PENGERTIAN, CIRI-CIRI DAN CONTOH HEWAN VERTEBRATAVertebrataAda sekitar terjemahan - PENGERTIAN, CIRI-CIRI DAN CONTOH HEWAN VERTEBRATAVertebrataAda sekitar Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Ada sekitar 50.000 jenis hewan bertulang belakang (vertebrata) yang diketahui sampai saat ini. Mereka hidup pada semua lingkungan biologi baik di daratan, air laut, air tawar, maupun udara. Walaupun bentuk dan ukuran tubuhnya beragam tetapi mempunyai struktur dasar tubuh yang sama. Hewan bertulang belakang umumnya terdiri dari kepala dan tubuh. Tubuh terdiri dari rongga dada dan abdomen. Hewan bertulang belakang yang hidup di darat biasanya mempunyai leher.

Tulang belakang berasal dari perkembangan sumbu penyokong tubuh primer atau notokorda (korda dorsalis). Notokorda vertebrata hanya ada pada masa embrionik, setelah dewasa akan mengalami penulangan menjadi sistem penyokong tubuh sekunder, yaitu tulang belakang (vertebrae).
Dalam sistem klasifikasi, vertebrata merupakan subfilum dari filum Chordata. Chordata meliputi hewan-hewan yang memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :

Memiliki notokord, yaitu kerangka berbentuk batangan keras tetapi lentur. Notokord terletak di antara saluran pencernaan dan tali saraf, memanjang sepanjang tubuh membentuk sumbu kerangka.
Memiliki tali saraf tunggal, berlubang terletak dorsal terhadap notokord, dan memiliki ujung anterior yang membesar berupa otak.
Memiliki ekor yang memanjang ke arah posterior terhadap anus.
Memiliki celah faring.

Vertebrata terdiri dari lima kelas yaitu pisces, amphibia, reptile, aves dan mammalia.
1. Pisces

· Pisces memiliki habitat di air dengan alat pernafasan berupa insang. Hewan ini mempunyai sirip yang berfungsi untuk menentukan arah gerak di dalam air dan memiliki gurat sisi untuk mengetahui tekanan air. Termasuk hewan berdarah dingin (poikiloterm), yaitu suhu tubuh disesuaikan dengan lingkungan. Pisces berkembang biak dengan bertelur (ovipar).
· Berdasarkan jenis tulangnya ikan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu :
· 1) Chondrichthyes atau ikan tulang rawan, contoh : ikan pari, ikan hiu dan ikan cucut.
· 2) Osteichthyes atau ikan tulang keras, contoh : ikan mas, ikan gurami, ikan tongkol.

2. Burung
Burung adalah hewan berbulu yang mempunyai sayap sehingga bisa terbang. Kecepatan burung terbang bisa mencapai 160 km/jam. Namun tidak semua jenis burung bisa terbang, misalnya penguin dan burung unta. Penguin berenang dan burung unta berjalan dengan kakinya, sedangkan sayapnya digunakan untuk menjaga keseimbangan.

burung memiliki bulu yang terbuat dari keratin.Bulu yang membentuk sayap berperan untuk terbang berparuh dari bahan keratin
tidak bergigi
struktur tulang menyerupai sarang lebah sehingga kerangnya kuat namun ringan
memiliki empedal untuk menghacurkan makanan
lambung berotot besar
bernapas dengan paru-paru
jantung beruang empat
memiliki kantung udara
indera penglihatan sangat tajam
fertilisasi terjadi secara internal
bertelur sehingga tergolong hewan ovipar dengan ciri telur bercangkang dan kuning telur besar
mengerami telurnya dan merawat anaknya

