Sebagaimana telah digariskan dlm pedoman pengiriman berita & pemberian terjemahan - Sebagaimana telah digariskan dlm pedoman pengiriman berita & pemberian Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Sebagaimana telah digariskan dlm pedoman pengiriman berita & pemberian perintah, perintah yg sangat penting & rahasia, harus disampaikan langsung oleh atasan kepada komandan pasukan yg bersangkutan. Maka rencana penyerangan atas Yogyakarta yg ada di wilayah Wehrkreise I di bawah pimpinan Letkol. Suharto, akan disampaikan langsung oleh Panglima Divisi III Kolonel Bambang Sugeng. Kurir segera dikirim kepada Komandan Wehrkreise III/Brigade 10, Letkol. Suharto, untuk memberitahu kedatangan Panglima Divisi III serta mempersiapkan pertemuan. Diputuskan untuk segera berangkat sore itu juga guna menyampaikan grand design kepada pihak-pihak yg terkait. Ikut dlm rombongan Panglima Divisi selain Letkol. dr. Hutagalung, antara lain juga dr. Kusen [dokter pribadi Bambang Sugeng], Bambang Surono [adik Bambang Sugeng], seorang mantri kesehatan, seorang sopir dari dr. Kusen, Letnan Amron Tanjung [ajudan Letkol Hutagalung] & beberapa anggota staf Gubernur Militer [GM] serta pengawal.

Pertama-tama rombongan singgah di tempat Kol. Wiyono dari PEPOLIT, yg bermarkas tak jauh dari markas Panglima Divisi, & memberikan tugas untuk mencari pemuda berbadan tinggi & tegap serta fasih berbahasa Belanda, Inggris atau Prancis yg akan diberi pakaian perwira TNI. Menjelang sore hari, Panglima Divisi beserta rombongan tiba di Pedukuhan Banaran mengunjungi Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Perang Kol. Simatupang. Selain anggota rombongan Bambang Sugeng, dlm pertemuan tersebut hadir juga Mr. M. Ali Budiarjo, yg kemudian menjadi ipar Simatupang.

Simatupang pada saat itu dimohonkan untuk mengkoordinasi pemberitaan ke luar negeri melaui pemancar radio AURI di Playen & di Wiladek, yg ditangani oleh Koordinator Pemerintah Pusat. Setelah Simatupang menyetujui rencana grand design tersebut, Panglima Divisi segera mengeluarkan instruksi rahasia yg ditujukan kepada Komandan Wehrkreise I Kolonel Bachrun, yg akan disampaikan sendiri oleh Kol. Sarbini.

Brigade IX di bawah komando Letkol Achmad Yani, diperintahkan melakukan penghadangan terhadap bantuan Belanda dari Magelang ke Yogyakarta. Tanggal 19 Februari 1949. Panglima Divisi & rombongan meneruskan perjalanan, yg selalu dilakukan pada malam hari & beristirahat pada siang hari, untuk menghindari patroli Belanda. Penunjuk jalan juga selalu berganti di setiap desa. Dari Banaran rombongan menuju wilayah Wehrkreise III melalui pegunungan Menoreh untuk menyampaikan perintah kepada Komandan Wehrkreis III Letkol. Suharto. Bambang Sugeng beserta rombongan mampir di Pengasih, tempat kediaman mertua Bambang Sugeng & masih sempat berenang di telaga yg ada di dekat Pengasih [Keterangan dari Bambang Purnomo, adik kandung alm. Bambang Sugeng, yg kini tinggal di Temanggung]. Pertemuan dengan Letkol. Suharto berlangsung di Brosot, dekat Wates. Semula pertemuan akan dilakukan di dlm satu gedung sekolah, namun karena kuatir telah dibocorkan, maka pertemuan dilakukan di dlm sebuah gubug di tengah sawah. Hadir dlm pertemuan tersebut lima orang, yaitu Panglima Divisi III/Gubernur Militer III Kol. Bambang Sugeng, Perwira Teritorial Letkol. dr. Wiliater Hutagalung beserta ajudan Letnan Amron Tanjung, Komandan Wehrkreise III/Brigade X Letkol. Suharto beserta ajudan. Kepada Suharto diberikan perintah untuk mengadakan penyerangan antara tanggal 25 Februari & 1 Maret 1949. Kepastian tanggal baru dapat ditentukan kemudian, sesudah koordinasi serta kesiapan semua pihak terkait, antara lain dengan Kol. Wiyono dari Pepolit Kementerian Pertahanan.

