Hadirin yang dimuliakan Allah,Pertama-tama, yang paling utama dan yang terjemahan - Hadirin yang dimuliakan Allah,Pertama-tama, yang paling utama dan yang Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hadirin yang dimuliakan Allah,Perta

Hadirin yang dimuliakan Allah,
Pertama-tama, yang paling utama dan yang harus di utamakan, marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT. Biqoulina الحمد لله رب العالمين, Yang telah memberikan kita banyak nikmat, yang kita tidak akan pernah mampu untuk menghitug banyaknya, seperti yang telah Allah sebutkan dalam Al-qur’an, salah satunya adalah nikmat iman dan islam serta nikmat sehat, sehingga kita dapat bertatap muka, bermuajjahah dalam kesempatan yang InsyaAllah penuh barokah ini, Amin. Kedua kalinya, Shalawat serta salam semoga senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Manusia yang paling baik akhlaknya, paling indah tutur katanya, paling santun pekertinya, Nabi akhiruzzaman, Nabi yang paling mulia, Baginda Rasulullah محد SAW. Biqoulina اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد , Semoga kita yang berada dalam majlis ini termasuk kedalam umatnya yang akan tercatat dalam tinta emas orang-orang yang akan menerima Syafaat Beliau besok di yaumil akhir, Amin Ya Robbal A’lamin.

Hadirin yang berbahagia,
Bulan Muharram, adalah termasuk salah satu dari 4 bulan yang di muliakan oleh Allah SWT. Sebagaimana yang telah di firmankan oleh Allah dalam KitabNya yang mulia, Al Qur’an Al Karim. Kemuliaan bulan Muharram adalah karena dalam bulan itu terdapat hari Asyuro’ (10 Muharram), dimana pada hari itu banyak sekali keutaman-keutamaan yang jika kita mau beramal soleh, tentu akan kita peroleh Rahmat dari Allah.
Di hari itu kita disunnahkan untuk menyayangi anak yatim dengan mengusap kepalanya dan memberinya sedekah. Selain itu kita juga di sunnahkan untuk melapangkan makanan untuk keluarga di rumah seperti memasakkan makanan yang spesial dan lain dari hari biasanya.
Sunnah lain yang tak kalah penting adalah berpuasa di hari itu. Bahkan Rasullulah SAW bersabda bahwa “barang siapa yang berpuasa pada hari Asyuro’, maka seakan-akan ia telah berpuasa setahun lamanya”, itulah keutaman hari Asyuro’ yang terdapat dalam bulan Muharram ini.
Bukan tanpa alasan kita disunnahkan untuk berpuasa pada hari itu, karena jika kita melihat sejarah, banyak peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang terjadi pada tanggal tersebut, diantaranya adalah:

1. Taubat Nabi Adam diterima pada tanggal 10 Asyuro’. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Nabi Adam dikeluarkan Allah dari surga karena godaan syaitan dan kemudian memakan buah Khuldi. Ia pun dipisahkan dari Siti Hawa saat diturunkan di bumi. Menurut riwayat beratus–ratus tahun lamanya Nabi Adam memohon ampun pada Allah, kemudian pada tanggal inilah taubatnya diterima.
2. Nabi Nuh di selamatkan dari banjir bah pada tanggal ini.
3. Nabi Ibrahim diselamatkan dari api yang membakarnya pada tanggal ini.
4. Nabi Yusuf dan Ya’kub di pertemukan kembali pada tanggal ini. Menurut Alquran Nabi Yusuf yang ditinggalkan oeh saudara-saudaranya sejak kecil dan terpisah dari nabi Ya’kub puluhan tahun lamanya. Dan selama puluhan tahun itu juga nabi Yakub menangis dan merindukan nabi Yusuf. Kemudian berkat Rahmat Allah, Nabi Yakub dan Yusuf dipertemukan kembali pada hari itu.
5. Nabi Yunus dikeluarkan dari perut ikan pada tanggal ini,
6. Nabi Khidir di beri ilmu pada tanggal ini,
7. Allah menciptakan surga dan neraka pada tanggal ini,
8. Allah menciptakan malaikat Jibril, Mikail, Israfil dan Izrail pada tanggal ini.
9. Allah menciptakan Arsy dan Kursi Nya pada tanggal ini. Allah menciptakan Kalam, bumi dan langit juga pada tanggal ini.