Contoh : burng layang-layang besar (Hirundapus giganteus), burung merpati (Columbia livia), burung pipit (Anthus sp.)
Burung yang tergolong ratita : tidak memiliki taju dada pada tulang dadanya,
Contoh :Burung unta (Struthio camelus), kiwi (Apteryx australis), dan emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
3. Mammalia
Ciri khas dari mammalia adalah memiliki kelenjar susu. Susu dihasilkan oleh kelenjar (mammae) yang terdapat di daerah perut atau dada. Mammalia disebut juga hewan menyusui karena menyusui anaknya.
Tubuh mammalia tertutup oleh rambut yang berfungsi sebagai insulasi yang memperlambat pertukaran panas dengan lingkungan, segabai indera peraba antara lain pada kumis, sebagai pelindung dari gesekan maupun sinar matahari, sebagai penyamar atau pertahanan untuk melindungi dari mangsa, dan sebagai penciri kelamin.
Mammalia berkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan (vivipar). Hewan ini memiliki suhu tubuh homoiterm (suhu tubuh tetap) dan bernafas dengan paru-paru. Mammalia memiliki otak yang lebih berkembang dibandingkan dengan hewan vertebrata yang lain.

4. Amphibia
Amphibia merupakan hewan yang dapat hidup pada dua habitat, yaitu darat dan air, namun tidak semua jenis Amphibia hidup di dua tempat kehidupan. Beberapa jenis katak, salamander, dan caecilian ada yang hanya hidup di air dan ada yang hanya di darat. Namun habitatnya secara keseluruhan dekat dengan air dan tempat yang lembap seperti rawa dan hutan hujan tropis. Hewan ini bernafas dengan insang dan paru-paru dan memiliki suhu badan poikiloterm, berkembang biak dengan bertelur (ovipar) dan pembuahan terjadi di luar tubuh (eksternal).
Contoh : katak sawah, salamander, kodok
 umumnya hidup di dua tempat, yaitu darat dan air selama metamorfosisnya.
 berkulit licin tidak bersisik
 jantung beruang 3 ( 2 serambi , 1 bilik )
 fertilisasi secara eksternal di air / tempat lembab
 menghasilkan telur (bersifat ovipar) yang tidak bercangkang
 Beberapa jenis katak, salamander, dan caecilian ada yang hanya hidup di air dan ada yang hanya di darat

5. Kelompok hewan melata (reptil)
adalah binatang bertulang belakang berkulit berkulit kering, bersisik, dan bernapas dengan
paru-paru. Hewan melata termasuk kelompok hewan berdarah dingin, artinya hewan yang
memanfaatkan suhu lingkungan untuk mengatur suhu tubuhnya.