Setelah semua persiapan matang, baru kemudian diputuskan [keputusan diambil tanggal 24 atau 25 Februari], bahwa serangan tersebut akan dilancarkan tanggal 1 Maret 1949, pukul 06. 00 pagi. Instruksi segera diteruskan ke semua pihak yg terkait.

Puncak serangan dilakukan dengan serangan umum terhadap kota Yogyakarta [ibu kota negara] pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949, dibawah pimpinan Letnan Kolonel Suharto, Komandan Brigade 10 daerah Wehrkreise III, sesudah terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan dari Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Kepala Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.Tanggal 1 Maret 1949, pagi hari, serangan secara besar-besaran yg serentak dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Divisi III/GM III dimulai, dengan fokus serangan ialah Ibukota Republik, Yogyakarta, serta koar-besaran oleh pasukan Brigade X yg diperkuat dengan satu Batalyon dari Brigade IX, sedangkan serangan terhadap pertahanan Belanda di Magelang & penghadangan di jalur [[Magelta-kota di sekitar Yogyakarta, terutama Magelang, sesuai Instruksi Rahasia yg dikeluarkan oleh Panglima Divisi III/GM III Kolonel Bambang Sugeng kepada Komandan Wehrkreis I, Letkol Bahrun & Komandan Wehrkreis II Letkol Sarbini. Pada saat yg bersamaan, serangan juga dilakukan di wilayah Divisi II/GM II, dengan fokus penyerangan ialah kota Solo, guna mengikat tentara Belanda dlm pertempuran agar tak dapat mengirimkan bantuan ke Yogyakarta.

Pos komando ditempatkan di desa Muto. Pada malam hari menjelang serangan umum itu, pasukan telah merayap mendekati kota & dlm jumlah kecil mulai disusupkan ke dlm kota. Pagi hari sekitar pukul 06. 00, sewaktu sirene dibunyikan serangan segera dilancarkan ke segala penjuru kota. Dalam penyerangan ini Letkol Soeharto langsung memimpin pasukan dari sektor barat sampai ke batas Malioboro. Sektor Timur dipimpin Ventje Sumual, sektor selatan & timur dipimpim Mayor Sardjono, sektor utara oleh Mayor Kusno. Sedangkan untuk sektor kota sendiri ditunjuk Letnan Amir Murtono & Letnan Masduki sebagai pimpinan. TNI berhasil menduduki kota Yogyakarta selama 6 jam. Tepat pukul 12. 00 siang, sebagaimana yg telah ditentukan semula,seluruh pasukkan TNI mundur

Serangan terhadap kota Solo yg juga dilakukan secara besar-besaran, dapat menahan Belanda di Solo sehingga tak dapat mengirim bantuan dari Solo ke Yogyakarta, yg sedang diserang secara besar-besaran -Yogyakarta yg dilakukan oleh Brigade IX, hanya dapat memperlambat gerak pasukan bantuan Belanda dari Magelang ke Yogyakarta. Tentara Belanda dari Magelang dapat menerobos hadangan gerilyawan Republik, & sampai di Yogyakarta sekitar pukul 11. 00.

