Pada hari rabu 7 sept 2016 sekitar jam 6.00 WIB terjadi kebocoran di a terjemahan - Pada hari rabu 7 sept 2016 sekitar jam 6.00 WIB terjadi kebocoran di a Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pada hari rabu 7 sept 2016 sekitar

Pada hari rabu 7 sept 2016 sekitar jam 6.00 WIB terjadi kebocoran di atap building Pacific Place yang mengakibatkan area restaurant PAUL Bakery kebanjiran didalam dan tutup untuk 2 jam operational dari jam 18.00 sampai 20.00.
Kebocoran tersebut sudah lama kami laporkan ke pihak gedung, dan waktu kejadian tersebut
kami langsung melapor ke tenant relation building Pacific Place. Air tersebut keluar dari atap building yang berada di atas atap PAUL Bakery dan masuk kedalam area PAUL, mengakibatkan tamu di area maxim terganggu dan langsung meninggalkan PAUL Bakery setelah mereka menyelesaikan pembayaran.
Kami juga di complaint dari beberapa tamu kita bahwa mereka merasa tidak nyaman atas kejadian tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
On Wednesday 7th sept 2016 around 6.00 PM GMT leaks in the roof of building Pacific Place which resulted in PAUL Bakery restaurant area flooded in and close to 2 hours operational from 18.00 until 20.00. The leaks have long since we reported to the party building, and the time of the incident We directly report to the tenant relation building Pacific Place. The water coming out of the roof of the building that sits on top of the roof of the PAUL Bakery and cracked area PAUL, resulting in guests in the areas directly disturbed and maxim left PAUL Bakery after they complete the payment.We are also in the complaint from some of our guests that they feel uncomfortable over the incident.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
On Wednesday 7 sept 2016 around 6:00 pm there is a leak in the roof of building Pacific Place resulting area restaurant PAUL Bakery flooded in and close to 2 hours operational from 18.00 until 20.00.
The leak has long we report it to the building, and time of occurrence that
we immediately reported to the Pacific Place building tenant relations. The water out of the roof of building that is located on the roof PAUL Bakery and into areas PAUL, resulting in guests in the area maxim disturbed and immediately left PAUL Bakery after they complete the purchase.
We are also in the complaint from some of our guests that they are uncomfortable with the incident the.
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