memiliki kulit bersisik yang terbuat dari zat tanduk (keratin).Sisik berfungsi mencegah kekeringan.
anggota tubuh berjari lima
bernapas dengan paru-paru
jantung beruang tiga atau empat
fertilisasi secara internal
menghasilkan telur sehingga tergolong ovipar dengan telur amniotik bercangkang
hidup hidup di air dan darat.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
UNDERSTANDING, TRAITS AND EXAMPLES OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALSVertebratesThere are about 50,000 species of backboned animals (vertebrates) that is known to date. They live on all environmental biology well inland, sea water, fresh water, or air. Despite his size and shape varied but have the same basic body structure. Backboned animals generally consists of head and body. The body consists of the abdominal and chest cavities. Backboned animal living on land usually has a neck.The spine comes from the development of the primary body axis or notochord (korda dorsalis). The vertebrate notochord exists only at the embryonic period, after which the adults will experience a penulangan system of secondary bodies, namely the spine (vertebrae).In the classification system, the vertebrate phylum Chordata subphylum is from. Chordates include animals that have the following characteristics: Having notokord skeleton shaped Rod hard but pliable. Notokord is located between the digestive tract and the nerve cord, extends along the body to form the axis of the framework. Having a single, hollow nerve cord located dorsally on the notokord, and have an enlarged anterior tip of the brain. Have a tail extending toward the posterior to the anus. Have a crack of the pharynx.Vertebrates consists of five grades namely pisces, amphibia, mammals, birds and reptile.1. Pisces· PISCES has its habitat in the water with the tool either respiratory gills. These animals have fins which serves to determine the direction of motion in the water and had to find out which side streaks of water pressure. Including the cold-blooded animals (poikiloterm), which is the temperature of the body is adapted to the environment. PISCES breed by laying eggs (oviparous).· Based on the type of fish bones were divided into two groups, namely:· 1) Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fish, for example: stingrays, sharks and fish catch.· 2) Osteichthyes or fish bones hard, example: goldfish, carp, tuna fish.2. The birdsBirdThe furry animals are birds that have wings that can fly. Flying birds can reach speeds of 160 km/h. But not all birds can fly, such as penguins and ostriches. Penguin swim and ostrich walk with his feet, while its wings are used to maintain balance.CHARACTERISTICS: birds have feathers are made of keratin. The feathers form a wing role to fly a beaked of keratin not toothed bone structure resembles a beehive so strong yet lightweight kerangnya have empedal for menghacurkan food big muscular stomach breathe with lungs four bear heart have airbags very sharp senses of sight fertilization occurs internally oviparous animal that belongs to lay eggs with shells and egg yolks large mengerami telurnya dan merawat anaknyaContoh : burng layang-layang besar (Hirundapus giganteus), burung merpati (Columbia livia), burung pipit (Anthus sp.)Burung yang tergolong ratita : tidak memiliki taju dada pada tulang dadanya,Contoh :Burung unta (Struthio camelus), kiwi (Apteryx australis), dan emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)3. MammaliaMamaliaCiri khas dari mammalia adalah memiliki kelenjar susu. Susu dihasilkan oleh kelenjar (mammae) yang terdapat di daerah perut atau dada. Mammalia disebut juga hewan menyusui karena menyusui anaknya.Tubuh mammalia tertutup oleh rambut yang berfungsi sebagai insulasi yang memperlambat pertukaran panas dengan lingkungan, segabai indera peraba antara lain pada kumis, sebagai pelindung dari gesekan maupun sinar matahari, sebagai penyamar atau pertahanan untuk melindungi dari mangsa, dan sebagai penciri kelamin.Mammalia berkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan (vivipar). Hewan ini memiliki suhu tubuh homoiterm (suhu tubuh tetap) dan bernafas dengan paru-paru. Mammalia memiliki otak yang lebih berkembang dibandingkan dengan hewan vertebrata yang lain.4. AmphibiaAmphibiAmphibians are animals that can live in the two areas, namely land and water, but not all types of Amphibians living in two places of life. Some types of frogs, salamanders, and there's only the caecilian live in water and some were only on the ground. Overall, however, its Habitat is close to water and damp places like swamps and tropical rain forest. This animal breathe with gills and lungs and has a body temperature of poikiloterm, breed by laying eggs (oviparous) and fertilization takes place outside the body (external).Example: rice field frogs, salamanders, frog generally live in two places, namely land and water for metamorfosisnya. sleek-skinned not scaly heart bear 3 (2 porch, 1 booth) fertilization externally in the water/damp places produce eggs (oviparous nature) that are not shells some types of frogs, salamanders, and there's only the caecilian live in water and some were only on the ground5. According to their groups of animals (reptiles) Reptiles is backboned animals skinned to dry, scaly, crusted and breathe with the lungs. According to their animals including the Group of cold-blooded animals, meaning that animal utilizing the environmental temperature to regulate body temperature.CHARACTERISTICS: flaky skin made from substances Horn (keratin). Scales serve to prevent dryness. five fingers of limbs breathe with lungs heart bear three or four poikiliterm fertilization is internal produce an egg so that it is oviparous with amniotic egg shells living life on the water and ashore.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