Tanggal 1 Maret 1949, pagi hari, serangan secara besar-besaran yg serentak dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Divisi III/GM III dimulai, dengan fokus serangan ialah Ibukota Republik, Yogyakarta, serta koar-besaran oleh pasukan Brigade X yg diperkuat dengan satu Batalyon dari Brigade IX, sedangkan serangan terhadap pertahanan Belanda di Magelang & penghadangan di jalur [[Magelta-kota di sekitar Yogyakarta, terutama Magelang, sesuai Instruksi Rahasia yg dikeluarkan oleh Panglima Divisi III/GM III Kolonel Bambang Sugeng kepada Komandan Wehrkreis I, Letkol Bahrun & Komandan Wehrkreis II Letkol Sarbini. Pada saat yg bersamaan, serangan juga dilakukan di wilayah Divisi II/GM II, dengan fokus penyerangan ialah kota Solo, guna mengikat tentara Belanda dlm pertempuran agar tak dapat mengirimkan bantuan ke Yogyakarta. Pos komando ditempatkan di desa Muto. Pada malam hari menjelang serangan umum itu, pasukan telah merayap mendekati kota & dlm jumlah kecil mulai disusupkan ke dlm kota. Pagi hari sekitar pukul 06. 00, sewaktu sirene dibunyikan serangan segera dilancarkan ke segala penjuru kota. Dalam penyerangan ini Letkol Soeharto langsung memimpin pasukan dari sektor barat sampai ke batas Malioboro.Sektor Timur dipimpin Ventje Sumual, sektor selatan & timur dipimpim Mayor Sardjono, sektor utara oleh Mayor Kusno. Sedangkan untuk sektor kota sendiri ditunjuk Letnan Amir Murtono & Letnan Masduki sebagai pimpinan. TNI berhasil menduduki kota Yogyakarta selama 6 jam. Tepat pukul 12. 00 siang, sebagaimana yg telah ditentukan semula,seluruh pasukkan TNI mundur

Serangan terhadap kota Solo yg juga dilakukan secara besar-besaran, dapat menahan Belanda di Solo sehingga tak dapat mengirim bantuan dari Solo ke Yogyakarta, yg sedang diserang secara besar-besaran -Yogyakarta yg dilakukan oleh Brigade IX, hanya dapat memperlambat gerak pasukan bantuan Belanda dari Magelang ke Yogyakarta. Tentara Belanda dari Magelang dapat menerobos hadangan gerilyawan Republik, & sampai di Yogyakarta sekitar pukul 11. 00
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
As already outlined in the guidelines of the shipping news and the granting of the injunction, wrote a very important command & secrets, to be delivered directly by the employer to the Force Commander wrote. Then the plan of attack on top of the Yogyakarta region Wehrkreise imaginable I under the command of Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto, be delivered directly by the Commander of the Division III Colonel Bambang Sugeng. Courier is immediately sent to the Brigade Commander Wehrkreise III/10, Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto, to tell the coming Divisional Commander III as well as preparing for the meeting. It was decided to immediately leave for the afternoon was also to deliver a grand design to yg related parties. Participate in groups of the Commander of the Division in addition to Lieutenant Colonel. Dr. Hutagalung, among others, also Dr. Sills [personal physician Bambang Sugeng], Bambang Surono [younger brother Bambang Sugeng], a health mantri, a driver from Dr. Sills, Lieutenant Amron Cape [aide Lt. Hutagalung] & some staff members military Governor [GM] as well as a bodyguard.First of all groups of transit in place of the Cabbage. Wiyono from PEPOLIT, yg is headquartered not far from the headquarters of the Commander of the Division, & give the task to find a high-body & strapping youth as well as fluent in Netherlands, France or the United Kingdom's reply will be given clothes TNI officers. In the afternoon, the Commander of the Division and their Entourage arrived in Banaran Makes visiting the Army Deputy Chief of staff Col. Simatupang. In addition to Member groups of Bambang Sugeng, also attended the meeting in Mr. m. Ali Budiarjo, later became the brother-in-law Simatupang.Simatupang appealed at that time to coordinate the preaching abroad via radio transmitter JOINTLY MANAGED in Playen & in Wiladek, yg is handled by the Coordinator of the Central Government. After approving the plan Simatupang grand design, the Commander of the Division immediately issued a secret instruction of the reply is addressed to the Commandant, Colonel I Bachrun Wehrkreise, yg will be delivered by Col. Sarbini.IX Brigade under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Achmad Yani, ordered to perform set an ambush against the Netherlands assistance from Magelang to Yogyakarta. On February 19, 1949. Commander of divisions & groups of forward travel, the reply is always done at night & take a break during the day, to avoid the patrols of the Netherlands. Bearings also always changed in each village. Of Banaran groups of to the Wehrkreise III through the Mountain to deliver orders to the Commander of