Demokrasi Indonesia dari Masa Ke Masa, Sekedar Slogan. Setelah setenga terjemahan - Demokrasi Indonesia dari Masa Ke Masa, Sekedar Slogan. Setelah setenga Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Demokrasi Indonesia dari Masa Ke Ma

Demokrasi Indonesia dari Masa Ke Masa, Sekedar Slogan.
Setelah setengah abad Indonesia merdeka, bangsa ini telah mendapatkan pengalaman demokrasi dalam berbangsa dan bernegara demikian banyak dan sangat berharga. Perjalanan panjang demokrasi dengan berbagai situasi dan kndisi menunjukkan kisah dan cerita yang berbeda.  Pada umumnya slogan demokrasi selalu menjadi bahan pidato pemimpin negeri dihadapan rakyatnyan tetapi ternyata substansi demokrasi itu sendiri masih jauh dari sempurna. Bila divermati Demokrasi terpimpin dan demokrasi Pancasila ala Soekarno dan Soeharto adalah sekedar slogan  tetapi dalam praktek sehari-hari dalam penmerintahan masih mencerminkan kediktatoran. Sehingga saat itu kekuatan negara sangat dominan dibandingkan kekuata rakyat. Justru era reformasi ini sebaliknya pemimpin menyuarakan suara demokrasi tetapi rakyatnya menyikapi secara eforia berlebihan sehingga kekuatan rakyat lebih dominan dibandingkan kekuatan negara.

Demokrasi adalah suatu bentuk pemerintahan politik yang kekuasaan pemerintahannya berasal dari rakyat, baik secara langsung atau demokrasi langsung serta melalui perwakilan atau demokrasi perwakilan. Istilah ini berasal dari bahasa Yunani δημοκρατία – (dēmokratía) “kekuasaan rakyat”,yang dibentuk dari kata δῆμος (dêmos) “rakyat” dan κράτος (Kratos) “kekuasaan”, merujuk pada sistem politik yang muncul pada pertengahan abad ke-5 dan ke-4 SM di negara kota Yunani Kuno, khususnya Athena, menyusul revolusi rakyat pada tahun 508 SM.Istilah demokrasi diperkenalkan pertama kali oleh Aristoteles sebagai suatu bentuk pemerintahan, yaitu pemerintahan yang menggariskan bahwa kekuasaan berada di tangan orang banyak atau rakyat.Abraham Lincoln dalam pidato Gettysburgnya mendefinisikan demokrasi sebagai “pemerintahan dari rakyat, oleh rakyat, dan untuk rakyat”. Hal ini berarti kekuasaan tertinggi dalam sistem demokrasi ada di tangan rakyat dan rakyat mempunyai hak, kesempatan dan suara yang sama di dalam mengatur kebijakan pemerintahan.Melalui demokrasi, keputusan yang diambil berdasarkan suara terbanyak.

Demokrasi terbentuk menjadi suatu sistem pemerintahan sebagai respon kepada masyarakat umum di Athena yang ingin menyuarakan pendapat mereka.Dengan adanya sistem demokrasi, kekuasaan absolut satu pihak melalui tirani, kediktatoran dan pemerintahan otoriter lainnya dapat dihindari.Demokrasi memberikan kebebasan berpendapat bagi rakyat, namun pada masa awal terbentuknya belum semua orang dapat mengemukakan pendapat mereka melainkan hanya laki-laki saja.[8] Sementara itu, wanita, budak, orang asing dan penduduk yang orang tuanya bukan orang Athena tidak memiliki hak untuk itu.

