PENGALAMAN PRIBADI :  Kejadian ini terjadi ketika saya duduk di kelas  terjemahan - PENGALAMAN PRIBADI :  Kejadian ini terjadi ketika saya duduk di kelas  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Kejadian ini terjadi ketika saya duduk di kelas XI SMA. Waktu itu adalah penempatan jurusan peminatan. Pada waktu itu, dilaksanakannya tes untuk mengetahui penempatan jurusan yang sesuai dengan minat dan bakat siswa. Sejak dulu, saya bercita-cita untuk masuk di jurusan IPA. Tetapi apa yang saya harapkan tidak sesuai dengan kejadiannya. Hasil tes menunjukkan saya menempati jurusan IPS. Pada waktu itu saya sangat kecewa akan hasil tersebut.Orangtua saya mengetahui akan hal ini. Mereka tidak menjatuhkan perasaan saya (need for security), tetapi memberikan semangat agar saya tidak kecewa akan hasil dan mau tetap berprestasi. Karena adanya kasih sayang dan dukungan dari orangtua (need for love and belongingness), akhirnya saya menerima (pemenuhan diri positif) dan yakin pada diri sendiri (potensi) untuk berada di jurusan IPS. Saya selalu berusaha untuk mempelajari pelajaran tersebut untuk dapat memperoleh hasil yang baik (need for achievement¬). Saya juga memiliki teman-teman sekelas yang baik dan mau saling membantu (need for affiliation) jika ada materi yang sulit dikerjakan. Selama tiga tahun masa SMA saya berusaha untuk belajar dan tidak putus asa (need for fear of failure) untuk menyiapkan diri saya memasuki pendidikan selanjutnya.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: This incident happened when I was sitting in class XI high school. That time was the placement of the Department peminatan. At that time, the performance of tests to find out the placement of the Department in accordance with the interests and talents of students. Long ago, I wanted to get in on the majors IPA. But what I hope doesn't match with what happened. The results of the tests showed I occupy the Social Science Department. At that time I was very disappointed would be the result. My parents know this. They are not dropping my feeling (need for security), but give the spirit so I was not disappointed would be the result and want to keep doing. Because of the compassion and support of parents (need for love and belongingness), finally I received (positive self fulfillment) and convinced yourself (potential) to be in the Social Science Department. I am always trying to learn these lessons to be able to obtain good results (need for achievement ¬). I also have my classmates are nice and willing to help each other (need for affiliation) if there is a hard material. For three years during HIGH SCHOOL I am trying to learn and are not desperate (need for fear of failure) for preparing myself to enter further education.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This incident occurred when I was sitting in class XI. It was the placement of specialization majors. At that time, the execution of tests to determine placement courses that match your interests and talents of students. From the first, I aspire to enter in majoring in science. But what I expect is not in accordance with the event. The test results showed I occupy majoring in social studies. At that time I was very disappointed with the results tersebut.Orangtua I know about this. They do not impose my feelings (need for security), but give the spirit so that I was not disappointed with the results and will remain outstanding. Because of the love and support of parents (need for love and belongingness), finally I received (positive self-fulfillment) and confident in yourself (potential) to be in the majors IPS. I always try to learn these lessons in order to obtain good results (need for achievement¬). I also have classmates are kind and willing to help each other (need for affiliation) if there is a material that is difficult to do. During the three years of high school I was trying to learn and not to despair (need for fear of failure) to prepare myself to enter further education.

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