Wehrkreis III Col. Suharto. Bambang Sugeng, along with groups of stop in Compassionate, residence of father-in-law Bambang Sugeng & still had a chance to swim in telaga imaginable near Compassionate [Description from Bambang Purnomo, younger siblings alm. Bambang Sugeng, now lives in Temanggung]. Meeting with the Colonel. Suharto took place at Brosot, near Wates. Reconstruction of the meeting will be conducted at the dlm one school building, but due to the worry has been leaked, then a meeting conducted at the dlm hut in the middle of rice fields. Present in the meeting of the five-man, Commander of Division III/III military Governor Col. Bambang Sugeng, Territorial Officer Lieutenant Colonel. Dr. Wiliater Hutagalung, along with aide Lieutenant Amron Tanjung, Commander of the Wehrkreise III/X Brigade-Colonel. Suharto, along with an aide. To Suharto given orders to hold the invasion between 25 February & 1 March 1949. The assurance of the new date may be determined later, after coordination as well as the readiness of all parties associated with, among others, Col. Wiyono of Pepolit Ministry of defence.After all the preparation is done, only then it was decided [the decision taken on 24 or 25 February], that the attack will be launched on 1 March 1949, 6. 00 in the morning. The instructions are immediately forwarded to all parties related reply.The peak of the attack carried out with a general offensive against the city [capital city] on March 1, 1949, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Suharto, Commander of the 10th Brigade area Wehrkreise III, after the first get approval from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, head of the Yogyakarta special region. On March 1, 1949, the morning attack massively concurrent yg performed around the region III Division III starts/GM , with the focus of the attack is the capital of the Republic, as well as full-blown koar Army Brigade X yg reinforced with one Battalion from the Brigade, IX, while the Defense attack on the Netherlands in Magelang & set an ambush at the line [[Magelta-city around Yogyakarta, Magelang, especially appropriate Instructions Confidential reply issued by the Commander of the Division III/GM III Colonel Bambang Sugeng told the Commander of Wehrkreis I, Lieutenant Colonel Commander of Wehrkreis II & Bahrun Lt. Gen. Sarbini. At the time of the reply, the attacks are also carried out in the region of Division II/GM II, with the focus of the assault is the city of Solo, in order to tie the Netherlands Army in battle so that they could not send aid to Yogyakarta.Command post stationed at the village of Mutō. In the evening ahead of the attack that public forces have been approaching the city & creep in small amounts ranging disusupkan to outbid city. The morning around 6. 00, while the siren is sounded immediately launched attack to all corners of the city. In this attack the Lieutenant Colonel Suharto directly lead troops from sector West up to the limit of Malioboro. Ventje Sumual-led Eastern sector, sector of southern & Eastern dipimpim Sardjono, northern sector Major by major Kusno. As for the sector of the city itself was appointed Lieutenant Amir Murtono & Lt; as Chairman. INDONESIAN ARMED FORCES successfully occupied Yogyakarta for six hours. At precisely 12. 00 noon, as specified originally wrote, the whole pasukkan TNI retreatThe attack on the city's lucrative Solo also conducted a massive, can withstand the Netherlands in Solo so it cannot send help from Solo to Yogyakarta, were attacked massively-Yogyakarta yg performed by Brigade IX, can only slow down the motion forces Netherlands from Magelang to Yogyakarta. The army of the Netherlands from Magelang can break through obstacles, guerillas & up in Yogyakarta at about 11. 00.On March 1, 1949, the morning attack massively concurrent yg performed around the region III Division III/GM began, with the focus of the attack is the capital of the Republic, as well as full-blown koar Army Brigade X yg reinforced with one Battalion from the Brigade, IX, while the Defense attack on the Netherlands in Magelang & set an ambush at the line [[Magelta-city around Yogyakarta, Magelang, especially appropriate Instructions Confidential reply issued by the Commander of the Division III/GM III Colonel Bambang Sugeng told the Commander of Wehrkreis I Lieutenant Colonel, Commander Of Wehrkreis II & Bahrun Lt. Gen. Sarbini. At the time of the reply, the attacks are also carried out in the region of Division II/GM II, with the focus of the assault is the city of Solo, in order to tie the Netherlands Army in battle so that they could not send aid to Yogyakarta. Command post stationed at the village of Mutō. In the evening ahead of the attack that public forces have been approaching the city & creep in small amounts ranging disusupkan to outbid city. The morning around 6. 