In the 2012-2015 year time span identified extensive mangrove growing back where mangroves grow and develop in the area of raised ground, the area of sediment traps, aquaculture areas, river banks, and the delta formed by sedimentation. The ratio of the mangrove vegetation in tidal areas is estimated at 1: 20, or 5% is overgrown with mangrove vegetation.
Changes in the shoreline caused by abrasion generally occurs in the southwest coast of Demak which resulted in the loss of several hamlets in the coastal villages, including the village Sriwulan, Bedono, Timbulsloko, and Surodadi. As for shoreline change caused by accretion generally occur on the east coast of Demak, diantanya in Tambak Bulusan, Morodemak, Purworejo, Betahwalang, Wedung, Berahan Kulon, Berahan Wetan, Babalan, and Village Kedungmutih.
Gosong sand in Demak identified scattered in some waters of the study villages, among them spread in the village Sriwulan, Timbulsloko, Surodadi, Tambak Bulusan, Morodemak, as well as the mouth of the river in the village Wulan Berahan and Berahan Wetan Kulon. Extensive sandbank in Demak currently quantifiable area of 28.65 ha and with the passage of time can still be changed.
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