DEFINITION, CHARACTERISTICS AND EXAMPLES OF ANIMALS VERTEBRATES Vertebrate There are about 50,000 kinds of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that are known to date. They live in all biological environment both on land, sea water, fresh water, and air. Although a variety of body shapes and sizes but have the same basic body structure. Vertebrate generally consists of head and body. The body composed of the chest and abdominal cavity. Vertebrate animals that live on land usually have a neck. The spine is derived from the development of the body axis of the primary backers or notochord (chorda dorsalis). Notochord vertebrates exist only in embryonic period, as adults will experience a reinforcement become a secondary backup system of the body, namely the spine (vertebrae). In the classification system, the vertebrate is a subphylum of the phylum Chordata. Chordates include the animals that have the following characteristics: It has a notochord, which is rod-shaped skeleton hard but pliable. Notochord lies between the digestive tract and nerve cords, extending along the axis of the body forming the skeleton. It has a single nerve cord, dorsal to the notochord hollow lies, and have enlarged anterior end in the form of the brain. It has a tail that extends posteriorly to anus. It has a slit faring . Vertebrates consists of five classes of Pisces, amphibia, reptiles, aves and mammals. 1. Pisces · Pisces is a water habitat in the form of gill breathing apparatus. This animal has a fin that serves to determine the direction of motion in the water and have a lateral line to determine the water pressure. Including cold-blooded animals (poikilotherm), which is adapted to the environmental temperature. Pisces reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous). · Based on the type of fish bones were divided into two groups, namely: · 1) Chondrichthyes or fish cartilage, for example: stingrays, sharks and marlin. · 2) Osteichthyes or fish hard bone, example: goldfish, carp, swordfish. 2. Birds Birds Birds are furry animals that have wings so they can fly. Birds flying speed can reach 160 km / h. But not all birds can fly, such as penguins and ostriches. Penguin swimming and ostrich walking with his feet, while the wings are used to maintain balance. CHARACTERISTICS: bird feathers made ​​of keratin.Bulu that form the wings to fly beaked role of keratin material toothless bone structure resembling a honeycomb so strong conch yet light has a gizzard to destroy food great muscular stomach breathing with lungs heart bears four have air sacs are very keen senses of sight fertilization occurs internally spawn so classified ovipar animal with the characteristics of shelled eggs and egg yolks great incubating eggs and caring for her son Example: burng overpass -layang large (Hirundapus giganteus), pigeons (Columbia livia), sparrow (Anthus sp.) Birds were classified ratita: do not have Taju chest on chest bone, Example: Ostrich (Struthio Camelus), kiwi (Apteryx australis), and emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 3. Mammals Mammals are characteristic of mammals have mammary glands. The milk produced by glands (mammary) contained in the abdomen or chest area. Mammalia mammals called for breastfeeding her child. mammalian body covered by hair which serves as insulation slows heat exchange with the environment, segabai sense of touch, among others, the whiskers, as a protection from friction and sunlight, as undercover or defense to protect it from prey, and as penciri sex. Mammalia reproduce by means of delivery (viviparous). These animals have a warm-blooded body temperature (body temperature) and breathe with lungs. Mammals have brains that are more developed than other vertebrates. 4. Amphibians Amphibian Amphibians are animals that can live in two habitats, namely land and water, but not all types of amphibian live in two places of life. Some types of frogs, salamanders, and caecilians there are only living in the water and there were only on land. But overall habitat close to the water and damp places such as swamps and tropical rain forests. These animals breathe with gills and lungs and have a body temperature poikilotherm, reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous) and fertilization occurs outside the body (external). Example: paddy frogs, salamanders, toads  generally live in two places, namely land and water during metamorphosis.  not slippery scaly skinned bear heart  3 (2 porches, 1 booth)  external fertilization in the water / moisture  produce eggs (are oviparous) were not shelled  Certain types of frogs, salamanders, and caecilians nothing only live in water and on land there are only five. Groups of reptiles (reptiles) Reptiles are vertebrate skin dry skin, scaly, and breathe with lungs. Reptiles including a group of cold-blooded animals, meaning that animals that utilize ambient temperature to regulate their body temperature. CHARACTERISTICS: scaly skin made ​​of horn substance (keratin) .Sisik prevents dryness, five-fingered limbs lungs to breathe with heart bear three or four poikiliterm internal fertilization to produce eggs so classified ovipar the amniotic egg shells alive in the water and land.

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