00, while the siren is sounded immediately launched attack to all corners of the city. In this attack the Lieutenant Colonel Suharto directly lead troops from sector West up to the limit of Malioboro. Sector East Ventje Sumual led, southern & eastern sector dipimpim sector, North of the Major Resort by Mayor Kusno. As for the sector of the city itself was appointed Lieutenant Amir Murtono & Lt; as Chairman. INDONESIAN ARMED FORCES successfully occupied Yogyakarta for six hours. At precisely 12. 00 noon, as specified originally wrote, the whole pasukkan TNI retreatThe attack on the city's lucrative Solo also conducted a massive, can withstand the Netherlands in Solo so it cannot send help from Solo to Yogyakarta, were attacked massively-Yogyakarta yg performed by Brigade IX, can only slow down the motion forces Netherlands from Magelang to Yogyakarta. The army of the Netherlands from Magelang can break through obstacles, guerillas & up in Yogyakarta at about 11. 00
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
As outlined Dlm news delivery guidelines and giving orders, commands a very important and confidential, must be submitted directly by the employer to the commander horse's mouth. So the plan to attack in the region of Yogyakarta imaginable Wehrkreise I under the command of Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto, will be delivered directly by the Third Division Commander Col. Bambang Sugeng. Courier immediately sent to the Commander Wehrkreise III / 10 Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto, to notify the arrival of Commander of Division III and prepare for the meeting. It was decided to immediately set out that same afternoon in order to convey the grand design to related parties. Dlm joined the group in addition to the Division Commander Lieutenant Colonel. dr. Hutagalung, among other things dr. Sills [personal physician Bambang Sugeng], Bambang Surono [brother Bambang Sugeng], a registered nurse, a driver of dr. Sills, Lt. Amron Tanjung [aide Lt. Col. Hutagalung] and several staff members Military Governor [GM] and guards. First of all the group stopped at Kol. Wiyono of Pepolit, which is headquartered not far from the headquarters of the Division Commander, and give the task to find a tall and well-built young man, and is fluent in Dutch, English or French that will be given clothing TNI officers. By late afternoon, the Division Commander and his entourage arrived in the hamlet Banaran visiting Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Col. Simatupang. In addition to members of the group Bambang Sugeng, Dlm the meeting attended also Mr. M. Ali Budiardjo, who later became law Simatupang. Simatupang at the time requested to coordinate overseas news via radio transmitters in the Air Force and in Wiladek Playen, which is handled by the Coordinator of the Central Government. After Simatupang approve the plan grand design, the Division Commander immediately issued a secret instruction which is addressed to Commander Colonel Wehrkreise I Bachrun, which will be delivered solely by Kol. Sarbini. Brigade IX under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Achmad Yani, ordered to carry out ambushes against the Dutch aid from Magelang to Yogyakarta. February 19, 1949, the Division Commander and his entourage went on, which is always done at night and rest during the day, to avoid the Dutch patrol. Signposts are also always changing in every village. From Banaran group headed Wehrkreise region III through the mountains Menoreh to deliver orders to Commander Lt. Col. Wehrkreis III. Suharto. Bambang Sugeng and his entourage stopped at the Compassionate, the residence-law Bambang Sugeng and still had time to swim in the lake which is near the Compassionate [Description of Bambang Purnomo, the younger brother of late. Bambang Sugeng, who now lives in Waterford]. Meeting with Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto took place in Brosot, near Wates. Initially, the meeting will be conducted in outbid the school building, but for fear that has been leaked, the meetings were held in Dlm a hut in the middle of rice fields. Dlm attend the meeting of five people, the Commander of Division III / III Military Governor Col. Bambang Sugeng, Territorial Officer Lieutenant Colonel. dr. Wiliater Hutagalung Amron and his aide Lt. Tanjung, Commander Wehrkreise III / X Brigade Lieutenant Colonel. Suharto and his aide. Suharto was given the order to conduct an attack between February 25 and March 1, 1949. The certainty of a new date can be determined later, after coordination and readiness of all relevant parties, among others, with Kol. Wiyono of Pepolit Ministry of Defence. After all the preparation, and then it was decided [the decision taken on 24 or February 25], that the attack would be launched on March 1st, 1949, at 06. 