Welcoming the Democratic National Congress which will take place 11 to 13 May 2015 in Surabaya DEMOCRATS IN BETWEEN OPPOSITION OR NEUTRAL By: M. aminudin (Director of the Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS) / alumnus of Political Science Airlangga University) ------ ------ Democratic National Congress which will take place 11 to 13 May 2015 in Surabaya interesting to observe as the party formally declared himself as a stabilizing force in the rivalry between the Red and White Coalition (KMP) which are beyond the control of the Coalition Indonesia Superb (KIH) is in power. That means that even though the results of the last general election DEMOCRAT PARTY "only" put in fourth in the 2014 general election but its position was decisive konsetelasi political balance in the parliament. Accordingly the decision of the Democratic Congress in Surabaya will also determine the configuration of national power within the next five years whether to strengthen or reinforce the government in opposition ranks ?. But judging from the early history of the founding of the Democratic Party is the party seems difficult regardless of the figure figure Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) so if the party is not experiencing the intervention of the superstructure such as Golkar and PPP actually experienced the Democratic Party is not expected to happen turnaround leadership forward. That is either directly or indirectly, the party remains in the shadow of the political line of SBY. In fact, this party did emerge and grow up to be recognized for the SBY factor not because of ideological and political base flow. This is what distinguishes the Democrats with all the political parties which entered the Top 5 parties (The Big five) in Indonesia after the reformation of Election 1999 to 2014 where four other parties such as the PDI-P, Golkar, PAN, PKS, PKB mass base voters much rooted in the political stream Indonesia, which has emerged as a map of the post-independence political cleavage flow studies Indonesian observers from Australia in his book titled Indonesia's political thinking: 1945-1965 (Ed. by Herbert Feith and Lance Castles, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, USA: 1970). In general it is a big party of Indonesia from 1955 until today is still mostly relies on the support of political currents Indonesia as PDIP rooted in populist and Golkar nasioalisme flow among Priyayi, while PAN, PPP, PKS, PKB has been chosen by more supporters because of cultural loyalty bond due considered Muslim party representation. In the case of strengthening selection DEMOCRAT Party and Gerindra, political cleavage flow was hardly applicable, because the voters are very liquid mass flow variety is very pragmatic, almost all of them sucked figure magnet strength and influence leaders imaging communication messages gloss result of political consultants. In the case of the Democratic Party is quite phenomenal from start to emerge as a new party on Election 2004 directly reach more than 7% of the vote and immediately managed to deliver its main founder became president for two terms and the largest party skyrocketed in the first rank ELECTION 2009 to reach 21% Voice. Important factors that could deliver Democrat Direct was ranked at the top of the political ladder ELECTION time it is performance leadership and the satisfaction of government policies that followed SBY accurate imaging media including anti-corruption issues. But in the second term SBY period 2009-2014 the level of satisfaction on the government of SBY shrink sharply due to policy unpopular fuel price hike, LPG, etc. and also more and more cadres entangled in corruption cases. As the implications of the government of SBY's performance deficit of votes the party lost about 50% in 2014 compared ELECTION ELECTION 2009. Against the backdrop of the rise and fall of the Democratic Party that if the results of the Democratic Congress in Surabaya mid-2015 could be the entrance restore the glory of the Democratic party back in the future front? The answer could be yes and no. Opportunities revival of the Democratic Party is still open if you look at the political sentiment growing in today's society who start comparing the government of SBY and Jokowi. Majority in the eyes of the public considers the management of the SBY is still considered to be more effective where the policy direction of President everything can be said to be followed by the government officers including the police and military. But in the case of government Jokowi many public impression that appear in frequent insubordination (disobedience) the bureaucracy and the police against the direction of the President, especially in the case of VS Police Commission. Economic performance Jokowi-JK administration in the eyes of the people are increasingly depleted as ditujukkan all surveys include LSI, Indobarometer also waning due to economic uncertainty increase the community so that