Demokrasi Di Indonesia

Di Indonesia, pergerakan nasional juga mencita-citakan pembentukan negara demokrasi yang berwatak anti-feodalisme dan anti-imperialisme, dengan tujuan membentuk masyarakat sosialis.  Landasan demokrasi adalah keadilan, dalam arti terbukanya peluang kepada semua orang, dan berarti juga otonomi atau kemandirian dari orang yang bersangkutan untuk mengatur hidupnya, sesuai dengan apa yang dia inginkan. Masalah keadilan menjadi penting, dalam arti setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk menentukan sendiri jalan hidupnya, tetapi hak tersebut harus dihormati dan diberikan peluang serta pertolongan untuk mencapai hal tersebut
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Indonesia democracy from time to time, a mere Slogan. After half a century of independent Indonesia, the nation has gained experience of democracy in a nation and a country so many and very valuable. The long journey of democracy with a variety of situations and kndisi story and shows a different story. In general the slogan of democracy has always been a State leader's speech before the material is rakyatnyan but it turned out that the substance of democracy itself is far from perfect. When guided Democracy and democracy divermati Pancasila ala Sukarno and Suharto was merely a slogan but in daily practice in penmerintahan still reflect the dictatorship. So when it was the power of the State was dominant in comparison to kekuata people. Quite the contrary, this reform era leader voiced the voice of democracy but its people in addressing excessive eforia so that people's power is more dominant than the power of the State.Democracy is a political form of Government the powers of his Government comes from the people, either directly or through a representative and direct democracy or representative democracy. The term is derived from the Greece δημοκρατία-(dēmokratía) "people's power", formed from δῆμος (dêmos) "people" and κράτος (Krátos) "power", referring to the political system that emerged in the mid-5th century BC and 4th in the city-state of Ancient Greece, especially Athens, following the people's revolution in 508 BC. The term democracy first introduced by Aristotle as a form of Government, namely, the Government stresses that the power is in the hands of the people or the people. Abraham Lincoln in a speech Gettysburgnya defines democracy as "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people". This means supreme power in a democratic system there is in the hands of the people and the people have the right, opportunity and an equal voice in government policy set. Through democracy, the decisions taken on the basis of the most votes.Democracy is a system of Government being formed in response to the general public in Athens who want to voice their opinions. With the existence of a democratic system, the absolute authority of one party through tyranny, dictatorship and authoritarian Government can be avoided. Democracy gives freedom of speech for the people, but in the early days of the formation of yet everyone can put forward their opinions but only men only. [8] in the meantime, women, slaves, foreigners and residents whose parents are not the people of Athens has no right to it.Democracy In IndonesiaIn Indonesia, national movement also envisioned the establishment of a calm democracies anti-feudalism and anti-imperialism, with the aim of forming a socialist society. Democracy is the cornerstone of fairness, in the sense of the unfolding opportunities to everyone, and means also the autonomy or independence of the person concerned to arrange for his or her life, according to what she wants. Justice issues became important, in the sense that everyone has the right to determine their own way of life, but those rights must be respected and given the opportunities as well as help to achieve this
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Indonesian democracy from time to time, Just a Slogan.
After half a century of Indonesian independence, this nation has gained experience of democracy in the state and nation so much and very valuable. The long journey of democracy in various situations and kndisi shows a different story and a story. In general slogan of democracy has always been the subject of a speech before the country's leaders rakyatnyan but it turns out the substance of democracy itself is far from perfect. When divermati democracy and democracy guided Pancasila Soekarno and Soeharto style is just a slogan but in daily practice in penmerintahan still reflect dictatorship. So that when the power of the state is dominant compared kekuata people. This is precisely the opposite of the reform era leader voiced sound democracy but people are responding to excessive euphoria that people power is more dominant than the power of the state. Democracy is a form of political governance that power comes from the people rule, either directly or directly and through representative democracy or representative democracy. The term comes from the Greek δημοκρατία - (dēmokratía) "people's power", which was formed from the word δῆμος (Demos) "people" and κράτος (Kratos) "power", referring to the political system that emerged in the mid 5th century and to -4 BC in Ancient Greek city states, notably Athens following a popular revolution in democracy SM.Istilah 508 was first introduced by Aristotle as a form of government, the government outlined that the power is in the hands of the crowd or rakyat.Abraham Lincoln in speech Gettysburgnya defines democracy as "government of the people, by the people and for the people". This means that the highest power in the democratic system is in the hands of the people and the people have the right, opportunity and equal voice in the policy set pemerintahan.Melalui democracy, decisions are taken by majority vote. Democracy is formed into a system of government in response to the general public in Athens who want to voice their opinions mereka.Dengan the democratic system, the absolute power of the party through tyranny, dictatorship and authoritarian rule can dihindari.Demokrasi give freedom of speech to the people, but in the early days not everyone can express their opinion but merely laki- Men only. [8] Meanwhile, women, slaves, foreigners and residents whose parents are not the Athenians did not have the right to it. Democracy In Indonesia In Indonesia, the national movement also aspire to the establishment of democracy and anti-feudal character anti-imperialism, with the aim of forming a socialist society. The cornerstone of democracy is justice, in the sense of opening up opportunities to all people, and thus the autonomy or independence of the person concerned to organize his life, according to what he wants. Justice becomes an important issue, in the sense that every person has the right to determine their own way of life, but these rights should be respected and given the opportunities and help to achieve this

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