00 am. Instruction immediately forwarded to all parties related. The highlight of the attack carried out by a general attack against the city of Yogyakarta [the state capital] on March 1, 1949, under the command of Lt. Col. Suharto, commander of Brigade 10 area Wehrkreise III, after prior approval from the Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Head of Special Region Yogyakarta.Tanggal March 1, 1949, in the morning, a massive attack that simultaneously carried out in all regions of Division III / GM III begins, the focus of attack is the capital of the Republic, Yogyakarta, as well as massive koar by Brigade X which is reinforced with a Battalion of Brigade IX, while the attack on the Dutch defense in Magelang and blocking the path [[Magelta towns around Yogyakarta, especially Magelang, according Instruction Secret which was issued by the Chief of the Division III / GM III Col. Bambang Sugeng told Commander Wehrkreis I, Lt. Col. Bahrun & Commander Lt. Col. Sarbini Wehrkreis II. At the same time it attacks also done in the area of Division II / GM II, with the focus of the attack is the city of Solo, in order to bind the Dutch soldiers in battle so as not to be able to deliver aid to Yogyakarta.'s Command post stationed in the village of Muto. On the evening before the general strike, the troops had been edging closer to a small town and in quantities ranging infiltrated to within the city. Early morning at around 06. 00, when the sirens sounded immediately launched an attack to all corners of the city. In this attack Lieutenant Colonel Suharto directly commanding troops from the west to the border sector Malioboro. East sector led Ventje Sumual, south and east sector chaired Mayor Sardjono, the northern sector by Major Kusno. As for the sector of the city itself appointed Lieutenant and Lieutenant Amir Murtono Masduki as leader. TNI managed to occupy the city of Yogyakarta for 6 hours. 12. At exactly 00 noon, as it has been determined previously, the entire advancing TNI retreat attacks against the city of Solo, which is also done on a large scale, can withstand the Netherlands in Solo so can not send help from Solo to Yogyakarta, which is being attacked by large- -Yogyakarta magnitude that done by the Brigade IX, can only slow down the movement of reinforcements Netherlands from Magelang to Yogyakarta. Dutch soldiers from Magelang can break through obstacles guerrillas Republic, and arrive in Yogyakarta at about 11. 00. On March 1, 1949, in the morning, a massive attack that simultaneously carried out in all regions of Division III / GM III begins, the focus of attack is the capital of the Republic, Yogyakarta, and koar scale by Brigade X which is reinforced with a Battalion of Brigade IX, while the attack on the Dutch defense in Magelang and blocking the path [[Magelta towns around Yogyakarta, especially Magelang, according Instruction Secrets which issued by the Chief of the Division III / GM III Commander Col. Bambang Sugeng to Wehrkreis I, Lt. Col. Bahrun & Commander Lt. Col. Sarbini Wehrkreis II. At the same time it attacks also done in the area of Division II / GM II, with the focus of the attack is the city of Solo, in order to bind the Dutch soldiers in battle so as not to be able to deliver aid to Yogyakarta. Command post stationed in the village of Muto. On the evening before the general strike, the troops had been edging closer to a small town and in quantities ranging infiltrated to within the city. Early morning at around 06. 00, when the sirens sounded immediately launched an attack to all corners of the city. In this attack Lieutenant Colonel Suharto directly commanding troops from the west to the border sector Malioboro.Sektor led Ventje Sumual East, south and east sector chaired Mayor Sardjono, the northern sector by Major Kusno. As for the sector of the city itself appointed Lieutenant and Lieutenant Amir Murtono Masduki as leader. TNI managed to occupy the city of Yogyakarta for 6 hours. 12. At exactly 00 noon, as it has been determined previously, the entire advancing TNI retreat attacks against the city of Solo, which is also done on a large scale, can withstand the Netherlands in Solo so can not send help from Solo to Yogyakarta, which is being attacked by large- -Yogyakarta magnitude that done by the Brigade IX, can only slow down the movement of reinforcements Netherlands from Magelang to Yogyakarta. Dutch soldiers from Magelang can break through obstacles guerrillas Republic, and arrive in Yogyakarta at about 11. 00

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