The thesis with the title "Effect of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals And Modeling Parents Against Students in MTsN akhlakul karimah se-Blitar" was written by Ifa Istinganah, NIM. 2846134011, guided by Dr. Ahmad Tanzeh, M.Pd.I as a mentor I and Dr. H. Nur Kholis, S.Ag, M. Pd as a mentor II Keywords: Exemplary Teacher Aqeedah Morals, ideals akhlakul karimah Parents and Students This research is motivated by one of the objectives of Islamic education that instill piety and morality and to uphold the truth in order to establish man is impersonal and virtuous according to Islamic teachings. But the fact that we often encounter are still many students who do not reflect the behavior of commendable character. This means that the role of religious teachers, especially teachers' aqidah is needed in nurturing moral character of students to always give the example of the good, and it also needs the support of parents as educators of students at home. So the role of parents and the school became equally important in terms of providing exemplary to the students in order to give birth to the next generation of virtuous and noble. To the researchers wanted to investigate how much influence among teachers aqidah exemplary exemplary morals of parents of akhlakul karimah students. The problem of this thesis are: (1) How does the description of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals, ideals Parents, and Students in MTsN akhlakul karimah se -Kabupaten Blitar? (2) Is there any influence of aqidah teacher exemplary morals against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? (3) Are there exemplary influence of parents on akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? (4) Is there any influence of teachers aqidah exemplary character and exemplary parents against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar? The purpose of this thesis are: (1) To know the description of Exemplary Teachers Aqeedah Morals, ideals Parents, and akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. (2) For the influence of aqidah teacher exemplary morals against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. (3) To determine the influence of parents on akhlakul exemplary karimah a students throughout Blitar. (4) To determine the effect of influences aqidah exemplary character and exemplary teacher parents to akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar. The approach used in this thesis is quantitative. The research location is located in MTsN Kunir, MTsN Langkapan and MTsN Ponggok Blitar. As for the data that researchers get comes from Head of School, Student and Teacher. Data collection methods used in this study is questionnaire, observation, interview, and dokumentas. In this study, the sampling using the sampling cluster sampling. Subjects numbered 235 students MTsN, with each namely: MTsN Langkapan 81 people, MTsN Ponggok MTsN Kunir 55 people and 98 people. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analysis techniques and inferential analysis. Inferential analysis techniques in this thesis using regression, the linear regression and multiple regression were completed with SPSS 16.00 for Windows. Once the researchers conduct research hypothesis testing, researchers get the results of the study are: (1) Exemplary teachers aqidah morals in MTsN se-Blitar including in the medium category, Modeling parents included in the medium category, akhlakul karimah students in the high category. (2) There is significant influence teachers' aqidah exemplary morals against akhlkul karimah a students throughout Blitar but in the low category (3) There is significant influence exemplary parents against akhlakul karimah a students throughout Blitar in the medium category. (4) There is a significant influence. Exemplary teacher aqidah moral and exemplary parents in MTsN se-Blitar in the medium category.
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