin.From the excavation of the economy and the history of human culture, from the days before a.d. found the origins of history up to the development of insurance as it is today. On the development of insurance certainly hasn't been originally shaped as it is now, but in a form that is still vague.Humans generally have instincts always tried to save his soul from various threats, including the threat of a shortage of dining/food.One of the history on this subject listed on the Qur'an Surat Yusuf verse 43 – 49 and the Gospel of the old testament Genesis 41.It is reported about a King in the land of Egypt who dreamed of seeing the seven cows are skinny-skinny masingrmasing swallows a fat cow. The second King in a dream saw seven grains of wheat that is empty.Prophet Yusuf A.S. was asked to interpret the dream and explained that the country Egypt will experience seven consecutive years the wheat harvest and then the next seven years in a row will experience a period of famine.Next NabiYusuf Us. advise so that at the time of harvesting a bountiful harvest were partly reserved for times of famine.In addition an ancient book from India who dinami "Rig Veda" which was written in Sanskrit mentions history about "Yoga Kshema" which means coverage. The above history is as proof that humans are always thinking about and preparing for her future life.C. 2250 BC Babylonian peoples living in areas of the Valley of the river Euphrat and Tigris (now a region of Iraq), at the time when an owner of a ship requires funds to operate their ships or do a trade business, he can borrow the money from a merchant (the lender) using their ships as collateral with the agreement that the owner of the vessel are exempt from the payment of his debts if the ship survived until the goal , in addition to a sum of money in return for the risks assumed by the lender.This additional cost could be considered the same as "money premium" known in insurance now. In addition to the ship that made the guarantee of the goods, may also be used as collateral in the form of goods (Cargo). Deals like this are called
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Early History of Insurance is expected that by starting with a knowledge of the history of insurance is easier because it will be live or animate about the background and origins. From the excavation of economic history and human culture, since the time before Christ found a history of origin to the development of insurance today. In the early development of insurance is certainly not shaped like now, but in a form that is still vague. People generally have the instinct is always trying to save his soul from a variety of threats, including the threat of lack of food / food. One of history on this issue contained in the Qur'an Surat Yusuf verse 43-49 and Gospel Old Testament Genesis 41. It was narrated about a king in the land of Egypt that dream saw seven cows lean masingrmasing swallow a cow fat. In a dream that both the King saw seven grain empty. Prophet Yusuf was asked to interpret the dream and explain that the state of Egypt will have seven consecutive years of grain harvest fertile and then the next seven years in a row will experience lean times. Furthermore NabiYusuf US. suggested that at harvest abundant harvest was mostly reserved for the lean years to come. Besides an ancient book of Indian dinami "Rig Veda" written in Sanskrit mention the history of "Yoga Kshema" meaning coverage. History above is proof that people always think about and prepare for his future life. Around the year 2250 BC the Babylonians live in the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris (now Iraq), at the time when the owner of a ship in need of funds to operate the ship or perform a trading business, he can borrow money from a merchant (Creditors) using the ship as collateral with the agreement that the owner of the ship is exempt from paying the debt if the ship safely to the destination, in addition to a sum of money as a reward for risk has been borne by the grantor loans. The additional costs can be considered the same as "premiums" are known at present insurance. In addition to ship this item as collateral, can also be used as collateral in the form of goods cargo (Cargo). Such transactions are called

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