Addressing his religion and Culture Prof. Jeffrey Lang.Never talk to endless elaborate on religion and culture. Correct, says professor Jeffrey Lang An American Converts, that religious values with Cultural penetration could be partially but not entirely all over the place. The difference of views that, long ago realized that due to the underlying differences of different systems of both methodologies. Religion, applied dogmatically based on Rev. honest – alone among the intellectuals most say identical dreams. While culture is always up to date because it is the human way of addressing kehidupam in order to adjust its needs.As religions, must be must be fanatic because the doctrine of religion done dogmatically that the goal to thicken the faith. Believe, and sure. That's the essence, not disposable dinalar-reason again as the House of orientalists. In the context of religious ritual when running, I couldn't agree more people to fanatic. An example, as the analogy of ' Tags cannot be replaced with another remark when people are running the prayer. But, in the context of culture, could only utter that sentence replacing it with "campurasun, for example, visited the home of people of Sunda. Or, ' kulonuwun "etc. In sociological, speech that contains insinuasi, which will be developed in line with the cultural context of meaning. For example, the language of "kulonuwun ' as Javanese spoken when visited, is now becoming popular because of the many not the – sorry – beggars knocking on the door using the speech it was. Make ' title uses the word that sounds like "kulonyuwun" (like a beggar). In, religion could not be said to have a shift in meaning. That's the difference in religion and culture.Reserved for muslim women to dress like where quickly, if it is in the legitimate simpang flooded as the underlying handle so memorable ' impose ', please wrote that wants women to vote how. Because I have a tradition of not the type as a Regent in Aceh who see women do not cover all her body then be raped.Istri saya sejak remaja berpakaian muslim “lengkap” hanya kelihatan matanya saja ketika berpenampilan di luar. Tapi, orang lain tidak tahu – dulu aku juga – kalau istri ku itu rambutnya dicat merah Pikirku, Siapa yang akan lihat, setiap hari pakai kerudung ? Diam-diam saya merasa kasihan, sesungguhnya secara kodrati kaum hawa ingin ‘menonjolkan’ yang dimiliki untuk disanjung, dan dipuja. Di negara-negara Arab yang mayoritas muslim melarang kaum hawa untuk tidak menutup aurat dimuka umum. Para ulama menguatirkan jika standar berpakaian bagi kaum hawa ini ‘dilonggarkan. akan menimbulkan kekacauan. “Para ulama Saudi mengetahui betul kebudayaan mereka dan merekalah yang paling mengetahui efek pelonggaran dari standar ini pada masyarakat Saudi. Akan tetapi, orang-orang Barat mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami banyak hal yang dikemukakan oleh para ulama Saudi.’ Demikian prof Jeffry mengeluhkan. Parse religion with culture is not as easy as verbalisme '. In fact, social understanding and behaviour of the Muslims would not be apart from the context of the culture. Religion in the concept of culture according to Professor Koentjaraningrat is a sub system riligi, the overall confidence of the human way of life. All forms generated from manausia way of life that is the system culture, so the science discipline in classifying Koentjaraningrat abtropologi culture that had once been the House of religious misunderstanding is counted the same as religious culture. So all the behaviors that are written and cannot be changed by the development of culture in the context of worship. Meanwhile, the cultural behavior is always up to date because it is in line with the fulfilment of life. That is, the existence of religious and cultural ... Agree? Let ... ..., toossss!!!
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