national economic growth in the first quarter Jokowi government slumped to about 4% compared to the end of the government of SBY about 6%. This growth slump looks increasingly eroded the real sector; Property, automotive slumped 50% -20%, inflation economy in the range of 10% due to soaring prices and tariffs in the energy sector such as fuel, LPG, electricity. Values to the exchange on the dollar tends to decline, during the reign of Jokowi alone BI has been draining the foreign exchange reserves of about USD 4 billion to the effort to maintain the exchange rate does not rise rise above USD 13,000 / perdollar. With a picture of the supposed deterioration Democrat Party chance to restore the glory electoral next. But the fact is revivalism Democrats still have to go through a steep and winding road, what was the cause? Because the factor of "crisis" Party leadership figure who marketable to the masses. It must be admitted to entering the Democratic Party Congress in Surabaya is still experiencing "a crisis" commercially viable figures in 2019. PILPRES Edi Baskoro Yudhoyono projected that seems so apparent crown prince impressed still "too green" can only exist because of the big names of his father factor. While buds future leaders of the Democratic Party that originally own branding in the public nearly everything already withered before it develops because of legal issues such as tripping Andi Mallarangeng, Angelina Sondakh and Anas Urbaningrum. SBY himself is certainly not possible forward as president again. In the midst of "crisis figure" leader of the Democratic candidates, media constellation increasingly less conducive to the rise of the triumph of the Democratic Party again. Like it or not, the existence of non streams such as the Democratic party's ups and downs are very dependent on the image formed media including TV. If 5 or 10 years ago the majority of TV media owners not directly involved in partisan politics. But this configuration saaat media ownership especially media much changed. The owner of the TV began to busy to set up a political party or a leader of political parties. Surya Paloh (Metro TV / Media Indonesia) became the leader NasDem, Day Tanoe (MNC Group / RCTI / Global TV / SINDO) establish PERINDO, Bakrie became Chairman of Golkar Party. It is certain TV or media they will as much as possible into the mouthpiece of political parties of their respective owners. While Democrats Party until now none had major media as a funnel. Hence the need, Congress Democratic party in Surabaya this time inevitably have to find a way out how to have a big media as an instrument of political mouthpiece. But if no maximum exit can be found formulation, Democrats gradually need to consider to reinforce its position as an opposition. During the Democratic position that follows the style of politics SBY just looking for survivors. Although looking for survivors remain important in the midst of incessant interventions rulers to parties this time through the game SK Menkumham but could not be sustained long term because it will hurt the Democratic Party. By taking the position of "gray" sort of the people who are mostly lay people will be difficult to distinguish the Democrats with Party rulers, so that if there is dissatisfaction or failure of the Democratic Party government could get resin. But by boosting the "opposition party" he would be able to act as a fitting voice of the people who are dissatisfied with government policies Jokowi-Jk. Minimal Democratic Party is considered to have emphati or alignment with the feelings of the people who felt no benefit from government policy. Democrats need to mirror the success of consistent PDIP be "opposition party" during SBY became president. During her time as "opposition" was PDIP effectively become the main opponents of the government of SBY in parliament from the opposition began to increase in fuel and Bank Century scandal. Inconsistency for 10 years as the opposition proved fruitless, sound PDIP back up to the first rank in the previous ELECTION 2014 ELECTION slipped to second place. The position as Opposition in certain levels does help expand its access to the media. However the media to a certain extent if you want to attract viewers or readers will consider aspects HotNEWS news. If kejadiannnya not a special or ordinary difficult events or informational materials entering into important a media report. News consumers usually are not so keen on the media that seemed to just be a "bulletin government". In a situation that many government policies cause public dissatisfaction today's attitudes more sexy or marketable opposition among the people who became Voters Election. All is up to the Democrats again whether to remain in a gray area with the risk increasing political arena meredupn in Indonesia or Reinforce Opposition to the investment support of the people who become voters in the next general election.
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