ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak Dan terjemahan - ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak Dan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Pengaruh

Tesis dengan judul “Pengaruh Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak Dan Keteladanan Orang Tua Terhadap Akhlakul Karimah Siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar” ini ditulis oleh Ifa Istinganah, NIM. 2846134011, dibimbing oleh Dr. Ahmad Tanzeh, M.Pd.I selaku pembimbing I dan Dr. H. Nur Kholis, S.Ag, M. Pd selaku pembimbing II

Kata Kunci : Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak, Keteladanan Orang Tua dan Akhlakul Karimah Siswa

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh salah satu tujuan pendidikan Islam yakni menanamkan taqwa dan akhlak serta menegakkan kebenaran dalam rangka membentuk manusia yang berpribadi dan berbudi luhur menurut ajaran Islam. Namun fakta yang sering kita jumpai saat ini masih banyak perilaku siswa yang belum mencerminkan akhlak terpuji. Ini berarti peran guru agama khususnya guru aqidah akhlak sangat dibutuhkan dalam membina akhlak peserta didik dengan selalu memberikan contoh atau teladan yang baik, dan hal itu juga perlu dukungan dari orang tua siswa selaku pendidik peserta didik dirumah. Jadi peran orang tua dan sekolah menjadi sama-sama penting dalam hal memberikan keteladanan kepada anak didik agar dapat melahirkan generasi penerus yang berbudi luhur serta berakhlak mulia. Untuk itu peneliti ingin meneliti seberapa besar pengaruh antara keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa.
Rumusan masalah dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana deskripsi Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak, Keteladanan Orang Tua , dan Akhlakul Karimah Siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar? (2) Adakah pengaruh keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar? (3) Adakah pengaruh keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar? (4) Adakah pengaruh yang keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak dan keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar?
Tujuan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui deskripsi Keteladanan Guru Aqidah Akhlak, Keteladanan Orang Tua , dan Akhlakul Karimah Siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar. (2) Untuk pengaruh keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar. (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar. (4) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaruh yang keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak dan keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian terletak di MTsN Kunir, MTsN Langkapan dan MTsN Ponggok Kabupaten Blitar. adapun data yang peneliti dapatkan berasal dari Kepala sekolah, Kesiswaan dan Guru. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Angket, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentas. Dalam penelitian ini pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampling cluster sampling. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 235 siswa MTsN, dengan masing-masing yaitu: MTsN Langkapan 81 orang, MTsN Ponggok 55 orang dan MTsN Kunir 98 orang. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Teknik analisis inferensial dalam tesis ini menggunakan regresi, yaitu regresi linier dan regresi ganda yang diselesaikan dengan SPSS 16.00 for Windows.
Setelah peneliti mengadakan uji hipotesis penelitian, peneliti mendapatkan hasil penelitian diantaranya: (1) Keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar termasuk dalam kategori sedang, Keteladanan orang tua termasuk dalam kategori sedang, akhlakul karimah siswa termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. (2) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak terhadap akhlkul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar namun dalam kategori rendah (3) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan keteladanan orang tua terhadap akhlakul karimah siswa di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar dalam kategori sedang. (4) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan. Keteladanan guru aqidah akhlak dan keteladanan orang tua di MTsN se-Kabupaten Blitar dalam kategori sedang.
Dari: Bahasa Indonesia
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTThesis entitled "the effect of teacher's morals and Faith Example Example of parents Against Akhlakul Karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-" was written by Ifa, Istinganah NIM. 2846134011, mentored by Dr. Ahmad Tanzeh, M.Pd.I as a supervisor I and Dr. h. Nur Kholis, S.Ag, m. Pd as supervisor IIKeywords: teacher's Morals, Aqeedah Example Example of parents and Students Karimah Akhlakul The research was distributed by one of the educational objectives of Islam i.e. embed taqwa and morals as well as uphold the truth in order to form a human berpribadi and virtuous according to Islamic teachings. But the fact that we often encounter is currently still many student behavior that does not yet reflect the attitudes, commendable. This means that the role of teachers of religion particularly the teacher desperately needed the morals of aqeedah in fostering attitudes learners with always give an example or role model, and it also needs the support of the parents of students as educators learners at home. So the role of parents and schools to become equally important in terms of giving example to students in order to give birth to the next generation who are virtuous and noble character. For that researchers want to examine how big the influence between the morals of aqeedah teacher example example of parents against akhlakul karimah students.Formulation of the problem in the writing of this thesis are: (1) how description Example Example of morals, Aqeedah Teacher parents, and Akhlakul Karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-? (2) does the influence of teacher's morals against aqeedah example akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-? (3) is there any example of the influence of parents against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-? (4) is there any influence that teacher's morals and faith example example of parents against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-? The goal in writing of this thesis are: (1) to know the description of teacher's Morals, Aqeedah Example Example parents, and Akhlakul Karimah students in Blitar Regency se-MTsN. (2) for example influence the morals of aqeedah teacher against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency se-MTsN. (3) to find out the influence of example parents against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency se-MTsN. (4) to know the influence of the teacher's morals and faith example example of parents against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency se-MTsN.The approach used in this thesis is quantitative. The location of the research lies in MTsN turmeric MTsN Langkapan and Blitar Regency Ponggok MTsN. as for the data that researchers get comes from the principal, the student and the teacher. Data collection methods used in this research is the question form, observation, interviews, and dokumentas. In this study using cluster sampling sampling sampling. The subject of the study amounted to 235 students MTsN, with each including: MTsN Langkapan 81 people, MTsN Ponggok 55 people and MTsN Turmeric 98 people. Analytical techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis techniques and analysis of inferensial. Inferensial analysis techniques in this thesis using a linear regression, i.e., the regression and regression of the double completed with 4 SPSS for Windows.After the researchers held a research hypothesis test, researchers get the results of the study are: (1) Example of teachers moral in aqeedah MTsN Blitar Regency se-including in the category medium, Example parents belong in the category of being, akhlakul karimah students are included in the category. (2) there is a significant example of the influence of teachers morals against aqeedah akhlkul karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-but in the low category (3) there is a significant example of the influence of parents against akhlakul karimah students in Blitar Regency MTsN se-in the category of being. (4) there is a significant influence. Example of teacher morals and faith example parents in Blitar Regency MTsN se-in the category of being.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