Itulah peristiwa-peristiwa penting yang pernah terjadi pada hari Asyuro’, semoga kita termsuk kedalam orang-orang yang mampu meraih kemuliaan dalam hari yang di muliakan itu, Amiin.
Hadirin Rahimakumullah,
Untuk menjalani kehidupan pada tahun ini kita harus menggunakan siasat yang mampu dilaksanakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, diantaranya:
1. Kita harus memperhitungkan terhadap kepentingan hidup dimasa yang akan datang terutama di akhirat dengan meningkatkan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT.
2. Kita harus mau dan mampu melihat kesalahan dan dosa diri kita sendiri pada tahun yang lalu, kemudian kita beraubat dan memperbaiki diri dengan mengerjakan amal saleh. Sebagaimana Firman Allah dalam Surat Al-Maidah ayat 39, yang artinya : “Maka barang siapa yang bertaubat sesudah melakukan kejahatan itu dan memperbaiki diri, maka sesungguhnya Allah menerima taubatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang”.
3. Kita harus menyadari bahwa setan adalah musuh yang nyata bagi kita, maka semua rayuan dan bujukan syetan berupa minuman khamr, narkoba, judi, zina dan perbuatan maksiat lainnya harus ditinggalkan karena merugikan dan menyengsarakan diri kita, baik di dunia maupun di akhirat.
Itulah tiga hal yang merupakan strategi yang mungkin bisa kita lakukan dalam menjalani hidup ditahun ini. Semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa kita pada tahun yang lalu, meridhoi ibadah dan amal saleh kita, serta memberikan kesehatan dan umur panjang kepada kita dan keluarga, sehingga dapat meningkatkan ibadah dan amal saleh pada tahun ini, Amiin.
Akhirnya, pada tahun yang baru ini marilah kita bersama-sama memperbaiki haliyah kit
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The audience that God is glorified,First of all, the most important and should be preferred, let us praise panjatkan the presence of Almighty God. Biqoulina الحمد لله رب العالمين, which has given us a lot of favors, we will never be able to menghitug the number, as it has been God mentioned in the Quran, one of which is deliciously of faith and islam as well as deliciously healthy, so we can face to face, bermuajjahah in the chance of a full blessing God, Amen. The second time, the blessings and greetings hopefully always pause to men the most good their ways, most beautiful, most summoned was polite, akhiruzzaman Prophet, Prophet most noble King, محد the Messenger of Allah PBUH. Biqoulina اللهم صل على محمد سيدنا, hopefully we are in this Council included into his will was recorded in gold ink people who will receive the Intercession He tomorrow at yaumil end, Amin Ya Robbal A'lamin.Attendees who are blessed,The month of Muharram, is listed as one of four months which in glorified by God Almighty. As in firmankan by God in His Majesty, the Holy Qur'an Al Karim. The glory of the month of Muharram is because in that month there are ' Ashoora ' ' (10th of Muharram), where on that day a great many keutaman-virtue if we want the work of Dharma, of course we will obtain mercy from God.On that day we care for orphans – with rubbed his head and give him alms. In addition we are also on sunnahkan for an internal food for families at home like a special meal and fill out the rest of the day usually.Other Sunnah is not less important is to fast on that day. Even Brides said that "whoever fasted on the day of ' Ashoora ', then it is as if he has been fasting a year ever", that's the keutaman ' Ashoora ' ' contained in the month of Muharram.Not without reason it is Sunnah to fast on us that day, because if we look at history, much of the important events that happened on that date, such as:1. Repentance of Adam accepted on 10 ' Ashoora '. As we know that Prophet Adam issued the God of Heaven because of the temptations of Satan and then eat the fruit of Khuldi. He was also separated from Siti Hawa when handed down on Earth. According to a history of beratus–ratus years the Prophet Adam begged forgiveness on God, then on this is taubatnya accepted.2. Noah's flood saved from the flood on this date.3. The Prophet Abraham was saved from the fire that burned on this date.4. The Prophet Joseph and Ya'kub in pertemukan return on this date. According to the Holy Quran the Prophet Yusuf left oeh brothers since childhood and separate from the Prophet Ya'kub tens of years. And for decades it was also the Prophet Jacob crying and longs for the Prophet Joseph. Then the blessings of God, Prophet Jacob and Joseph brought together back in the day.5. The prophet Jonah was ejected from the belly of the whale on this date,6. The Prophet Khidr give science on this date,7. God created the heaven and the hell on this date,8. God created the angels Gabriel, Michael, and Israfel Izrail on this date.9. God created His Throne and chairs on this date. God created the Earth and the sky, Kalam is also on this date. That's the important events that have occurred on the day of ' Ashoora ', may we included into people who were able to grab glory in the day in that glorified, Ameen.The Audience Rahimakumullah,To live a life in this year we should use stratagem that is able to be implemented in everyday life, including:1. We have to take into account the interest of living in the future especially in the afterlife by increasing devotion to God Almighty.2. We must be willing and able to see the error and Sin ourselves on years ago, then we beraubat and improve themselves with working on charity. As God said in Surat Al-Maidah verse 39, meaning: "then whosoever repents after committing the crime and improve themselves, then surely God accept taubatnya. Verily, Allâh is all-forgiving most merciful "again.3. We must realize that the devil is an enemy to us, then all the seduction and inducement in the form of drinks the wine of the Devils, drugs, gambling, adultery and other immoral deeds should be abandoned because the harm and suffering ourselves, both in the world and in the hereafter.That's three things that are a strategy that may be we can do in living life this year. May Allah SWT forgive our sins on years ago, bless our pious and charitable acts of worship, as well as providing health and long life to us and their families, so as to enhance the worship and pious charity this year, Ameen.Finally, in this new year, let us together fixing kit haliyah
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Ladies and glorified God,
First of all, the most important and should be in priority, let us pray praise Allah SWT. Biqoulina الحمد لله رب العالمين, which has given us a lot of favors, which we will never be able to menghitug number, as Allah mentioned in the Qur'an, one of which was delicious and the Islamic faith and deliciously healthy, so we can face face, bermuajjahah in full Hopefully occasions this blessing, Amen. The second time, Shalawat and greetings may always tercurahkan the nicest human behavior, he said the most beautiful, most polite pekertinya, akhiruzzaman Prophet, the Prophet of the most glorious, Sire Rasulullah SAW محد. Biqoulina اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد, May we who are in the Council was included in his people who will be recorded in golden letters the people who would receive intercessory He Yaumil tomorrow in the end, Amin Ya Robbal A'lamin.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Month of Muharram, is is one of four months glorified by Allah SWT. As has been spoken by Allah in His Book noble Qur'an Al Karim. Merits of Muharram is because in that month there are days Asyuro '(10th of Muharram), which on that day a lot of keutaman-virtues that if we want to do good pious, of course we will get mercy from Allah.
On that day we disunnahkan to love orphans by rubbing his head and give him alms. In addition we are also in sunnahkan to clear food for the family at home as cook food specials and the other usual day.
Sunnah other, no less important is the fasting that day. Even Allah's Apostle SAW said that "those who fasted on Asyuro ', it is as if he has fasted year long", that keutaman day Asyuro' contained in the month of Muharram this.
Not without reason we disunnahkan to fast on that day, because if we look at history, many important events that occurred on that date, are:

1. Repentance Adam received on 10 Asyuro '. As we know that God expelled Adam from heaven because of the temptations of Satan and then eat an apple. He was separated from Eve when unloaded on earth. According to a history of hundreds of years of Prophet Adam asked forgiveness on God, then on repentance is accepted.
2. Noah saved from the flood sump on this date.
3. Abraham was saved from the fire that burned on this date.
4. Prophet Yusuf and Ya'qub arrange a meeting back on this date. According to the Koran the Prophet Joseph was abandoned by the NII brothers since childhood and separated from the Prophet Ya'qub decades. And for decades it's also prophet Jacob cried and missed the Prophet Joseph. Then, thanks to the grace of God, the Prophet Jacob and Joseph were reunited that day.
5. Prophet Yunus removed from the fish on this date,
6. Prophet Khidr was given the science on this date,
7. God created heaven and hell on this date,
8. God created the angel Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azrael on this date.
9. Allah created the Throne and His Seat on this date. God created Kalam, earth and sky are also on this date.

That's the important events that have occurred on the day Asyuro ', may we termsuk into people who are able to achieve glory in the day that glorified it, Ameen.
Ladies Rahimakumullah,
To live life this year we have to use a strategy that is able to be implemented in everyday life, such as:
1. We must take into account the interests of life in the future, especially in the hereafter with increasing devotion to Allah SWT.
2. We must be willing and able to see the mistakes and sins ourselves on years ago, then we beraubat and improve ourselves by doing good deeds. As word of Allah in Surah Al-Maidah verse 39, which means: "And whoever repents after committing the crime and improve themselves, Allah accepts the repentance. Verily, Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful. "
3. We must realize that Satan is a real enemy for us, then all seduction and enticement syetan form of drinks khamr, drugs, gambling, adultery and immoral acts more had to be abandoned due to adverse and devastating to us, both in this world and in the hereafter.
That's three things which is a strategy that perhaps we can do in life this year. May Allah forgive our sins in the past year, bless worship and good deeds of us, as well as providing health and longevity to us and the family, so as to enhance worship and good deeds in this year, Ameen.
Finally, in the new year, let we jointly improve haliyah kit
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