The thesis with the title "Effect of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals And Modeling Parents Against Students in MTsN akhlakul karimah se-Blitar" was written by Ifa Istinganah, NIM. 2846134011, guided by Dr. Ahmad Tanzeh, M.Pd.I as a mentor I and Dr. H. Nur Kholis, S.Ag, M. Pd as a mentor II Keywords: Exemplary Teacher Aqeedah Morals, ideals akhlakul karimah Parents and Students This research is motivated by one of the objectives of Islamic education that instill piety and morality and to uphold the truth in order to establish man is impersonal and virtuous according to Islamic teachings. But the fact that we often encounter are still many students who do not reflect the behavior of commendable character. This means that the role of religious teachers, especially teachers' aqidah is needed in nurturing moral character of students to always give the example of the good, and it also needs the support of parents as educators of students at home. So the role of parents and the school became equally important in terms of providing exemplary to the students in order to give birth to the next generation of virtuous and noble. To the researchers wanted to investigate how much influence among teachers aqidah exemplary exemplary morals of parents of akhlakul karimah students. The problem of this thesis are: (1) How does the description of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals, ideals Parents, and Students in MTsN akhlakul karimah se -Kabupaten Blitar? (2) Is there any influence of aqidah teacher exemplary morals against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? (3) Are there exemplary influence of parents on akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? (4) Is there any influence of teachers aqidah exemplary character and exemplary parents against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? The purpose of this thesis are: (1) To know the description of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals, ideals Parents, and akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. (2) For the influence of aqidah teacher exemplary morals against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. (3) To determine the influence of parents on akhlakul exemplary karimah a students throughout Blitar. (4) To determine the effect of influences aqidah exemplary character and exemplary teacher parents to akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. The approach used in this thesis is quantitative. The research location is located in MTsN Kunir, MTsN Langkapan and MTsN Ponggok Blitar. As for the data that researchers get comes from Head of School, Student and Teacher. Data collection methods used in this study is questionnaire, observation, interview, and dokumentas. In this study, the sampling using the sampling cluster sampling. Subjects numbered 235 students MTsN, with each namely: MTsN Langkapan 81 people, MTsN Ponggok MTsN Kunir 55 people and 98 people. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis techniques and inferential analysis. Inferential analysis techniques in this thesis using regression, the linear regression and multiple regression were completed with SPSS 16.00 for Windows. Once the researchers conduct research hypothesis testing, researchers get the results of the study are: (1) Exemplary teachers aqidah morals in MTsN se-Blitar including in the medium category, Modeling parents included in the medium category, akhlakul karimah students in the high category. (2) There is significant influence teachers' aqidah exemplary morals against akhlkul karimah a students throughout Blitar but in the low category (3) There is significant influence exemplary parents against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar in the medium category. (4) There is a significant influence. Exemplary teacher aqidah moral and exemplary parents in MTsN se-Blitar in the medium category.

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